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How can I make Mon Mothma use a Mon Calamari Cruiser in Space?

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1) Go into namedherounits.xml and find mon mothma. Go to and change it from YES to NO

2) Go find change it to Calamari_Cruiser

3) Open Spaceunitscapital.xml find Calamari_Cruiser. Add TRANSPORT to list




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change Alliance_Shuttle

in Mon_Mothma_Team in the file Hero companies to Calamari_Cruiser



edit: sorry, had this tab open awhile, and didn't know you posted it...i left out some stuff anyway

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Thanks :)... but I have already solved this problem in another way. But if you change the and you take Mon Mothma with you in a ground battle isn't she then in a Calamari Cruiser on the GROUND(because in the xml it says she will stay in transport during ground battels)? ???
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No she'll be in a building.

Stay in transport means that they'll either be in space, or hide in a building.


works too...that's the other way I know. Both work the same way, I think.


"That was fun"

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