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Need to create a new bone...


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I wanted to add shield generator hardpoint to all ships that don't have it (acclamators, nebulons, assault frigates and mc-80s). The problem is that I need to create new bone in model for new hardpoint so it will look good (attachment bone). As I understood alo viewer can't add bones (or at least edit their coordinates) - it can only show them and their names  :( Does anyone knows the way (or program) to create new bones in alo models ?
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You're going to have to export it to max, reexport to alo, and in that process add bones.


Just use the ROOT bone if its for a shield generator or something generic like that.


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But I don't know how to export alo model in 3D Max. Tell me how to convert it to max format, please. I have that plugin (max2alamo.dle) but here I'm gonna need something like alamo2max, right ? I'm not good at all this stuff... I hope I will be able to change coordinates of "shield" bone (I discovered that even rebel ships have it) and then put new shield gen where I want.
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As droid said..your really just better using the root bone. Esecially as your not familiar with using 3D Max its really your only option. (Unless you find an alternative model) with the bones you want - such as from a mod that has the units you are looking for  :D



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You mean select root bone as attachment bone ? Well it's very easy but root bone is placed somewere in the centre of the ship... and shield gen. on nebulon for example is placed in the back of the ship above the engines  :) I think I will be able at least change coordinates of shield bone (which placed near root bone usually and unused by rebel ships anyway). I just need a program that allows to do that. Please advise me something.
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