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Missing .big files


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Hi! I crash at 'Universe' as well, and have done everything it says on the help page. However, I have noticed the following:


The target line says:

"C:\Program Files\Sierra\Homeworld2 - SW Warlords\Bin\Release\Homeworld2.exe" -w 1440 -h 900 -mod Planetpack.Big,SWSOUND.BigSWMUSIC.Big,GENHODS.Big,PLATHODS.Big,IMPHODS.Big,REBHODS.Big,PIRHODS.Big,CORE.Big -luatrace -hardwareCursor


However, I do not have the following big files

- Plathods

- Imphods

- rebhods

- pirhods


and I have the following files that are not mentioned in the target line:

- oldships

- shiphods


Do I need to get the missing .big files or does the target line need updating?


Also, I am running on Vista, will this make any difference?

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

target line shoudl look like


C:\Homeworld2\Bin\Release\Homeworld2.exe -mod PLANETPACK.Big,SWSOUND.Big,SWMUSIC.Big,GENHODS.Big,SHIPHODS.Big,CORE.Big,OLDSHIPS.Big -overrideBigFile -luatrace -hardwareCursor

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