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Does anyone know (looks at Eville :P) which parameter in .SHIP files controls the collision distances of capital ships?


I've been playing around with weapons and engagement parameters for the last couple of days and noted that most capital ships 'collide' when they are still some distance from one another. Star Destroyers and Mon Cals are big perpetrators of this.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

collision distance is simply determined by a bounding box around the ships that is the size of the ships extents in each direction (so an isd is a box 1600m x 900m x 500m)


unfortunately homeworld 2 does not allow for physical collision meshes that are other shapes than boxes

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
you can reduce the increase the size that other ships see it as and it uses for movement, however the actual extents cannot be reduced unless you want to have explosions from weapon effects hidden in the hull (ugh)
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  • 3 months later...
i think that would be possible, but you would have to make each box its own system, or worse, its own ship, making up the whole thing. i think it would be a lot more trouble than its worth. i do have to say though, that with the suicidal ai, it would be best to have undersized hitboxes than oversized ones
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