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  • SWR Staff - Executive

pretty much a discussion topic for vong related issues


1. how should the vong death explosions be handled? massive fireballs don't seem like the right answer, I was thinking debris and blood :-P


2. voices, I need some idea what the vong interface voices should be changed to (I was thinking zerg)


3. production, I have one partially finished shipyard but its like the destroyer yard, how should coral skippers be made?


any other issues?



the current shiplist for the vong will be


probe of some sort

dovin basil mine

grutchin resourcer

some resource controller vessel

coral skipper

elite coral skipper

coral skipper gunship

blast boulder

gunship analogue


transport analogue

frigate analogue

heavy frigate analogue

matalok destroyer analogue


pearly red cruiser

clustership (carrier)

spawnship (destroyer yard)


world ship without arms

world ship with arms

the two platfom ships seen in the egtvv



any others?

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pretty much a discussion topic for vong related issues


1. how should the vong death explosions be handled? massive fireballs don't seem like the right answer, I was thinking debris and blood :-P


sounds like interesting way, perhaps watch some b5 and she what happens to shadows when they are poped by vorlons


2. voices, I need some idea what the vong interface voices should be changed to (I was thinking zerg)


hmm not to sue about the zurg, what about that strange alien race from nexus


im not such a expert on NJO stuff so i can really comment on the ship list, looks good so far

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Some kind of gutteral voice...Zerg seems too...insect


Regarding Skip production, all Vong ships are grown, so some kind of growing facility would be best. I've read the NJO books, and the Skips were usually grown planetside. So I guess it's up to you, EJ. As far as the ships go, seems pretty good to me.


Regarding ship deaths, I don't think blood would be accurate (cool nonetheless). Most description of Vong ship deaths was of chunks of coral being superheated by turbolasers. Fireball explosions wouldn't work, but the smaller, isolated explosions i think would be fine. The kind of explosions that some CIS ships have, where they blow up and chucks of metal just fly off everywhere.


And also, I think you're missing the Vong SSD analogue, called the Kor Chokk (heres a picture http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/3/37/KorChokk.jpg)

Edited by chrlsthgreat
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Clarification on Vong ship names:


-the worldship with arms is reffered to as a  Koros-strohna Worldship

-the gunship should be reffered to as a Uumufalah Gunship

-the frigate analogues are called  Chuun M'arh Frigates 

-as for the Vong carrier, the clustership as you named it, the Vong term is A-Uek Iiluunu Fighter Carrier

-Vong destroyer yards are called Sh'rip Sh'pa Spawnship

-Battleships: There are 2 kinds

                      Uro-Ik Glu'ta, which is the equivalent of an Imperator I Star Destroyer

                      Uro-Ik V'alh, which is the equivalent to an Imperator II Star Destroyer

-Transport analogues are called Yorik-trema Transports

-As for the Kor Chokk, I guess we could use the name for the red pearly cruiser, but I don't think it is. There was no real definite shpe for them, since they grew after each battle, and dying ships would latch onto it, creating a huge ship with no real design.

The Vong did not have probes, to my knowledge, but they did have something called a  Yorik-Stronha Spy Ship, which was pretty fast and had a cloaking device, but had no weapons though.

Edited by chrlsthgreat
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Curious as to the source of all those names


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instead of the Zerg....what about the Protoss? They use words like 'executor' and they talk about dying for this and that. Only problem is (from memory) most of it refers to their homeworld.


Another solution might be to write some script lines and then get some volunteers to record it in a 'gutteral' fashion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. how should the vong death explosions be handled? massive fireballs don't seem like the right answer, I was thinking debris and blood :-P


How about pieces flying around and sticking to other units to damage them "for the last time in their livfe" ? :P

Immagine a swarm of a choral skippers shot down, but still going towards your units to stick to them :D LOL ... ok, maybe that was a stupid idea :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Units :


- Grutchin resourcer : It is coral skipper. Launches grutchins on enemy caps ou fighters (as seen over Helska IV and Bilbringi)


- Coral skipper "standard" : already done in 0.45, well modelized and effective enough. Don't need changes.


- Elite coral skipper : Used by Shimmra's Slayers. 3 coralskipper melted into a bigger spacecraft. Well armed, fast and can do hyperspace jumps.


- Assault cruisers : Yorik-Vec and Yorik Akaga. Yorik Akaga may be more powerful, as it appears near the end of YV war (in The Unifying Force novel, on Dac and Corulag)


                            the Yorik Vec is 30m long, has 2 light volcano guns and a quad volcano turret.

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- Probe : Yorik-Stronha Spy ship. Manufactured to look like an asteroïd. 228 meters long, 10 volcano cannons.

                  One yorik-stronha, the "Stalking Moon" has been captured by a jedi team led by Anakin Solo near Yag'dhul


- Gunship :  Uumufalh Gunship, seen at the battle of Duro. 615 meters long, 40 medium plasma launchers. No anti-starfighter weapons, no coralskippers.


- Frigate : The miid-kas (0.45). I did not know this class before playing it.  Invention of EvilleJedi ? perhaps. But keep it, it's a well made cap (like all Warlords caps ... Thanks to Warlord team)


- Corvette : Ifril Ma Nat corvette. 315 meters, 20 volcano cannons or light plasma launchers, to counter starfighters and corvettes.


- Transport : Yorik Trema. 48m, 2 volcano cannons. Can board enemy capital ships.


- Heavy Frigate : Chuun M'arh Frigate. 440 meters long, 30 medium and light plasma launchers. Resistant, with more firepower than classic frigates. no skips


- Warship/ Destroyer Analog : the Miid Ro'ik. 1600 meters long, 60 medium and heavy plasma launchers. As resistant as an ISD, firepower less important (between MC 80 and ISD I)

  can carry 72 coralskippers

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- Matalok : 1250 meters long. 50 light, medium and Heavy plasma launchers. MC 80 analog.


- Medium cruiser : Suuv ban d'krid. 740 meters, 40 plasma launchers (unknown type). 36 coral skippers.


- Vua'spar interdictor (like tsavong lah's Sunulok). 915 meters long. weak firepower. 20 medium plasma launchers, 1 heavy. 36 skips.

                      2 cones with powerful basal dovin (for interdiction) emerging from the ship's core.


- Spawn ship : used in YV convoys to carry some fret or soldiers. 40 medium plasma launchers (!), 810 meters. No skips. Can be used as the mobile refinery in Warlords.


- A uek Liluunu carrier. 800 meters, 20 plasma launchers (unknown type). Look like a bee hive. Although "bees" are the ship's 144 coral skippers ...


- Uro-ik V'alh : 2240m. 80 heavy plasma launchers. May have medium or small launcher. Good Basal Dovin shielding. Battleship. Average ship complement : 96 skips (8 squadrons). Sorry christhgreat, it's more a mediator or an allegiance than a "standard" ISD. The Uro-ik gluta has weaker weaponry, it's a command ship who house a yammosk.


- Kor Chokk Grand cruiser : 8100 meters. 120 heavy launchers, many medium an light weapons. 216 coral skippers.


- Koros Stronha Worldship : diameter 10km. Weapons of all types placed sporadically. Should act as "mothership" in Warlords, equivalent of X9/ X11 space stations, with a light weaponry.

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