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Well im sure what some of you are wondering is what this all about, some of you may have a idea, some years ago a man going by the name of Bern on the gaming union boards started a java based game based on a java app. This game was a turn based game that allowed people who enjoyed playing zeelich's old Star wars new rebellion mod to play a much largest scale conquest game, in some ways perhaps like total war just on a much slower basis. In turn once the game began to die out GCO/galactic conquest online was formed (by me). Sadly again the game is dying out, using a older far more beta version of the warlords mod (0.45) with many bugs that sadly havent been fixed. Change is a good thing so thanks to eville hosting the game here we are.


What is the goal of this game?


Well to create a true star wars campaign, something that all star wars fan and strategy fans alike will enjoy (or i hope) however at the moment i am in the planning stage of how to translate and balance the 0.5 mod for this purpose. What i really need is help testing the ships in the mod and basically create a shiplist and style of game that appeals to everyone (so something easy hey ;) )


mt first task is try and assign roles to all ships i plan to currently use, below i shall post a ship list for the empire and republic forces which is a more a beta list and then the suggest role eville provided me with (thanks dude). After that im hoping to start discussion in which way to move forward with the game, my originally thoughts on hyperspeed will be based on canon speeds i have found via westwood games and other sources.






Tie Fighter

Tie Interceptor

Tie Bomber

Tie Sentinel

Assault Gunboat

Missile Boat

Tie Avenger

Tie Defender

Tie Phantom




Skipray Blastboat

Lambda Shuttle

Escourt Shuttle

DX-9 Transport

Assault shuttle

Escourt Shuttle

System Patrol Craft

Corellian Gunship

Corellian Corvette

Corellian Heavy Corvette

Broadside Frigate

Guardian Light Cruiser

PB-950 Patrol Craft




Lancer Frigate

Nebulon B2 Frigate

Nebulon B Frigate

Tartan Patrol Cruiser

Carrack Cruiser

Loronar Strike Cruiser

Escout Carrier


Enforcer Cruiser

Immobilizer 416 Cruiser

Star Galleon

Pursuit Light Frigate




Venator Destroyer

Imperator Destroyer

Imperator Destroyer Mk2

Invincible Dreadnought

Victory Destroyer

Victory Destroyer Mk2

Allegiance Star Destroyer

Dominator Star Destroyer




Executor SuperStarDestroyer

Eclipse SuperStarDestroyer

Death Star II? (this would really depend on testing, atm i need to upgrade my rig which i will be doing shortly however my poor geforce 6600 can only take so much ;) )







Z-95 headhunter

Long Probe Y-wing







R-4 starchaser

k-wing (if it can be ported over)




Skipray Blastboat

Lambda Shuttle

Escourt Shuttle

Assault Transport

Escourt Shuttle

Corellian Gunship

Corellian Heavy Gunship

Corellian Corvette

Corellian Heavy Corvette

Marauder Corvette

Corellian Heavy Gunship

Galofree Transport

Action VI Transport




CC-9600 Frigate

Nebulon-B Frigate


Bulk Cruiser

Assault Frigate

CC-7700 Frigate





MC-80- Miria

MC-80 Liberty

Independence Cruiser

Endurance Fleet Carrier

Republic Star Destroyer

Bothan Assault Cruiser

Dauntless Cruiser

MC-90 Heavy Cruiser Defiance

Rejuvenator Star Destroyer




Viscount Star Defender

Bulwark Battle Cruiser




XQ-1 platform

Golan I

Golan II

Golan III


On a side not in this type of game i think custom death models would have to be edited out o the ship files to help with online performance.


Ship roles basics


interceptor: z-95, a wing, tie int, tie advanced

bomber: ywing, tie bomber, bwing

space superiority: xwing, tie defender

assault craft: assault transport, skipray, storm trooper transport

picket: system patrol craft, guardian cruiser

gunship: corellian gunship etc

corvette: any fast ship that is lightly armed


frigate: any vessel that primarily acts as a screening vessel

monitor: any ship that has a few very big guns and nothing else

cruiser: well rounded ships that trade armor for speed

destroyer: any vessel that is primarily tasked with chasing down and destroying another class

battleship: any vessel that is armed with multiple tiers of weaponry and heavy shielding/armor

carrier: any vessel that primary armemanet is its bombers/fighters

Transport: light armor, average speed, minimal weaponry plenty of storage space for troops

Supply ship: light armor, average speed, minimal weaponry plenty of storage space for additional fleet supplies.


Now mining will also be a option however before (when i see what interest is like i will go into more detail), anyways any questions please fire away or if you willing or able to help please post away :D


ps. sadly i cant change the app itself as the created wont release the source code (which is fair do's).

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Long time no see, good to see your still kicking and glad to see you wanting to join us, i dont know at this point if the GTU will have a special ship list in the first campaign however i maybe be able to do that. Currently the only other shiplist i plan on adding is a pirate one.


Your think you've been playing it long, i think i must have payed the game in its different forms for like 9 years or something stupid


Also for the first campaign i am unsure as to if it will just be Imperial vs republic game or with lots of small factions, i guess it will more depend on how many people take interest.




atm moment is seeing if we can get the server running on his space then we can look at sorting out a actual campaign.

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EVR (Empire Vs Republic) Strategic Simulation

Operator's Manual




I just want to say thank you because you are giving this application a chance.  Bern has put a lot of time into this game, and he hopes that it will be as fun to play as it was to build.   




EVR is an application written in Java that allows users to participate in a campaign set in the Star Wars Universe.  Users can use EVR to give orders to forces, buy new forces, and basically do all things necessary to play a strategy game.  The actual game is a multi-turn war that takes place in the entire map shown by the app.


EVR is downloaded to your computer but needs to be connected to the Internet in order to work.  This is because there is a database of all the users and forces on a server on the Internet.  The EVR app communicates with the server through simple HTTP Posts and Gets.


The ‘Servers’ are not really servers but can be considered so for our purposes.  As of this moment, EVR uses any one of two different servers.  It uses two because prior history has shown that websites go down and EVR needed backup plans just incase that happened.  At any one time, however, only ONE server will be being used and that is the official version of the EVR database.  The other servers will most likely be down or will have old information. 




Unless you specify a faction (side) to join, you will be started out on your own with a planet and a small amount of money (called VPs) to start off with.  Factions have a max membership, so you will most likely need permission from the faction leader to join.  Factions can be seen on the ‘factions’ area on the EVR website.


Once you have joined, you need to install EVR so you can access the game.




You have ONE chance to be a team player and be in a faction.  If you cant do that or don’t want to you will be on your own.  Once you have been a member of a faction, and you decide to go out on your own, you are on your own for the rest of the game.  No exceptions.  What I am trying to prevent here is people playing musical factions, jumping from one to another, supplying information and such, and just plain old defection.  Also you can only become a faction with another member if you are both the same shipset (Imperial, Republic, Rebellious, or Imperious).




EVR has created a community of people that really get into what they are doing.  As a result sometimes people will do anything to win.  So here are the ABSOLUTE no-no’s you need to follow as a player or you wont be a member for long.


- You are only authorized to have one account playing this game.  If I find out you are cheating by being two members, you will be banned from the sim.

- Do not report any information that is confidential in your faction to anyone outside the faction, even to the GM.  It establishes a bad habit of talking when you shouldn’t and could lead to leaks.  So especially watch out in IRC chat rooms or on the forum.  I’ve seen people giving away too much information not realizing who was listening.

- Doing the above by mistake is bad enough, but on purpose, i.e. CHEATING, SPYING, etc is grounds for immediate expulsion from the sim.  Any form of this:  sending fleet reports, screen shots of your forces, anything.

- Don’t try to get around rules.  I don’t want people defecting to other factions.  So if you get bothered with your faction then quit the faction.  If you decide to quit the game, then just quit.  Do not transfer all your stuff by scuttling stuff and then transferring it to buddies.  VP transfers are only allowed because it is a necessity.  It is not a way to get around the rules.  Also if I see strange stuff like all you do is make your VPs and transfer them to some other player, I will put a stop to that.  Players of this game put too much time into it to get disadvantages by cheating stuff like that. 

- If you are in a faction, play like it.  Do what the faction leader tells you to do.  You are acting in the role of a military officer, so act like it.

- Keep the verbal insults to a minimum.  We all get excited sometimes and we all don’t like to lose but lets keep this tame.

- Like I mentioned before, you have one chance to be a team player.  I am purposefully keeping players forces separate so that if you do decide to leave you will take what you own with you.  But once you leave a faction you are stuck on your own.

- I am not going to put down every bad thing that you shouldn’t do.  You are all adults or near adults so if you know that something you are doing is SNEAKY and probably isn’t something I would want you to do, then DON’T do it.

- I don’t want to make it seem like I am preaching, but pretty much every member of EVR knows that these ground rules needed to be established CLEARLY and EARLY.





Installation is very simple.


Download the evr2.zip off of the website and extract it to your hard drive.


The second part of the installation is to download the Java Runtime Environment.  Without this, you will not be able to run EVR.  If you already have it on your machine, great!  If not, go download the jre to get it.  Make sure you get the US English version.  Install it to the default location and voila, you're ready to play.




NOTE:  You must be connected to the internet to play EVR.


Once successfully installed, all you have to do is run the evr.bat file, through clicking on it in Windows Explorer, or by a shortcut to the file.  Once started, a command window will show up.  That is basically the error log, and if anything goes wrong (nothing should, of course), looking here and including any error message there in an email to me will help out substantially in me fixing whatever bug it is.




If EVR is running properly, you should see a Login Screen pop up.  Enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD and select the SERVER you want to access.  You should always look on the website to see which server we are playing on, because if you don’t you might be messing around in the wrong version of the game and your changes won’t take effect in the real game.


After hitting the LOGIN button, the app will try to get all the information it needs from the server.  If you look at the command window, you can see its progress.


After all information is collected the app will switch to the Strategic Display where all the good stuff happens.






The main EVR screen is this one.  On it you can see the Strategic Map and a listing off all forces you can see on the left side.  Also along the bottom is a status field where information will be put at different times.  You should look to it immediately upon entering for the MOTD (Message of the Day).  This message is useful in telling you if you have entered the wrong version of the game or pretty much any information that I wish to pass along to the sim as a whole.




Along the left side of the main display is the Unit Tree.  Here, you can see all VISIBLE fleets.  As you can see, these three types of forces correspond to the three main folders under the FLEET node.  (For future reference, a node is any piece of the tree:  folder, fleet, ship, etc). 




Similar to Windows Explorer, you can click a second time on a selected ship or fleet to change its name.  You can also select the ship or fleet and press F2.  Only changes to units YOU own will take effect.  Only Fleets and Capital Ships can be given names.  Fighter names will be discarded upon exiting the app.




By right clicking on a selected fleet, the FLEET DISPLAY will appear.




You can move ships and fighters between fleets, on or off ships.  There are some restrictions:


- The giver and receiver have to be in the same square

- Neither can be in hyperspace at the time

- Certain units like Planets and Structures can’t be moved

- Can’t be a reinforcement fleet

- Can’t be a fighter craft in a fleet that is adrift


To actually transfer the ships, simply select or multi select ships (using shift click or control click) and then drag with the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON.  You will either see a transparent box with the unit type being dragged (if only one is being dragged) or you will see the cursor change to a hand symbol.  Either way you know it’s working.  Simply release the mouse over the ship or fleet you are moving the units to and they will be immediately transferred.






The Menu Bar gives easy access to some of the games more common functions and allows you to bring up the different displays. 




The biggest and most important part of the app is the strategic map.  Here you can see the actual locations of all VISIBLE units in the game (corresponding to the stuff in the unit tree).  The map covers an area of space.  There are a number of cool things you can do here:




There are 3 ways to zoom in and out on the map:


- You can zoom by either pressing the ‘z’ key to zoom IN or Shift-‘z’ to zoom OUT.

- Through the menu under the MAP submenu.

- By dragging a box using the LEFT mouse button on the map.  The map will zoom to show the boxed area.

- Pressing ESC when the map has focus will zoom out all the way.


While zoomed you can see the magnification you are currently in at the top right of the map. 


You can also see the grid location of the point your mouse is over on the top left of the map.




You can move around the map by using the arrow buttons.




To select a fleet simply LEFT click on it.  If there is more than one fleet in that square you can continue to left click and the app will cycle through all the fleets there.


Some keystrokes can also help you out:


n - next fleet of any allegiance

f - next friendly fleet

e - next enemy fleet

y - next fleet you own





Similar to the Unit Tree, you can right click on a fleet to bring up the FLEET DISPLAY for that fleet.




If you have one of your fleets selected, you can give the fleet movement orders by hitting the ‘F1’ key.  If the fleet is currently in PATROL, its orders will change to HYPERSPACE (It is not in hyperspace yet, but will be when the turn ends).  If currently at hyperspeed 0 (PATROL) its speed will default change to its maximum hyperspeed.  If its speed has been set to something above 0 (through the FLEET DISPLAY) then it will keep that speed.


To actually tell it where to go, you will notice a little red circle following your mouse around.  This shows the destination and the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival, in turns) for the fleet to get to that destination.  By clicking on the map, the location will be put in as the destination for the fleet.  You can right click on the map to clear yourself from movement mode.


At the end of the turn, the fleet will enter hyperspace and move at the set speed to get to that destination.





Planets, Stars, and Resource Fields are the terrain in EVR. 


Planets will pull out all fleets that enter its square on the map

Resource Fields pull out all fleets that enter its square on the map

Stars will pull out all fleets that come within 1 square of the star

Stars will destroy any fleet that goes into the same square as the star.


Planets, Stars and Resource Fields have effects on detection, also (See DETECTION later on in this file).




There are several different ORDERS that can be given to a fleet.  A fleet can only have one set of ORDERS at a time.




This is the default order for a planet and the fleet that contains it.  A planetary fleet cannot be changed from PLANET orders.




This is the default orders for a fleet and basically means it is sitting there within the current square patrolling at subspace speeds.


Patrol mode can also be used for 1 square movement that is not affected by grav-wells.  Movement orders are given just like as in HYPERSPACE just the fleet moves at 1 square per turn.




This is the only orders type that allows movement around the map.  A Fleet will enter hyperspace and cannot be taken out of hyperspace by you until it reaches its destination.  Several other things can pull a fleet out of hyperspace:


- The fleet runs into a gravwell (either a planet, a star, or a gravwell capable ship set in INTERDICTION mode).

- The fleet runs out of supplies

- The fleet runs out of support range (this is for fighters)


While in hyperspace a fleet cannot detect other fleets, cannot be detected, and cannot interact with other fleets.  So be careful how far you order a fleet to jump, because you wont be able to use it until it is done with the jump.




Ships that are grav capable (INTs and SOVs for example) can be put in INTERDICTION mode. 


Fleets in Interdiction will have an 80% chance to pull a fleet out at 1 square away and 100% in the square.  A calculation is made for each ship by each INT.  If fleets are split up by this, new “Pulled from Hyperspace” named fleets will be created along the path of the moving ships.


Note:  Grav capable ships in the SAME fleet with a planet are NOT considered in INTERDICTION mode like they were in campaign 2.  To actually turn their gravwells ON you have to have the INT in a separate fleet set to INTERDICTION.


For fleets in INTERDICTION mode, a yellow circle will appear around the fleet on the map to signify this.




Only CRGs can perform this mission.  They must be in a square that is a resource field.  They will load a maximum of 10 units of resources at the end of the turn.  Once the resource field has been harvested fully, no more resources can be harvested from them.


CRGs loaded with resources can drop them off at planets or forts owned by their faction or an allied faction.  Upon unloading, the owner of the CRGs will receive 1 VP per resource pt.


Unloading of resources can be done automatically when your ships end a turn in PATROL mode (upon arriving from hyperspace) at a location with a drop-off point.  This CAN be the same turn they harvested.




At the end of the turn, this fleet will take supplies from any fleet that is in that square in UNLOAD SUPPLY mode.  The fleet will attempt to load itself up to it supply capacity.




At the end of the turn, this fleet will give away supplies to any ship that is in that square in LOAD SUPPLY mode.  The ship will keep enough supplies on it to support 5 turns of normal supply need. 




At the end of the turn, this fleet will attempt to load trade units from any planet with at least a Non Aggression Pact with the faction the fleet belongs to.  If the planet is not owned by the same player as the ship, the player owning the planet will be considered the CLIENT, otherwise the owner of the ship will be his own CLIENT.  Whoever the client, they will receive a portion of the profits




At the end of the turn, this fleet will attempt to unload trade units to any ship or planet capable of receiving trade units.  Upon unloading the trade, the player receiving the trade will receive 30% of the trade in VPs, and the CLIENT or the ship owner will receive 70%.  The receiver must be part of a different faction than the CLIENT.  If the CLIENT and receiver are in the same faction, they will receive 50% of the normal value.


Unloading of Trade can be done automatically when your ships end a turn in PATROL mode (upon arriving from hyperspace) at a location with a drop-off point, similar to resourcers.  This cannot be the same turn they harvested (unlike harvesters).


Now you can dump trade units if you want to, by selecting the unit(s) you want to dump and selecting the "Dump Trade Goods" option in the Selected Menu.  There are some instances when you would want to do this now.  If you think real hard you’ll see some times when it could be necessary.




You cannot put a fleet into this.  It is automatically put in this mode when purchased through the reinforcements screen.  While in incoming mode, it cannot be detected by enemy, cannot be involved in battle, and pretty much doesn’t do anything until it arrives.  Upon arrival (after however many turns it takes to build it) it will be placed in PATROL mode.




You cannot put a fleet into this.  A fleet with fighters is put into ADRIFT mode when it has either gone outside the support range of all ships that can provide support in your faction or planets of allies, or if all ships it was drawing supplies from went out of supply.  When it first enters this mode, it is put in ADRIFT1.  The next turn it will be in ADRIFT2.  After that second turn, if it still hasn’t been rescued by being brought within the support range of a factions ship, the fighters will be lost.


To alert you that your fighters are out of support range, a white circle will appear around the fleet.  Fighters in these fleets cannot be transferred to another fleet or put onboard ships.  The only way to bring them out of ADRIFT mode is to move a ship with supplies within that ships support range from the fighters.


There are other mission types that have to do with combat actions.  These will be explained later on.





Mentioned before, the FLEET DISPLAY is how you actual view the details of a fleet and give it the orders described above.  Some things the display shows, from top to bottom:


- Name of the fleet

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- Commander of the fleet if of your faction, name of the faction if outside of the faction, or ‘unknown’ if not known.

- Any special messages, like if the fleet is set ADRIFT it will say so here.  If it’s a reinforcement fleet, it will say how many turns until the fleet arrives.  For planetary fleets it will say the LOYALTY of the planet to its owner.  LOYALTY will be explained later.

- The current speed of the fleet and its ETA to its destination.  If this is a fleet than cannot move the slider is disabled.  You can move the slider around if the fleet has been ordered to HYPERSPACE mode but hasn’t entered hyperspace yet.  As you move it, you can see the ETA change depending on the speed.

- A dropdown box with the fleet’s current orders.  For some fleets like planetary fleets, this is disabled because planetary fleets are always in PLANET mode.

- A summary area of the ships and fighters in the fleet.  For each capital ship you can see things like how many supplies, fighters, and troops are onboard.  For CRGs you can see the amount of resources it’s carrying.  For Trade vessels you can see how much trade it’s holding and the CLIENT.


There are a couple of buttons on here that will allow you to do some things. 


- Organize New Fleet.  This creates an empty fleet in the same square.  This is useful for splitting off ships into that empty fleet to divide your forces.

- Delete Fleet.  If the fleet has nothing in it, you can delete it.

- Transfer Fleet.  This is an ability that you no longer have.  You can only transfer victory pts to other users.  The button should always be disabled.




Planets are the most important things in the game.  The control of them will make or break you.  Not all planets are the same now.  Planets have a level that describes how big a world is in terms of value.  Planets can generally have a level of anywhere from 1to 12 and it cant be changed.  The planet level determines a lot about the planet.


For instance, a level 6 planet has the following characteristics:


- produces 60 vps / turn

- provide 60 production capacity

- can provide 60 trade pts / turn to fleets in LOAD TRADE mode.

- Can receive 60 trade pts / turn from fleets in UNLOAD TRADE mode.

- Has a support range equal to 690 squares.  All planets have a support range equal to 450 + LEVEL * 40.


All of these above figures are ASSUMING 100% LOYALTY on the world.  Whatever actual LOYALTY value the planet has will be the actual values that the planet has.



- Requires 60000 troops worth of LOYALTY to work at max efficiency.  Each planet has a requirement of 10000 troops * LEVEL to gain 100% of the planets population in support of you.  This requirement can be lowered by the PUBLIC OPINION of your faction and the LOYALTY of the planet to your faction.


Example:  Your faction has a OPINION rating of 8.  This mean that galactically 8% of the citizens look favorably on your faction.  You’ve just finished taking over a level 10 planet with 10000 troops 4 turns ago.  Since you’ve had the world for 4 turns, the LOYALTY of the planet is now 4 (it goes up by 1 each turn you own it).


So,  8 + 4 = 12 .  Which means that currently 12% of the population support you.  So you need another 88% of the population to support you, which would equal around (88% of 100000) 88000 troops to bridge the difference.  You have 10000, so you are short some.  How much short will affect how efficient your planet is.  In this case you have 22% (12% + 10000 troops) out of the necessary 100%, so your planet will be providing Vps and Trade capacity at 22% of normal.


As mentioned before your planetary LOYALTY goes up 1 each turn you hold the planet and your galactic OPINION goes up and down based on the actions you take as a faction.


Meaning, you go on a blitzkrieg killing off peaceful worlds your OPINION will plummet.  If you are peaceful and come to the aid of allies and do other good deeds your OPINION will rise.  All decisions on OPINION will be made by the GM.


In addition, each faction will get a .1% bonus in GALACTIC OPINION each turn for each planet they control.  This simulates familiarity with your faction, which breeds acceptance.



LDRs (Leaders) are special units in the game.  Each user has one, and it represents him/her in the game.  Here are the characteristics of a LDR.


- LDR is treated as a fighter class object meaning it can exist in a fleet or onboard a ship/planet.

- LDR can travel in hyperspace and don’t require being in support range

- The presence of a LDR on a planet will give an immediate jump of 20 % in loyalty of the planet while the LDR is on it.  It also grows in LOYALTY by 2 a turn instead of 1. This directly translates into increases in all the benefits of PLNTs have to offer. 

- The presence of a LDR on a planet will also increase the strength and effectiveness of troops of the same owner defending the planet and of flak against enemy fighters.  TO GET THIS EFFECT, the LDR must be in one of the fleets that the troops are in, otherwise I cannot assure you that the LDR’s effect will be gained (when doing battles, I have to select the fleets that are involved, so putting it in there is the way to do it).

- The presence of a LDR with attacking forces on a planet will increase the strength and effectiveness of troops of the same owner attacking the planet and the effectiveness of fighter GROUND SUPPORT missions (Again, have the LDR in the Army ‘Fleet’ or the Ground Support ‘Fleet’ to get the bonus).

- The presence of a LDR ONBOARD any ship/planet results in a 20% increased detection ability.

- LDRs also help when calculating INITIATIVE, a new concept that I will explain later on.


- The LOSS of a LDR will result in the immediate loss of 10% in galactic OPINION of your faction.


RISKS:  I am now allowing LDR’s to be transferred by the drag-drop functionality to Army ‘Fleets’ to be right there with there troops.  Understand that there is an inherent risk in that if your troops are cut off (your ships in orbit are scared away) your LDR will not be able to escape and will die if your troops are defeated.




Fortresses are special units in the game.  They are mobile and provide:


- 5 vps / turn (max of 25)

- 40 Trade capacity (only allow receiving)

- 50 Production capacity (max of 500)

Forts can build up in capabilities if placed in an resource field.  Every turn they are in a field consecutively they build up a level.  Their vp production goes up to max level 5 and their production capacity goes up to 10.  Once they move they lose all build up.  The level is a multiplier applied to all the things mentioned above




GOLN: 0 vp / turn , 30 Trade Capacity (receive)

EMPR: 0 vp / turn , 20 Trade Capacity (receive)

RFNRY: 10 vp / turn , 10 Trade Capacity.  Max PLANET_LEVEL on a planet.

SHPYD: 100 production capacity.  Max 5 * PLANET_LEVEL

DEPOT: acts as a receptacle for supplies.    Can only be built by FORTs.  Can only be built in a non planet square.  Can hold up to 1000 supplies.  Can be captured by enemy cap ships that can hold fighters, if alone in the same square.

PSHLD: planetary shields.  These protect against 200 bombardment points.

ION: planetary Ion cannon.  Each Ion can disable 2000m in length of a ship.  Meaning it would take 8 IONs to disable a 15000m long ship.  Disabling only takes affect during the END TURN and basically removes that ship from battle.  If enemy space forces come at the same time, that ship wont be able to take part in the battle, and if all other friendly ships are forced to withdraw or retreat it will be automatically lost.


Ions are most effective against ships that are actively engaging a planet (attacking shipyards, bombarding, landing troops).  Ions are very much less effective against ships just in orbit of the planet, but they can still fire.




This is a summary of all the ways you can  make points in the game:


- PLNTs (with RFNRYs) and Forts produce VPs every turn

- Harvesting of resources produces 1 VP per resource unit

- Conducting trade results in 70 % of the trade units for the owner of the trade units, and 30% to the receiver of the trade units.

- VPs can be transferred from faction to faction only by faction leaders.

- Each player gets an initial infusion from the GM

- 25% of the VP value of kills in battle (NOTE:  you do not get a 400vps anymore for taking PLNTs – The benefits of them are enough)




An important screen, the BUILD DISPLAY is where you will build all new units.  To bring up the display first select a fleet with some unit that can build things (planets or forts).  Then on the menu bar under the UNIT submenu click Build Display.

On the BUILD DISPLAY you can choose what type of unit to buy, the number of them to buy, and the PRODUCTION CAPACITY to allocate to that unit.  You can only build a unit if you have enough VPs to buy it and enough capacity to build it.  The more production capacity you allocate to a fleet the faster it will be built.


The display will also tell you how much total production capacity that square has and will also show you any other reinforcement fleets that are being built at that location.


The planet owner can edit the incoming fleets by changing how much production capacity is going towards that fleet. 


EXAMPLE:  A level 4 planet with 2 shipyards and 100% garrison can provide 40 + 200 = 240 production capacity.  The planet owner decides to build an ISD and allocate 200 production capacity towards it.  This would mean that the ISD if priced at 1000, would take 5 turns to arrive.  The planet owner also notices that one of his teammates is using 100 production capacity at his planet to build 200 VPs worth of something else.  He doesn’t like that so he has the ability to change the other guys reinforcement fleet to only use 40 production capacity, making the other guys stuff take 5 turns instead of 2 turns to arrive.  As you can see, it will take some coordinating between teammates to do this properly.


The app will try to resolve some of these issues during END TURN, like if 300 production capacity is being used on a single fighter, the app will only use enough production capacity to build it.  But, don’t count on it being fair or reading your mind.  It will just go through in a first come first serve method if there are many things vying for the production capacity of the planet.


When a Reinforcement fleet is created, it will default to be named whatever is being built so that it is easy for the planet owner to determine which reinforcements get priority.


NOTE:  When reinforcements are built they are built with NO SUPPLIES.  This is no problem if they are built at a planet, for as soon as they are built they will immediately upload supplies automatically from the planet.  But, for ships built at a FORT make sure you have supplies on hand after they are built.  Also realize that this means that stuff built at a FORT are not ready for combat until they are fully supplied so this means they will atleast need a turn to upload supplies and if supplies are not on hand, could be unusable for some time.  So just a warning.


ARMYs can only be built on planets.  When an ARMY is built it is immediately available as an empty army.  To get troops you need to order TROOPS, which will create an army of their own with troops in them.


TROOPS now are built in the BUILD DISPLAY instead of the TROOP DISPLAY.  They are under the same capacity restrictions as ships now.  They are bought in 100 troop increments so if you want 1000 troops make sure you buy TEN not ONE THOUSAND.


As mentioned above, DEPOTs can only be built by FORTs and in non planet squares.


RFNRYs, SHPYDs, PSHLDs, and IONs can only be built on a planet by the planet owner.


From the BUILD DISPLAY you can also transfer VPs to other players.  Faction members can transfer VPs within their faction.  Faction leaders can transfer VPs to other factions.




A very dangerous ability you have is to scuttle your own forces.  You cannot scuttle planets and cannot scuttle forces in a current battle location.  To scuttle simply select all the ships and fleets you want to scuttle, and go to the Main Menu – SELECTED submenu – SCUTTLE option.  All forces will be permanently delete and you will get 75% of the VP value back in your account.  If you scuttle forces that haven’t arrived yet (reinforcements) you get 100% back.  The GM will not give you your stuff back if you screw this up so you have been warned.




This is now done through the message board using the Admin Private board.




Being that planets are the most important unit in the game, the art of taking them has been made very detailed.  Additional mission types have been added.


Planets are held by troops and by killing all troops on the planet and placing your troops on the planet you capture it.


Upon arrival at a planet, any space forces between the attacker and defender must battle before any interaction with the planet is done by the attacker. 


Generally, if an attacker has more than 10 times the victory point of ships (not including troops), the GM has the ability to immediately assess losses.  Also, if there is an immediately assessed battle or if the defenders withdraw, the attacker can conduct the following mission on the arrival turn.



- ATTACK SHIPYARD (Cap ships and Fighters, both using their STRIKE FACTOR)


- ATTACK IONS (Cap ships using their BOMBARDMENT FACTOR)



Basically all actions that can be done from orbit.


If the attacker chooses to engage the planet, before any of these attacks are resolved, the planet will get the chance to use its IONs.  IONs have a 90% chance of success, and enough IONs must hit the attacking ship to disable it. 


IONs also have a third of that chance (95/3) of hitting any ship in the same square even if they  are not engaging the planet.


On any subsequent turns, fighters can be used on planetary surface missions.  If fighters are given surface missions and there is a battle in orbit, those fighters will not be able to participate in the initial battles, and will arrive after the first round of battles are resolved.


Here is a summary of the order of planetary mission and how they will be resolved by the GM.  The GM will not do the thinking for you.  So if you don’t tell the GM what your plans are prior to arrival, he will do what he thinks is prudent.  If on further turns at the planet, you do not assign someone to do these missions, then the GM wont do them.


Be advised on most of these missions, the attacked structures do have some defense.  Planetary shields lessen the effectiveness of fire from cap ships, and each structure has a FLAK FACTOR which are combined to give a percent kill chance against each attacking fighter.




TROOPS .000001 (1 in a million shot ).  This is per troop.



SHPYD .0005

ION .001

DEPOT .0001


So if the total FLAK_FACTOR comes to .08 then that means that for every fighter attacking, there is an 8% chance it is killed.  If it is killed, it does not contribute its STRIKE_FACTOR to the attack.


FOR attacks on structures, the way they are resolved are by adding all the STRIKE or BOMBARDMENT factors, depending on the mission type (after FLAK is taken effect and shield have reduced cap ships).  Each structure have an amount of damage they can take before they are destroyed.



PSHLD 1000

ION 800




So if the attacker amasses 6000 pts of STRIKE/BOMBARDMENT factor, then they could kill up to 10 SHPYDs that turn.


- FIRE PLANETARY IONs  (only done if there are cap ships engaging any planetary defenses)

- ATTACK SHIPYARD.  This attack takes place in low orbit, thus fighters and cap ships use their STRIKE FACTORs and this mission can be performed immediately upon arrival at the planet.  The planetary shields will lessen the effectiveness of the fire from cap ships.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the shipyards.

- ATTACK DEPOT.  This is included here because it seemed the best place to put it.  These missions are not done at planets but at any location where there is a supply depot.  Fighters and cap ships use their STRIKE FACTORs and this mission can be performed immediately upon arrival at the depot.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the depots.  Cap ships with the ability to carry fighters, if alone in the same square, can capture DEPOTs.

- ATTACK PLANETARY SHIELD.  Cap ships use their BOMBARDMENT factor.  Fighters use their STRIKE factor.  Upon initial arrival, only cap ships can do this mission.  The planetary shields will lessen the effectiveness of the fire from cap ships.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the COMBINED FLAK factor of all remaining TROOPS, IONS, SHIELDS, and REFINERIES.

- ATTACK ION CANNONS.  Cap ships use their BOMBARDMENT factor.  Fighters use their STRIKE factor.  Upon initial arrival, only cap ships can do this mission.  The planetary shields will lessen the effectiveness of the fire from cap ships.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the COMBINED FLAK factor of all remaining TROOPS, IONS, SHIELDS, and REFINERIES.

- ATTACK REFINERIES.  Cap ships use their BOMBARDMENT factor.  Fighters use their STRIKE factor.  Upon initial arrival, only cap ships can do this mission.  The planetary shields will lessen the effectiveness of the fire from cap ships.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the COMBINED FLAK factor of all remaining TROOPS, IONS, SHIELDS, and REFINERIES.

- BOMBARD TROOPS.  Since they are the hardest to find, these missions are done last.  Here, cap ships use their BOMBARDMENT factor.  The planetary shields will lessen the effectiveness of the fire from cap ships.  Each BOMBARDMENT PT is worth 5 troops normally or 10 troops if there is at least 10000 attacking troops or at least 10% the defending troops (whichever is greater).  Whatever the resulting troop equivalent, the damage will be done just like a ARMY BATTLE.

- STRAFE TROOPS.  This is fighters actually attacking ground troops.  Fighters use their STRIKE FACTOR.  Fighters are susceptible to flak fire from the COMBINED FLAK factor of all remaining TROOPS, IONS, SHIELDS, and REFINERIES.  Each STRIKE PT is always worth 5 troops because the fighters are up close and personal with the troops.  Also, this attack is more effective against invading troops than the resident troops because the planet owner troops are dug in.  Whatever the resulting troop equivalent, the damage will be done just like a ARMY BATTLE.

- ARMY BATTLE.  This is the actual soldier on soldier battle.  If there are any troops left defending the planet, the invading armies attack the defenders.  On average, invading armies will kill 37.5% their strength in defending troops.  On average, defending armies will kill 60% their strength in invading troops.




To move troops from ship to ship and ship to planet and planet to ship, use the TROOP DISPLAY.  To bring up this display, select the actual ship you wish to deal with and go to the menu bar under the

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UNIT submenu and select TROOP DISPLAY.  In this display you can move troops to and from the selected ship.  You can also land troops on an enemy world.  To do this you simply select the ship you want to exchange troops with (or the enemy planet) and press either the TO button or FROM button.  Pretty simple.




Brought up by Main Menu – GENERAL submenu – REPORT DISPLAY, this window allows you to get a report on your forces or anyone under you in your chain of command in summary form.  If you are a faction leader you can also get a report on your faction as a whole.  Report files will be placed in the “reports” directory off of your install directory.




Brought up by Main Menu – GENERAL submenu – MISSION DISPLAY, this window allows you to quickly create skirmish mission to practice with.  Follow the instruction in the instructions area.  You can also choose to make the mission in an asteroid field by check the ASTEROID checkbox.  Have fun with this display.




Brought up by Main Menu – GENERAL submenu – MESSAGE BOARD, this window is a simple ingame message board.  Only factions with more than one member will have a message board created for them.  You can give message to your faction mates on strategy and whatever.




Now you have the ability to communicate with pretty much everyone in the sim quite easily.  Each faction now has three message boards..


PRIVATE -- only that faction can read it, but anyone can post a msg there as a private message to the faction.


ALLIANCE -- only factions that are your ALLY can be seen here.  Any ALLY can post here, but remember Any ALLY to the faction the MB belongs to can see it, even if you are not an ally of that other faction.


PUBLIC -- all can read and all can post.


So i see the Admin faction public board being a replacement for TGU when its down.  So check it out.  Also, "Message to Admin" has been removed and is replaced by simply posting to the Admin Private board.




Napoleon said that “An army marches on its stomach”.  What does this mean?  It means you need SUPPLIES, fool!


Planets create supplies in unlimited quantities each turn.  The problem is you have to get the supplies out to your ships and pilots out there.


All combat ships (ships with either a strike rating or bombardment rating) will use supplies each turn, equals to the ship’s length divided by 750 rounding up.  Ships that can carry fighters need additional supplies to keep them running and to keep their fighters running.  Each turn any ship that ends the turn in the same square as a friendly or allied planet that is NOT under SEIGE will automatically be fully supplied. 


Fighters are the instigators of this supply mess.  Each turn each fighter requires .1 supply units * its hangar rating.  Where does it get it from?  If it is within the support range of a friendly or allied planet that is NOT under SEIGE, it is automatically supplied.  If it is not, then it takes the supplies from any faction ship within the SUPPORT range of that ship.  This process is continued until all fighters are supplied.  If the fighter cant find supplies then it goes ADRIFT, mentioned above.  This could be very confusing so here are some simple things to remember.


The sim will try to even out how supplies are taken from ships.  So if you have a big battleship with 100 supply available and a small frigate with 10, the big guy will give supplies in proportion to its supply status.


You can support an unlimited amount of fighters within the support range of a faction or allied planet.  Remember that not all planets have the same support range (LEVEL, remember?)


When you send ships and fighters out away from planets is where you are most susceptible to running out of supply.  Remember to keep a good mix of fighters and cap ships or else your cap ship will run out of supply quick.  And once that happens, your fighters go ADRIFT, and so on…


Ships can resupply by setting their fleet in LOAD SUPPLY with another fleet in UNLOAD SUPPLY. 


ADRIFT fighters and OUT OF SUPPLY ships are automatically destroyed if left alone with enemy units with no defenders or if their defenders are forced to retreat.




If over 6000 vps (not including troops) of enemy forces are at a planet, that planet is under siege.  Being under siege is a nasty thing and you don’t want it to happen to you.


Planets under siege:

- Don’t make VPs

- Don’t automatically provide supplies to ships in orbit

- Don’t provide supplies to fighters within their support range, only to fighters in their square.

- Don’t act as trade centers or resource drop off points

- Don’t receive reinforcement due to them


The app will do the check for SEIGE as the first thing when the turn ends after movements are done, so if you have CRGs arriving at a planet the same time as a massive enemy fleet, they wont drop off their resources.




What happens during END TURN?  Well pretty much everything.  All orders are executed, all VPs are awarded, all battles are determined. 


This is the order of things and how they happen in END TURN:


Ships are moved through hyperspace

Ships harvest resources

Empty fleets are deleted

Planets are checked for SEIGE status

Resources are dropped off at Planets or Forts.

Ships in LOAD SUPPLY or UNLOAD SUPPLY do their supply transfer.

Fighters take supplies from ships.

All ships are checked to see if they are in supply.  If not they are immediately put in PATROL mode and put OUT OF SUPPLY.

Forts in resource fields expand.

Fighters are checked to see if they are out of range.  If so they go into ADRIFT mode.

Trade operations are performed, and VPs are given for trade transactions.

Detections are run, and if enemy forces are in the same square, a battle marker (a red circle) is placed on the map.

Victory Pts are awarded for VP producing units.


After all of this is done, battles will be determined.  Any battles will be fought.  After that, then reinforcements arrive.  You can pretty much consider them arriving at the VERY BEGINNING of the next turn (Production capacity is allocated to reinforcements and if completed, the reinforcements arrive).



A little change to how movement is done.  Now, grav well checks will be done even before each fleet moves, which means that your units can be 'stuck' now by grav wells at a distance of 1.  The only case where it wouldnt apply is at a planet which will allow you to leave if you start in that square.  Why was this change necessary?  Because of the REINF's arriving at the beginnings of turns, we now have the possibilities of enemy ships existing at the same location during the actual turn and not just during end turn, so i had to figure a way to stop stuff in grav wells from fleeing.





Factors in detection:


- detection pts of the ship attempting to detection

- size of enemy ship

- distance to enemy

- random factor


A quite complex equation is used to determine detection but basically your very best chance of detection is at distances of 1 and under.  Going further out, the chances decrease by distance^2, thus by 1/4 then 1/9 then 1/16 and so on.  You can see how the detection chances go down while you are in the game by using ‘d’ and Shift-‘d’ or by selecting on the menu bar under the MAP submenu, DETECTION RANGE increase and decrease.  All this check does is show you how far out from a fleet does a specific length of ship get detected at 100%.    Anything within this range will be detected, and outside it the detection chance will drop.


if you dont want to use the box, you of course can use the mathematical formula which is...




Stars, Planets, and Resource Fields prevent detection if one fleet has its line of sight (LOS) blocked by it.  The LOS is a straight line from the one fleet to the other.  If that straight line runs through the square with any of these terrain types in it, it is blocked and detection is prevented that way.


In addition, Resource fields prevent detection into and out of them.  Only if enemy forces are both in the same field square will they detect each other.


Your forces proximity to other things affects what you can see.  Unless you are close (100 squares) to a resource field you will not detect it.  Unless you are close to a battle location you wont see the battle marker.  Unless you are close to a enemy planet, you will not know the owner of the planet.  You will see the planet name, so folks I wouldn’t name the planet something like Greg’s Pad.  The planet will instead appear as being owned by UNKNOWN and will be the color of neutrality (blue).


If close and detected, enemy fleets will be the following colors..


Imperial – Green

Republic – Red

Imperious – Blue Green

Rebellious – Purple




What fleets will you be able to see?


- You will always be able to see your own fleets

- You will always be able to see fleets of those in your chain of command.  This means you, your subordinates, your commander, and your commanders subordinates.  You will not be able to see your commanders’ commander or your commanders’ sister units.  Any friendly fleets that fall outside of

your CHAIN OF COMMAND, as described above will only be visible if you are close to them (20 squares).

- You will only be able to see enemy fleets if any of yours or your factions fleets have detected them.

- You will be able to see the PLANETS of Allied factions as belonging to THEM, otherwise a planet will be owned by UNKNOWN if you are not close to the planet.




Any player who has other players under their command can organize these subordinates any way they want and can change these subordinates' ranks.  To do this go to the menu bar and under the GENERAL submenu select LEADER DISPLAY.  In this window you can see all your subordinates, assign them ranks, assign them in any leadership structure.  You can also see what your factions current OPINION rating is.  If you are a faction leader you can also change your faction NICKNAME, which is what people will see when they right click on one of your fleets, instead of Imperial_1 like in campaign 2, they would see “The Ball Busters”.  Also, if you are a faction leader, you can also edit the RELATIONS with other factions.  There is a drop down box with each faction out there and you can assign any 1 of 3 different level of relations with that faction:


None – Enemy.  If your forces meet, a battle marker will be thrown down.

NAP – Non Agression Pact.  This allows you to conduct trade with this faction.

Allied.  This allows you to re-supply at their planets, drop off resources at their planets and forts.


Relations need to be mutual to take effect, so the other faction leader must select the same relation with you.






If enemy forces end up in the same square, a battle marker is placed at that location. 


If there is a grav capable ship on one side, that side determines whether the battle takes place.  If both sides have grav capable ships, then the battle must be fought, unless both sides agree to withdraw.


Grav wells overrule INITIATIVE if the Grav side wishes to have battle.  But if the grav side does not wish battle, then INITIATIVE is taken into account




Having INITIATIVE means that your side has a say in whether the battle takes place.  It is basically like have you gained the SURPRISE or INITIATIVE in the battle.


It is based on VP value of the attacker and defenders and also is affected by the presence of a LDR.

Here is an example: 


Attacker 700 vp

Defender 300 vp


Attacker has 70% of the total VP value.  Defender has 30%.


First we immediate cut each percentage in half:  Attacker 35%, Defender 15%.


If either side has a LDR present, that side gets a 20% gain.  Lets say the Attacker does:


Attacker 55%, Defender 15%


So now each side has a chance of having INITIATIVE.  Each can have INITIATIVE


- If one sides gets INITIATIVE but the other side doesn’t.  They are in control of the battle.  The other side does not have the option to leave. 

- If either both get INITIATIVE or neither does, then either side can choose to leave the battle.


Having INITIATIVE in Homeworld requires the non-initiative player to get to the opposite side of the battlefield to escape.



The GM will resolve these battles.  If a space battle is necessary to be done, then the GM will create a Homeworld mission with those forces in it.  The opponents will play against each other and have the entire battle RECORDED.  The Admin will review the battle making sure of no rule violations, like:


- using hyperspace jumps except to escape the battle and only if there is no grav capable ship.

- building units in mission.

- using the grav well generator.

- Using the cloak generator for ships other than the V38.


If the battle is especially huge, the GM may break the mission up into parts so that people machines can handle the battles.  If this is so then the combatants will have to play all battles in the order given.  Generally, if there isn’t enough Grav capable units to go in all the split up battles they will be front loaded.  If all of one sides Grav capable units are destroyed, say, in the first battle, the other side has the option to escape from then on.  The split up missions need to be as close to VP equity as possible, and the GM may ask help from the combatants to split up their forces.  All the split up battles are considered the ‘first round’ of battles.  After all first battles are resolved if the overall winner is not apparent, a ‘second round’ will be fought made up of the survivors of the previous round.  During this second round is where fighters on planetary missions would be available.  Disabled cap ships (from planetary IONs) will not participate in any of these battles, and if the disabled ship is the only ship left after the battles, it will be automatically destroyed.  Also, any fighters ACTUALLY LOADED on the disabled ship will not be able to be launched for the battles.




After the battle is complete, supplies, resources, and trade units can be plundered from the losing fleet.  Up to half the supplies/resources/trade goods can be plundered.  I say up to because you have to have enough storage capacity to pick up the stuff.  Here are more details:


Supplies – any cargo vessel (hangar capacity = 0 and cargo capacity > 0) can get supplies off of any enemy destroyed cargo vessel


Resource – any CRG can get resources off any enemy destroyed CRG


Trade – any cargo vessel carrying trade units for their own allegience OR empty can get trade units off of enemy destroyed cargo vessels.


All of these will be done automatically by the GM during Battle Resolving.




Most changes are saved immediately, particularly transferring of units, transferring VPs to other players, ordering of reinforcements.  But you can save orders changes and movement order changes by SAVING, using either the hotkey ALT 1 or on the main menu – GENERAL submenu – SAVE.




To exit the app, simply hit the close window X at the top right of the app.  DO NOT close down the DOS window that opened when you started the app.  If you do that, your work will not be saved and you wont be properly logged out.





Overview of Key commands:


n - next fleet of any allegience

f - next friendly fleet

e - next enemy fleet

y - next fleet you own

F1 - enter movement mode for selected fleet

ESC - clear selection.  When in the map, will zoom out fully.

z - zoom in

Shift-z - zoom out

arrow buttons - move around map

d - check detection range against a larger target

Shift-d - check detection range against a smaller target

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well thats alot of txt to read however as i dont have space to upload to atm i thought it was easier than me trying too explain the game to you, anyways i hope that is a interesting read for everyone, please not the emails are no longer valid as these are past GM's emails address's
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well im glad to see its generating some interest :D well once we figure out if swrebellion can run the server i will post some new links with stuff however atm what i really need is help with testing the pricing of the current mod online just to see how balanced they and what needs to go up, up down etc, if you interested send me a pm




Other things that have been included in the game have been RP, generally between faction leaders or ambassadors they sent in order to sort out trade routes, ends wars etc and then  translated into a story that tells the generally events of the game. It has been very common for many players to even link these stories so you have one grand story telling the events from everyones point of view. Another thing we had was Jedi characters, basicly it was a hero but when it meet an enemy jedi then you dueled it out in jedi outcast. If people what like these kind of things as well then they can also be included more for fun than anything.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Well I haven't heard from Eville about this yet, but I'm assuming he's given you permission since the EvR board is here :)

Talk to me and we'll see about the requirements for the server. Is this a Windows thing? Or something we can do with our linux box?


And if Eville didn't set you up with webspace yet, happy to do that


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Evaders - i will grab you AIM then and pester you until you cry or answer me (which ever comes first :P eville should be emailing you about server, it requires perl so still trying to figure out the problem.


skyblazer - Oh so you want the short version, you know that took me a long time to copy paste all that :P


OK its pretty simple, you have planets, on these you build refineries, shipyards, troops, you can boost your income via trade (its effectively doubles the income of a planet once the trade route is complete. No think of the galaxy map and simple but not as pretty version of total was as well as being abit more simple. Now add in some star wars, replace the battles in total war (spacewise) with eville warlords mod, well, that helps make up the app (as i said its basic but you know what, i've been playing the game for 10 years, i really cant think of another game that has lasted me so long).


Now also think about diplomacy, deception etc, you have all this, this stuff isnt done in the app but over msn, aim, hell if we had a irc channel then would be cool. Now you like the idea of having a jedi to run about and fight other dark jedi, great, we can do this, you want the game to be another chapter in star wars saga, sure, why the hell not, it can be down!


If you want to know the exacts of how the game works it has to many features to go into but if you like Star wars (if you dont what are you doing here!) and like strategy games welcome aboard!


Now what i will say is dont expect a campaign before the next version of warlords is out, i would rather wait a little but and have a better selection of ships available. Now if you want to help, please contact me as i really need to test the ships in warlords against a human rather than a CPU.

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hehe, perhapes u should ask EJ to make a simple warlord verson which can be used for all ur battles instead of using his test versons which require downloading lots of big files. Basic it would just be a single big file with all the ships u need/want for this.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Eville will release a complete package whenever he feels its ready :)


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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i most likely need to use a custom version of his mod anyways, i wouldnt expect eville to change the mod to fit my own needs and besides i can use notepad ;) anyways the game needs to get a few other things up and running before i worry about the mod such as the server, create a galaxy map, the mod itself wont take that long (well what i need to do) and im really not gona worry about that until i get my rig upgraded.


Its a good idea, wonder how big it would be  ???

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Well here an idea:


After EJ makes a stable single .big file verson of warlords and its got all the ships u need in it simply create ur own folders/big and add it in on top so each battle u start off with such and such ships using the starting fleet thing EJ got there.

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well sure thats a really good idea but for the moment atleast i can test what has got released, im sure however i wont be that long before he makes another release anyways and besides just gives me longer to manually make the galaxy map and get things figured out right :D
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Well ok, we have the server running at last, i dont think evaders like the app to much, all i can say is give it a go, now the fun part for me, creating the map! oh yeah


anyways thanks evaders for getting it up a running for me :D

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