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Custom Fleet Editor


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I was going over old posts and saw EvilleJedi talking about an app he used to have that allowed the creation of custom fleets (even tweaking stats and allowing naming). You said you couldn't find it at the time, I was curious if you ever stumbled across it after that? You see, there pretty much doesn't exist a decent Star Wars strategy game, so what I do when I play with my brother is mod Rebellion (to change the shiplist and balance resource costs) then "act out" the battle in Warlords. It's a wonderful system, except for the slight confusion behind characters being on specific ships, etc , you can imagine. Anyway, if this app is available it would immensely streamline the process :)
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Well, Rebellion sucks like a black hole. I didn't figure any amount of modding could salvage that steaming pile of crap LucasArts overcharged us for. But, I will take a look at it since you suggested it. If you were associated with it I'm sure it can't be too bad :)


-edit (a few minutes later)

yeaaaah. No offense, EJ, but uh... Rebellion just sucks. No way around it. My method much better.  :)

Edited by harvey032186
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
I believe the starting fleets code is already there - Eville provides that with Warlords. But for stats and naming, I'm not sure. Maybe he's talking about the EvR project?


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Yeah the fleets aren't a problem, just give unlimited resources and buy the stuff in your fleet and away you go, we got a system for that. In rebellion characters are on specific ships though, so it'd be convenient to have a simple editor to throw the ships out there and name'em, or at least the "key" ships, to cut down on confusion after the battle. Anyway, no biggie, I was just wondering if you (EJ) had stumbled across. Kudos.
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