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EDATA folder contains bitmaps


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in case you were wondering where the "big" encyclopedia pics are in the game files, they are stored in that Edata folder.


The pictures are bmps, they are all 400x200 pixels big and have the same palette as the RebEd cards.

Here's a list that tells you about where the different areas start and end.


Facilities : 1 - 8


Planetary defense : 9 - 14


Troops : 15 - 24


SpecForces : 25 - 32


"Lengendary Bounty Hunters" : 33


Fighters : 34 - 41


Capital ships : 42 - 71


Major chars Alliance : 72 - 75


Major chars Empire : 76 - 77


Minor chars Alliance : 78 - 103


Minor chars Empire : 104 - 131


Alliance fleet : 132


Imperial fleet : 133


Mission types : 134 - 164


Planets : 166 - 191


Luke Jedi : 192




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  • 3 months later...

Hey, Mask!


Just saw this thread, and I had a couple questions:

  • *How is this different from replacing cards and/or images of ships, characters, defenses, etc. with Rebed? I really see this as a means to replace the fleet/mission/planets pictures, only. Am I mistaken? Or can this be used as another means of replacing the tactical pics for fighters?
    *Is the "Legendary Bounty Hunters" the same as the bounty hunters pic seen whenever a Han Solo event is triggered, or is this the "programmers were too lazy to incorporate their usage into the game" Legandary Bounty Hunters? :D
    *If the latter, where are the pics for things like the Luke, Han & Leia events?
    *Is there a way to extract the current file for viewing before replacing it with a new one?
    *Is there a way to extract the fmv sequences for viewing? (I seem to remember that being the subject of a thread awhile ago...I'll have to dig that one up, but I thought I'd mention it while I was thinking about it. Come to think of it, that's part of y'alls "Rebellion Reloaded", isn't it?)


Okay...I think that's it. Any clarification you could give would be appreciated. And thanks for all your hard work to date. Truly awe inspiring how much you've figured out.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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Hey, Mask!

Well, I'm not Mask, but I can help you. :wink:


*How is this different from replacing cards and/or images of ships, characters, defenses, etc. with Rebed? I really see this as a means to replace the fleet/mission/planets pictures, only. Am I mistaken? Or can this be used as another means of replacing the tactical pics for fighters?

The files in the edata folder: EDATA.001 EDATA.002, etc. Are images. They are automatically replaced when you use RebEd. They contain only the images that appear in the in-game encyclopedia. There's no other use for it.


*Is the "Legendary Bounty Hunters" the same as the bounty hunters pic seen whenever a Han Solo event is triggered, or is this the "programmers were too lazy to incorporate their usage into the game" Legandary Bounty Hunters? :D

*If the latter, where are the pics for things like the Luke, Han & Leia events?

No, the Legendary Bounty Hunter that you can find in the EDATA folder is the one that appears in the encyclopedia when you look up Bounty Hunters. The event pics for Luke, Han & Leia are stored in the Strategy.DLL. Use Resource Hacker for viewing and extracting them.


*Is there a way to extract the current file for viewing before replacing it with a new one?

If you have a program like ACDSEE you can use it to view the images in the folder. If not well you can always open them in Paint. :wink:


*Is there a way to extract the fmv sequences for viewing? (I seem to remember that being the subject of a thread awhile ago...I'll have to dig that one up, but I thought I'd mention it while I was thinking about it. Come to think of it, that's part of y'alls "Rebellion Reloaded", isn't it?)

Hmmm... I don't think I can help in the one... What's a fmv sequence???

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Thanks Trej! Believe me, I'm not one ot turn down help. I just figured Mask would be the only one to really answer this one. Your guidance is much appreciated!


You answered my questions (or verified my assumptions), for the most part. I'm currently a fan of using Irfanview, so I shouldn't have a problem viewing the .bmp's. I just thought I should ask before attempting it.


FMV is "Full-Motion Video". I was referring to the videos like the Death Star Trench Run, the invasion of Coruscant, etc.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another question:

You know the picture that comes up whenever a unit/starfighter is deployed to a capital ship? The one that, for the Rebels, looks like an adjusted picture of the Home 1 docking bay? Where is that picture located for both the Rebels and the Imperials? Or is that the "Alliance Fleet :132" & "Imperial Fleet: 133" entries noted by Mask?

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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Sorry, I didn't see this thread :lol:


Now that my site is back up again, like so many times before :roll: , you can download the Smacker 3.0 file. That's the program, that let's you not only view the movies in the MDATA folder, but also let you encode new ones :D

I included a readme file with the filenames and what movies they represent. The others, I think MDATA.300 upwards are music files in the .wav format.


The hangar bay pics ? Download the updated DllEntries pic from my site and extract it into your RebEd folder. In RebEd search the at the bottom of the DLL Entries window. Both versions should be there somewhere.




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Sorry, I didn't see this thread :lol:


Now that my site is back up again, like so many times before :roll: , you can download the Smacker 3.0 file. That's the program, that let's you not only view the movies in the MDATA folder, but also let you encode new ones :D

I included a readme file with the filenames and what movies they represent. The others, I think MDATA.300 upwards are music files in the .wav format.


Hmm...yet another project to get myself into. Just so you know, Mask, my wife may end up hating you for pointing this out to me. :D


The hangar bay pics ? Download the updated DllEntries pic from my site and extract it into your RebEd folder. In RebEd search the at the bottom of the DLL Entries window. Both versions should be there somewhere.


Found 'em. Thanks again, Mask! (Man, I'm saying that a lot recently, aren't I? :wink: You're a gentleman and a scholar, my friend.) Hmm...about the only image I see missing from the new DllEntries in RebEd is the one for the Alliance Headquarters when it arrives at a new location. Other than that, I'm pretty sure they're all there.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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