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Do certain NPCs fare better in certain Systems?


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Just ended a game at day 14500 (that's right true beleivers! Over 39 years!), and I noticed a couple of things that begged questions.


First off, Do certain Named characters perform better in certain systems/ sectors? Case in point: Niles Ferrier had about 25 points in Diplomacy when he was recruited; nothing major, but still good for him. Well, not finding him to be force sensitive, I sent him to the Churba Sector to do a little intel. Once done, I thought I'd just park him for a bit and let him practice diplomacy on an already imperial system. I'll be darned if he didn't bring that system completely around to 100% loyal all by himself! I thought nah, musta been a fluke, so I sent him to a neutral system; shortly thereafter I had another system loyal to me! When I finally ran out of things for him to do (including topping-off all loyalties in Churba after a few Rebel Hit-and-Fade runs) he had more than doubled his diplomacy to 55! THen I sent him to Gandolo IV in the Moddell sector, and it seemed to take him 4000 or 5000 days to get his diplomacy job done there!


Then there is Vader! Shheeesh! Sith lord he may be, he sure ain't no instructor! The reason the game went on as long as it did was to see Vader turn out some Jedi Masters. In games past, if Vader trained multiple students it wasn't uncommon to see multiple successes. However! This game Vader's "train' ranking must have been somewhere down around his ankles! Years would go by without even one success! And it didn't seem to matter if I trained Covell, Griff, Needa, or Bane alone or in groups, they just didn't get a whole lot out of training. All of them made Knight after about 17-20 years, but not one other Master! And their skills were awesome! In terms of D.E.C.L.:

Covell was 500/40/25/145

Griff was 42/289/274/196

Needa was 19/410/335/132

Bane was 25/326/267/138

And even Vader improved to 250/202/261/169

How dissapointing!

Striking terror in the hearts of rebel scum for over 30 years
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well I noticed such things before and was asking me the same question. It seems that a NPC preforms better in certain systems. The Jedi trainings aren't always succesful. in case of lat's of failing try moving them to a more quiet system then the won't be "disturbed"by attacks, míssions etc. :wink:

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


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I have also smthing intresting:

I fouind Veers as minor Jedi and trained him with Palpy (I allowed Palpy to train Jedis with rebed)to JEDI MASTER 8O

he got nice stats:


combat -> 15 8O8O

espionage -> 25 8O8O

diplomatic -> 12 8O8O

leadership -> 155, well ok with palpy bonus

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Guest Scathane

If true, it would be very interesting to sniff out which characters perform well in which sectors. I call on you to post this here. The list so far (of course, we should consider testing this some more):


    * Niles ferrier: Churba Sector

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I also think that its possible.

I beliefe to got it with Tura Raftican at the Dolomar sector :?

But at that time I thought it was coincidence but now.....

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Then there is Vader! Shheeesh! Sith lord he may be, he sure ain't no instructor! The reason the game went on as long as it did was to see Vader turn out some Jedi Masters. In games past, if Vader trained multiple students it wasn't uncommon to see multiple successes. However! This game Vader's "train' ranking must have been somewhere down around his ankles! Years would go by without even one success!


How dissapointing!

Yeah, you'd think that throttling all his officers for even the slightest or perceived failure would encourage a higher quantity of successful training missions. :wink:


Valkir asked my about the "Favored Sector" phenomenon the other day, and I can't say that I've ever noticed a definite pattern. I sent Lando to diplomacize on Bespin once for the sheer irony of it, and he DID bring it around pretty quickly. I could't vouch for the whole sector, though.


BTW, nice sig, Valkir. :roll:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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Yeah, you'd think that throttling all his officers for even the slightest or perceived failure would encourage a higher quantity of successful training missions. :wink:



No it doesn't

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


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Yeah, you'd think that throttling all his officers for even the slightest or perceived failure would encourage a higher quantity of successful training missions. :wink:


BTW, nice sig, Valkir. :roll:


You see ladies and gentlemen?? The rebel propaganda machine hard at work! Bet they use Macintoshes, too! :x


"Slight" or "Perceived" failures?? Ozzel jumped out of hyperspace too soon! So focused was he on displaying the mighty strength of the Empire, that he openly declares his whereabouts sooner than sound tactics would allow! His showboating with an Imperial Fleet lost the element of surprise needed to bombard the rebels from space, and forced the Empire into a costly ground campaign! Vader was both Mission AND Man focused, and wanted to let Ozzel know in no uncertain terms that the loss of so many stormtroopers was a heavy price to pay for his antics!


And Needa? Well, Vader DID accept his apology :twisted:



Striking terror in the hearts of rebel scum for over 30 years
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You see ladies and gentlemen?? The rebel propaganda machine hard at work! Bet they use Macintoshes, too! :x

Nah, just Intel chips and the lastest version of Windows. :wink: Hey, didn't you see the winkin' emoticon? That was sarcasm.


"Slight" or "Perceived" failures?? Ozzel jumped out of hyperspace too soon! So focused was he on displaying the mighty strength of the Empire, that he openly declares his whereabouts sooner than sound tactics would allow! His showboating with an Imperial Fleet lost the element of surprise needed to bombard the rebels from space, and forced the Empire into a costly ground campaign! Vader was both Mission AND Man focused, and wanted to let Ozzel know in no uncertain terms that the loss of so many stormtroopers was a heavy price to pay for his antics!


And Needa? Well, Vader DID accept his apology :twisted:




"Spinnin' the Lies Away" again, huh Valkir? :wink:


Wouldn't it have been more cost-effective if Vader had let him learn from his mistake instead of outright killing him? Sure, throttle him a bit a-la Admiral Motti, but shouldn't he at least have gotten a second chance? (okay, maybe a third; there's still his stubborn position over the whole probe droid thing).


Besides, I think the problem was that he came out of light speed too close to the Hoth system, yet too far away for a bombardment. They were supposed to come out of hyperspace well outside of the planetary system, allowing them to more accurately make a short jump to planetary orbit when they were ready for battle and the whole fleet had arrived. The result is that the Imperials were too far away to take advantage of the lack of the planetary shield being up to commence a bombardment, and allowed the Rebels to prepare defenses. They then had to attack Hoth before they were ready, which resulted in your aforementioned casualties.


On top of that, he wasn't showboating. Just displaying typical Imperial arrogance and disregard for Rebel tactics that was so widespread in the command staff of the Imperial fleet during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Ozzel was commanding the Imperial Death Fleet from the bridge of the mightiest ship in the fleet, Vader's personal flagship, the Executor, staffed with THE best crewmen in the Imperial Navy. He had an escort of several Imperator-class (and even Imperator-2 class) Star Destroyers. There was NO Rebel Fleet in the area, aside from a bunch of Medium Transports. The ONLY thing he felt he had to worry about was a shield generator. Sounds to me like he just got cocky...


Now Needa...Needa got robbed. He at least took responsibility for what happened.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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On top of that, he wasn't showboating. Just displaying typical Imperial arrogance and disregard for Rebel tactics that was so widespread in the command staff of the Imperial fleet during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Ozzel was commanding the Imperial Death Fleet from the bridge of the mightiest ship in the fleet, Vader's personal flagship, the Executor, staffed with THE best crewmen in the Imperial Navy. He had an escort of several Imperator-class (and even Imperator-2 class) Star Destroyers. There was NO Rebel Fleet in the area, aside from a bunch of Medium Transports. The ONLY thing he felt he had to worry about was a shield generator. Sounds to me like he just got cocky...




Yes he did get cocky, wich is a result of the so called "Imperial Arrogance"

you mentioned before, but what I don't get is that he was stupid it enough to even ignore Vaders direct orders, and doubting his authorithy (the probe droid incident) There is a smal time gap between ANH and ESB but watching to the movie and noticing some details (like the completly terrified look in the bridge personnel as Vader walks by) I can make up that it is not wise too even raise your voice against Vader.


And about the cocky stuff, Ozzel deserved to die, His failure to obey to the direct orders of Vader didn't only result in the great losses on the Imperial side but also made the Rebels prepared for evacuation and in a way to the destruction of the 2nd Death Star. (Because of Ozzels Ignorance the Rebels escaped could form a new base, gather enough forces and even take the Empire head-on, if Ozzel didn't came out of Hyperspace to early, the Imperials would have bombarded the planet, destroying the base for the biggest part, and disabling the Ion cannon wich made it possible to capture all fleeing rebel ships because those transports only got away because they disabled the first wave of Stardestroyers)

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Yes he did get cocky, wich is a result of the so called "Imperial Arrogance"

you mentioned before, but what I don't get is that he was stupid it enough to even ignore Vaders direct orders, and doubting his authorithy (the probe droid incident) There is a smal time gap between ANH and ESB but watching to the movie and noticing some details (like the completly terrified look in the bridge personnel as Vader walks by) I can make up that it is not wise too even raise your voice against Vader.


And about the cocky stuff, Ozzel deserved to die, His failure to obey to the direct orders of Vader didn't only result in the great losses on the Imperial side but also made the Rebels prepared for evacuation and in a way to the destruction of the 2nd Death Star. (Because of Ozzels Ignorance the Rebels escaped could form a new base, gather enough forces and even take the Empire head-on, if Ozzel didn't came out of Hyperspace to early, the Imperials would have bombarded the planet, destroying the base for the biggest part, and disabling the Ion cannon wich made it possible to capture all fleeing rebel ships because those transports only got away because they disabled the first wave of Stardestroyers)

I'll give you that, but considering the loss of so many elite officers on the first Death Star, you'd think Vader would think twice before summarily executing his command staff. Then again, it's for that exact same reason that he DID kill Ozzel; the sot DIDN'T take the above into account when he jeapordized so many troops and ships when he jumped the fleet into the Hoth system.


But I do agree with you to a point. Ozzel DID have it coming to him. Needa was still robbed, though. :wink:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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I'll give you that, but considering the loss of so many elite officers on the first Death Star, you'd think Vader would think twice before summarily executing his command staff. Then again, it's for that exact same reason that he DID kill Ozzel; the sot DIDN'T take the above into account when he jeapordized so many troops and ships when he jumped the fleet into the Hoth system.


But I do agree with you to a point. Ozzel DID have it coming to him. Needa was still robbed, though. :wink:


You are right and I bet thet vader was being hold by the Emperor, but on the other hand, the Imperial Academies were still delivering qualified, nonetheless skilled officers tot the imperial warmachine.


And your totally right about Needa, the man was a one of the most skilled officers in the Imperial Navy, and was robbed.


Well I think he died a honorful death, ok I admit that being choked by Darth Vader isn't a honorful death but he was brave enough to take the responsibility and go off to apoligize the Darth Vader and that is a brave thing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Or a warning on his door: WARNING CHOCKING HAZARD

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Guest Scathane
Wouldn't it have been more cost-effective if Vader had let him learn from his mistake instead of outright killing him? Sure, throttle him a bit a-la Admiral Motti, but shouldn't he at least have gotten a second chance? (okay, maybe a third; there's still his stubborn position over the whole probe droid thing).
That's awfully modern of you, TF, letting people learn from their mistakes and giving them a second chance! You should realise that Star Wars was a long time ago... :wink:


Moreover, judging from two very large internatioal firms, I've worked for, one would almost reconsider that style of management... :lol:

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