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Fix for Militia and Quickstarts


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This modified GalaxyScenarioDef file gives players back their starting structures and converts the militia to approximately equivalent SOGE ships.




Note for Eville and other modders: Although most structures have been added to the PlanetItemType list, most ships have not. If you want to change the militia to other ship types you'll have to add them to the PlanetItemType list, or change an existing list entry.

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  • 2 months later...

Nice work, this solves two problems and is a little more elegant than my own solution (I just replaced the militias w/ SOGE ships, you can see it at http://warlords.swrebellion.com/mantis/view.php?id=345).


First, it solves the problem of how slow the game is at the start (damn, does it ever take a while to save up for a Star Destroyer). Second, it keeps players (even AI) from spreading out too quickly, since you can't just take over a system.


A couple of other developmental ideas I worked into my version that are interesting additions - first, I made the locals more powerful than you did (I gave them Munificent Star Frigates and even a Victory Star Destroyer or two at the big planets). This is quite effective at preventing people from conquering half the system before they even bother to build a cap ship (which I had previously found to be an easy and effective tactic).


It's not part of the galaxy definition file, but I also made the culture spell give you appreciable antimatter regen, and a damage bonus. This makes offensive movements into enemy territory much more difficult, really making you come up with a solid push before you head in.


Thanks for the file - I plan to fold it into my own modded galaxy definition file.


PS - I'm new to this forum, so I have no idea how people exchange ideas or come up w/ formal contributions to any of the modded files, so if I sound like an ass clown it's because I'm a nub.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
There isn't yet a process, but I want it to start rolling such fixes in Subversion.


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