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Re: Call of Duty 4


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I just hope we get to play other sides beside Americans. They still can't get over the fact that 9/11 happened and Europe has gotten over every other event in history including the Holocaust. -.- I also don't like the American's tanks, just to......half reared. Get to play as the Russians or Iraqi's?
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probably because 9/11 was a few short years ago


But yeah, I hope you get to be the bad guys in single player. I always wanted there to be german campagin in the previous COD games.


And there doesn't seem to be any russians.

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the problem with a german campagin would be, you know for that start you are going to lose, their is nothing you can do to stop it from happening


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And I thought Call of Duty 3 was amazing.... :o

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I haven't heard much about COD 3. Mosly because they made the mistake of making it a console only game, all Ive heard is that it's pretty much just like COD 2 with some new junk but not much differnt.
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