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i tried to get LOW's AT-RT to work in my mod. It works at 1st but then after it takes a few steps it just causes a fatal error.


<GroundVehicle Name="AT_RT_Walker">
	<Blob_Shadow_Scale>50.0, 50.0</Blob_Shadow_Scale>
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Rebel_Trooper Underworld_Merc Rebel_Commando </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> T1B_Tank T2B_Tank  </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>

	<!-- Ground vehicles priority 1, ground infantry priority 2, air vehicles priority 3 (N/A = 9999) -->




	<Movement_Animation_Speed> 0.8117 </Movement_Animation_Speed>
	<Rotation_Animation_Speed> 2.2 </Rotation_Animation_Speed>
	<Has_Pre_Turn_Anim> no </Has_Pre_Turn_Anim>
	<Min_Speed_Fraction_For_Turn> .1 </Min_Speed_Fraction_For_Turn>
	<Space_Layer> Land </Space_Layer>
	<UnitCollisionClass> Large Vehicle </UnitCollisionClass>
	<Custom_Hard_XExtent> 8.0 </Custom_Hard_XExtent>
	<Custom_Hard_YExtent> 6.0 </Custom_Hard_YExtent>
	<MinimumPushReturnDistance> 100 </MinimumPushReturnDistance>
	<FormationOrder> 4 </FormationOrder>
	<FormationGrouping> Standard </FormationGrouping>
	<FormationSpacing> 1 </FormationSpacing>
	<FormationRaggedness> 2.5 </FormationRaggedness>
	<MaxJiggleDistance> 5 </MaxJiggleDistance>

	<Land_Damage_Thresholds>1, 0.66, 0.33</Land_Damage_Thresholds>
	<Land_Damage_Alternates>0, 1, 2</Land_Damage_Alternates>
	<Land_Damage_SFX>null,SFX_Grenade_Detonation, SFX_Grenade_Detonation</Land_Damage_SFX>


	<Armor_Type> Armor_Vehicle_LT </Armor_Type>




	<Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust>30.0</Ranged_Target_Z_Adjust>  <!-- 18 -->

	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> LandHero, 999</Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Infantry, 30.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Vehicle, 5.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Air, 70.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Structure, 1.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>



	<SFXEvent_Assist_Move> Unit_Assist_Move_Scout_Trooper </SFXEvent_Assist_Move>		
	<SFXEvent_Assist_Attack> Unit_Assist_Attack_Scout_Trooper </SFXEvent_Assist_Attack>

	<SFXEvent_Unit_Lost> EHD_Unit_Destroyed </SFXEvent_Unit_Lost>
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started> EHD_Reinforcements_En_Route </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete> EHD_Reinforcements_Available </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled> EHD_Reinforcements_Cancelled  </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled>

	<CategoryMask> Vehicle | AntiInfantry</CategoryMask>


	<Ground_Vehicle_Turret_Target> Yes </Ground_Vehicle_Turret_Target>
	<Overall_Length>20.0</Overall_Length> <!-- Hand tweaked for vehicle pitching up and down on terrain -->
	<Overall_Width>0.0</Overall_Width> <!-- 0.0 means don't roll left and right on terrain -->




	<Death_Clone>Damage_Normal, AT_RT_Walker_Death_Clone_00</Death_Clone>

	<Influences_Capture_Point> True </Influences_Capture_Point>




	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">

			<Recharge_Seconds> 60.0 </Recharge_Seconds>
			<Spawned_Object_Type> Proj_Special_Land_FOW_Reveal_Ping_Blast </Spawned_Object_Type>
			<Effective_Radius> 0.0 </Effective_Radius> <!-- 0.0 means no distance factor, unlimited to entire map -->
			<Area_Effect_Decal_Distance> 550.0 </Area_Effect_Decal_Distance> 
			<GUI_Activated_Ability_Name>  </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->



<GroundVehicle Name="AT_RT_Walker_Death_Clone_00">
	<Custom_Hard_XExtent_Offset> -15.0 </Custom_Hard_XExtent_Offset>
	<Custom_Hard_XExtent> 15.0 </Custom_Hard_XExtent>
	<Custom_Hard_YExtent> 6.0 </Custom_Hard_YExtent>

	<Death_Persistence_Duration> 999 </Death_Persistence_Duration>
	<Specific_Death_Anim_Index> 0 </Specific_Death_Anim_Index>
	<IsDeathCloneObstacle> true </IsDeathCloneObstacle>



Can someone help me?


BTW i asked this before but no one responded...

BTW Does anyone know how to get Proton Torpedoes to destroy in one hit? Even with hardpoints?. I'm trying to make a heavy torpedo that will basically rip through any ship and destroy it.
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No, I mean torpedoes in space... against hard points. Kinda like a super laser. When that torpedo hits I want it to destroy a ship. Even if i make the blast radius large it still doesn't work.
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