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R.I.P. *a Star Wars major character*


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Note: This thread contains SPOILERS from the new book Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Book 5: Sacrifice.

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Mara Jade Skywalker: Rest in Peace. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killed by Jacen Solo. He is now a Darth....the name you ask? Darth Caedus.


Your thoughts about this?

Edited by Dorkthehunter

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well lets see... :o :o :o :o


1) Jacen must now die a death far worse then i first thought possible >:(

2) Jacens sith name sucks

3) there is no three ;)


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Killed Mara? Oh man...... At least she can now party with Chewie in an alternate dimension


Yeah...I can see it now:


Mara: So....this sucks.

Chewie: RARGHHH!!!(sp?)

Mara: Yeah. I totally agree. Why didn't you kill Jacen when you had the chance?

Chewie: Rar raw rer ragh...

Mara: What do ya mean "You tried killing him and look where that got you"? He's a Dark Jedi Master of the Force for cryin' out loud! You try to kill him. And I got darn close anyway. He was all banged and bruised and bleeding and then he cheated and used a freakin' poison dart to paralyse me. Didn't Leia and Han ever teach him to respect his elders?

Chewie: RARGHHH!!! *war cry*

Mara: Chill out. I didn't mean to insult Han. Sorry big guy. I just hope in the next few books that Ben doesn't die because that would be a real shame. Allston builds up his character so well in Exile(the 4th Book)and it would be a shame to see that come to an end. He reminds people a lot of Anakin Solo. But when Luke and Ben kill Jacen, I'll be waiting for him right here and will finish what I started. You with me?

Chewie: RAWGHHH!

Mara: Cool. Got any food here..........

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Errr, I thought book 5 was Sacrifice.


Agreed with Controller, that name sucks for a Sith.


Can't forget Anakin can we?



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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It is Sacrifice. That's for pointing that out Dr. Nick.


@AT-AT:Or just don't let old people pick which fan name to choose.

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I have heard of this but i havent gotten the book yet. To me this didnt come to any surprise at all infact at the end of this series i expect most of the original characters to die.
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My prediction: Luke is next. He's gonna go after Jacen and then somehow get hit by a poison dart and die.

I think that all these people will die sometime in the series: Luke, Ben, Jacen, Kyp, Kyle Katarn, Leia, Luke, Jacen, Cal Omas, Corran Horn, Admiral N.(whatever her name is), Lumiya(by Luke already), any other main Jedi, Han, Leia, possibly Wedge Antilles. They're just gonna have fun and kill everyone off. Everyone.


Jacen's gonna have the military and GAG hunt down the Jedi.

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i dont think they will kill of to many main characters at once like that, they need to give people a chance to deal with ones death before kill another, so i would say only too more main characters deaths(my bets are jacen and luke) Edited by Controller


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Thing is i think this will possibly be the last book series for awhile atleast that goes any further into the future and i have a feeling alot of people are going to die becuase some how they have to get to the legacy era stage.


Legacy era being the comics that go 100+ or so years in the future after the battle of endor.

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so thats a good 50 60 years from where we are now, thats lots of time for chararcters to die, and i just dont think they will kill of so many main characters in one book series


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Think about it though the new empire that arises in the legacy comics is well developed and that doesnt just happen in a few years it take about 25 years or quite possibly more i would say that thier isnt too much time for the other characters to die off.


It would be a pefect seting for the arise of a new empire if jacen killed most of the main characters off that could stop one from arising.

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so this new empire will be around for say 25 years before the comics, i dont see why all the main characters have to die before this new empire rise, maybe they will help it, maybe they will just go off on their own and live on the jedi training planet(i forget the name right now)


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forgive me if i'm out of the loop, but is Darth Krayt dead yet? If not, Jacen might kill him.


Perhaps a new hero or two will be introduced. to fill the absence of the others.


Luke might try to bring Jacen back from the Dark side.

Or, better yet,

What if Luke loses it and seeks to avenge Mara? Then Leia tries to find Jacen and redeem him like Luke did Vader before Luke finds him.


Could be very interesting. We'll have to wait and see, though.


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Well it might not go the way i think it is going to go but i think that jacen will kill every other character that we know or most of them but in the end ben will kill him for killing his father and mother or something like that and with ben still their it would explain why their are still skywalkers in the future.
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Well it might not go the way i think it is going to go but i think that jacen will kill every other character that we know or most of them but in the end ben will kill him for killing his father and mother or something like that and with ben still their it would explain why their are still skywalkers in the future.


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SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

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I agree Empireftw. Jacen and the GAG will end up killing off most of the Jedi. Whether or not Ben will be assumed dead, like Anakin Skywalker, or will just be missing, who knows? But I think we might see the end of some of our favorite characters. Hopefully they will die in some huge fight and not in five seconds like in Episode III.

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perhaps Ben will survive, be presumed dead, and go into hiding

p.s. EU writers; PLEASE don't make him go into hiding on tatooine. ::)


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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