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My Mandalorian Faction


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It's been a while since I've posted (it's been a while since I've modded). I've been working on adding a Mandalorian faction to my GC game, off and on for a while.


I'm happy with the results accept one fatal flaw. My merciless Mandos cannot capture reinforcement points! As well, curiosly their space station appears as a pirate base in the galactic map. It upgrades fine and is all normal in battle though.




here is my factions.xml code:




Edited by Kodor
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Thought I'd post some pics of the models/skins I'm using.


The first is of a Warrior squad. They're not Super Commandos but well more seasoned than regular infantry.


Second are the Super Commandos and heroes of the faction.


Third is the Covert Aerial Assualt Gunship (CA-AG). Thought the Mandos would use air support in serious engagements. (thanks to Bailknight)

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Your factions.xml has nothing to do with build pad problems.  You need to edit groundbuildablesskirmish.xml, make sure this line has you faction's name! Neutral, Rebel, Empire, Pirates, Underworld, Son'a, Vong


Do that with spacebuildablesskirmish as well.  you actually must modify these files to get a 100% functional faction;












Hope that helps!

Bow to me, as a slave does before his master, or a peasant before his king.  For, you shall soon be as such to me.
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That's pretty awesome. If you didn't have XMLs already, I'd ask if you and D803 would work together. His Mandos are pretty sweet too.

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There's no fix for the pirate base thing. It's just...like that. Engine limitation.

But basically, follow what Lavarider said and it'll work out.


And no, I haven't given up on my mod, I'll update...soon. I just wanted to keep my 1337 for a while.


"That was fun"

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Yep, sure enough, after the past week of beating my head on the keyboard I found the problems just after posting. Alot of little stuff.


No fix for the starbase thing? Not too big a deal for me but still..


Actually I got the idea months ago from Fenn Shysa's Vod'an mod idea. I read his post and thought it was a great idea. Drastically cool yet simple. Of course eventually I decided just to add a new faction as that I don't like the corruption system. So basically all the xml is just altered underworld and empire units.


What I'm really having trouble with is getting the AI to use the Mandalorians. I'm experimenting but any general help would be appreciated. For instance, is there an file like gameobjectfiles.xml for the AI folder's xml files? Will new LUA scripts in the SCRIPTS folder be read?


BTW, if anyone wants these skins I'm happy to share.

Edited by Kodor
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I can help you write a new LUA AI script for your faction...I'm really good with LUA.  Just let me know the Units, heroes, upgrades (including starbase), and structures for yur raace, and Ill make it for you
Bow to me, as a slave does before his master, or a peasant before his king.  For, you shall soon be as such to me.
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Actually, I seem to be working it out. I greatly appreciate the offer. I would take you up on it if I didn't enjoy walking around in the dark so much.:P Of course I want to learn the AI-LUA/XML system.


I've made signifigant changes to the rebellion and empire too. The Empire AI is fine. All I did was reorganised the company complements. The rebellion in my GC is now much more stealth/infantry based. I haven't been paying attention to whether the Rebel AI is active enough though. Still trying to get the Mandalorians on duty.


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A few clues to light the dark a bit then?  Here...first of all, you want to recode the decompiled LUAs in the source folder in the mods section that the map editor gives you.  Open them with notepad. XMLs have no bearing on AI.  Put your modded LUAs in your mod/data/scripts/ai/landmode or spacemode (depending on where the AI will operate)  The rest...you can figure it out! ;D
Bow to me, as a slave does before his master, or a peasant before his king.  For, you shall soon be as such to me.
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What a difference a day off can make!  8)


I'm altering the AI xmls right now. Basically just trying to isolate the needed files by changing file, entry and tag names. I'm not much interested in changing the functions or LUA at the moment, just trying to get the new structures included. I did add the structures to a couple LUA files. Seems to be working.


So long as I can avoid the dreaded hourglass of death everything seems to be working out, eventually.


I do have one question. In this entry from OFFENSIVEGALACTICSET.xml:





There doesn't seem to be a One function anywhere. Is this supposed to be a defualt numerical value or what?

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