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Offical Clone Wars Animated cartoon thread(not the old CW)


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Linky? I didn't see this thing  :-\



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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I don't like that cartoony look, makes it seem as if it'll be targeted toward younger audiences. I hope not, I want it to be as bloody and as violent as the comics are. I hope they use good voice actors too. So is this going to air on TV or just be some special DVD thing?
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The ships, droids, clones and stuff like that= AMAZING


People(excluding Grievous)= Not so much


This will probably be something cheesy or kids targetted, but my hopes is that it will be something like a 3d version of the other clone wars cartoon, cause that was awesome.  Maybe Grievous will get a better place then what he got in the movie...




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Doesn't seem kid-targeted. if it was, it'd be like that ewok adventure thing, not that I ever watched that.


"That was fun"

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Whats kid oriented? When you want kid oriented stuff watch some Teletubbies or some anime parodies on Teletoon that just wants to make you throw up. Run on sentence? So sue me.
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the only person i really hate is yoda, he looks stupid. but the others arnt so bad, and i really like the clones and droids.

i wonder what was that ship skywalkers was flying is. it looks like a early B-wing(which i hope it isnt)


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  • 2 weeks later...
no it only had one wing, if i remember correctly. how many ships does skywalker need, this will make four on my count. dont you just hate waits?


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the only person i really hate is yoda, he looks stupid. but the others arnt so bad, and i really like the clones and droids.

i wonder what was that ship skywalkers was flying is. it looks like a early B-wing(which i hope it isnt)


The "jump to hyperspace" sequence seen at the end of the exclusive preview at SW.com looked like the inside of the Ebon Hawk for some reason...


Personally, I just had a couple qualms with the preview:


-bad voice casting for anakin. (even the cartoon version matched hayden better. this guy sounds too much like Luke in ESB).


-Obi's beard looks...odd.


-Dooku's face looks like an easter island head.


The ship graphics, however, look great. same with clones and droids.


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No, its not a V-19, the V-19s are the other ones and have BLUE engine particles...this one's is yellow (1 circle and a line I think)...the way it flies reminds of a Firespray or a b-wing...


Yoda isn't bad...he's cute...well that is bad.


"That was fun"

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Oh that 5 minute long thing was annoying. so many ads! they cut after each ep and show 5 mins of ads. That was REALLY stupid.


"That was fun"

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