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Tools and Yuuzhan Vong


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Where can I downlad tools to modify Warlords ? ( Map editor, tools to open .big files, mod editor ...)


I want to try to make new ships, I've downloaded some model packs, I will be pleased to "program" their weapons and characteristics if i can master these tools ... (and if evillejedi wants some help ...)


My knowledge of Yuuzhan Vong ships is good, I also know all the "official" names and armament, i think I can "build" the armamennt of all the Ships in the model pack ... if i have tools !


P.S : I'm french, my english may be ... odd. Please don't laugh.

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Can't get any working tool ... I don't understand how to install the mod tools, and the map editors are for "classic" HW 2, not for Warlords, so i can't even make scenarios.


I'm disappointed, i would have been happy to help the Warlords team, moreover I have a lot of free time and knowledge of the star wars universe, especially NJO.


I wait for a new release of Warlords ... Will the vong be back ? (i hope they'll be back)

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Please give me a link to download them ...


I have searched with google and yahoo, but when i wanted to downloads these tools, AOL and Explorer say "web site not responding" for the two latter, and the only link i have found for unfunf .big extractor does not allow me to download, it shows me advertising for cosmetics and anti-aging products


I'm 17, I don't need anti-aging treatment, I prefer tools for editing !


sorry to bother you ... I've already concepted the armament of the vong ships, all that I need are these tools ...

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  • SWR Staff - Executive



(evaders pointed you here for a reason) is the primary forum for homeworld 2 modding, and probably the only source for stuff (use the search, read before asking questions and I do mean read even if it is 70 pages, yes it is disorganized, but no one will gift you information magically through a port in the back of your head, this isn't the matrix)






unfbig I think



anything that I will be importing into warlords will be using the official tools through maya however for performance reasons. so it's best to diagram things out and provide the source files.

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