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Droid803's Maps

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Well, I guess its about time I shared my creations that I toiled endless hours over to tweak to perfection...

When I'm out of ideas for my mod, that is.


Enjoy...I hope...


Mygeeto: Industrial City

Requires Mod: No

Description: A battle on the bridges of mygeeto, recreatedt he best I could without using custom props. On the southern end is the space port with a large array of communcation sattleites and a variety of landing ports. Further north is the heart of the industrial city - movinge generators, giant fans, and pipes and beams criss cross below the bridge. At the far north is the true city, gleaming high-rises and smoth grey buildings.

Gameplay Desc: Two main bridges, central and west, provide the major pathway for vehicles to cross. An eastern side path allows infantry to sneak up to the enemy base relatively undetected, while a central service bridge aloows you to access the only outpost pad on the whole map.





Download: http://files.filefront.com/Mygeeto__Industrial_Cityted/;7162189;/fileinfo.html


AetenII: Death Camp (BETA)

Requires Mod: No

Description: The death camps of Aeten II, a secert facility from which noone has ever escaped or survived, and unknown to the rest of the galaxy. Prisioners sentenced to death are transported from the holding cell by tunnel-train to the lava fields, where they labor endlessly on the unstable surface, searching from stygium, while the overseers watch them from the comfortable seat in the main control tower overlooking the geothermal powerplant powering the facility. The south is the landing zone, where prisioners arrive on the world and are immediately escorted to the holding cells, which ahs a military base to prevent criminals from escaping. The north is the lava fields, with a small military outpost to make sure the prisioners do their work. The barren open wasteland separating the two lava fields and the spaceport ensure that all escaping prisioners are sighted, and the base alerted.








"That was fun"

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the go-ahead to make the rip-off of the prisoner escape map (with mod), I made my own version based on the Aeten II map.

Warning, its a total rip-off of Jeteye1's Kessel: Escape from the Mines...lol. Uses the same idea.


Instead of having destructible walls to free the prisoners, its all based on capturing structures.


Capturing a prison sets free all the prisoners inside then destroys the prison. Capturing a light factory makes it pump out TIE maulers and AT-STs for you. Capturing heavy factories net you 2-M tanks. Several "un-manned" vehicles are in the map: AT-AA's, AT-ST's and SPMA-T's that can be captured for your side if you bring infantry near enough to it.


The escapees start with a few squads of prisoners, a captured prison-turned-command-center - providing radar, and a Captured HAV-B5 Juggernaut that was recently used to drop off a force of Imperials (who are now dead and are lying on the floor). All in the northern base of the original map, which has been turned to more of a prison facility, with a few factories that are capturable. The bridges to the flatlands have been destroyed by the imperials in a last-ditch effort to hold the prisoners in until reinforcements arrive... You're going to have to find a way around to get to the spaceport and off-planet.


The imperials start at their base with 2 AT-AT's which are NOT replaceable...use them wisely. The power generator is situated at an uncomfortable distance away from your main base, where the power plant is. And as with all your buildings, it is NOT replaceable. Luckily, there are build pads and a forward barracks near the area so you can dig in better. With 3 Turbolaser towers per side and a base shield, the prisoners have a really hard time getting in to the base with the power on. They have to go through there anyway if they want to attack you with vehicles. Watch out for if the infantry get past that area though since that's where the SPMA-T's are. And these SPMA-Ts aren't your average SPMA-T's.


The prisoners get their units in one-time bursts, while the Imperials get a constant stream of AT-ST's and 2-Ms from their base. This works with Destroy Enemy, Destroy Enemy Base, and Destroy Enemy Command Center. Although the prisoners are at a significant disadvantage in base size if "Destroy Enemy Base" is used -all they have is a command center. (though its still very possible to win if Superweapons is off. It always should be off!)



The Juggernaut, full of escapees, covered by an SPMA



With my forces inside their base, its almost over



The last buildings fall




(still have to work out balancing playing as the empire before I can upload...and I had to start this map over once)


"That was fun"

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These maps are awesome!  :o


Great stuff  :D



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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OH MY! That's look very awesome too!  :o


You two working on these awesome maps make me wish to back working on my project Bantha Docks, even if the coding stuff for it is giving me headaches...  :P


Off-Topic: Man, with all these features enabled (Anti-Aliasing, Soft Shadows, etc) it does look like 'EaW II'...  :o

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Nice prison!

Would my making Oovo IV be considered a rip-off map? :-\


I'm making some new prisoner skins if you want to use them.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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lol, might as well make rip-off maps :P They're fun!


New prisoner skins? Cool.


Anyhow, I figured it needed an overview... (yes its a Map editor screen, because the game doesn't handle that much zoom.




1. Imperial Base

2. Prisoner Base

3. Imperial Power Generator

4. Imperial Forward Barracks, various unmanned vehicles

5. Infantry-only mountain pass


"That was fun"

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Ok, this map is only meant to be played as the prisoners. The AI doesn't know how to capture the structures to get reinforcements and ends up just rushing me with what they have (lame!)


I'm going to have to disable all the build options on the empire structures except a few upgrades that could be used, and maybe give the prisoners a few too...


"That was fun"

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OMG a shamless rip-off of my map.... jk

Two shameless rip offs.


"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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