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Re: Towel Day- May 25

Mikan Cyclone

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On May 25, people will bring their towels with them.  Why? It is the day we honor the life of Douglas Adams, one of the greatest writers ever.  If you live under a bug under a rock, Douglas Adams wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  Read the Books, wear a towel!


As you can see, I can't write advertisements.  Ignoring the top, just sum it up with this.  May 25= Towel Day.  Bring a frikkin towel everywhere with you.  Douglas Adams deserves it.


More info here or in my sig (just click the banner).




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It wouldn't be dissrespectful to bring a towel.  The point is to let people see it.  If you have like a backpack or something, put it in there in case they tell you to put it away, then it'll be fine.




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It wouldn't be dissrespectful to bring a towel.  The point is to let people see it.  If you have like a backpack or something, put it in there in case they tell you to put it away, then it'll be fine.

oh its not the dissrespect thats the problem its the fact that a towel is not part of the school uniform and because of the van we took, we were not allowed to have bags(try to fit 12 people in one small van, we only just fit without bags)


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With bags? Quite a feat.


My towel is aqua blue, and if I chose the wrong one, might have a fish pattern along the middle.  I've told all my school friends about it, but I doubt they'll follow through




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oh its not the dissrespect thats the problem its the fact that a towel is not part of the school uniform and because of the van we took, we were not allowed to have bags(try to fit 12 people in one small van, we only just fit without bags)


you have school uniforms? hahahhahhahahahha... that sucks

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Catholic school, ATAT?

yep, St Josph collage Melboure, through our uniform isnt that bad(just gray pants white shirt which doesnt have to be tucked in, and a navy blue blazer), ive seen way worse


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oh we also have to wear a tie in winter. of course the shirt and tie only in winter only started in year before that, it was basicly you uniform except we have a different colour blazer Edited by Controller


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