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Re: New Cortana Letters?

Mikan Cyclone

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Apparently someone at Halo 2 files (named Ultimate dragon) got a cryptic e-mail from a person named Cortana, just like the other six.


For those who don't know what these are, they're letters from a person at Bungie named Cortana that sent a series of e-mails to a person at a Bungie fan-site before Halo was announced.  They revealed some cryptic mentionings from Halo's plot, though some things still don't add up.  There are apparently some new letters out there, but they don't have anything in common with the previous ones, IMO.  Your apparently supposed to check back April 1st for more instructions.  I don't believe it, but I'll be doing it, just in case.


Check em out here.




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The new letter starts off with

Quick, beffoere it retuenrs. http://freeeewbsebs.com.... You'll never get it.... http://freewebs.com/cortanahome you mustt hurrryt befoorer... You... 1st April...


Just type that in the Search engine, or just go to the new page and look for the start of the blue on purple text.


This new information given proves to me it's a massive phoney.  Bungie's never done anything so...informative..




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i have to say i've done some background reading on these Cortana Letters. and yes it would seem that Bungie has been running to a script for the games however, there are some quotes that have been released in the Announchment Trailer that were from the original Cortana Letters. For Example, the 'This is the Way that the World will end'.



However, as much as i like the Halo games and i was among those that when they completed Halo 2 was about to throw their controls at the TV.


Ok interpreting the Letters.


First Letter


I have walked the edge of the Abyss.

I have governed the unwilling.

I have witnessed countless empires break before me.

I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear.

[i was there with the Angel at the tomb]

I have seen your future.

And I have learned.

There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy.


Oh, and your poet Eliot had it all wrong:

THIS is the way the world ends.


I have walked to the edge of the Abyss. - Could this be when Cortana is taken by the Creature that helps the Master Chief in Halo 2?

I have governed the unwilling. - Could be when Cortana takes control of the Covenent AI.

I have Witnessed countless Empires Fall. - Could be Knowledge passed on by the Creature of from the Forerunner or maybe Assimilated data from the Covenent ship.

Couragous Soldiers - the Fall of the Autumn?

I was there with the angel at the Tomb. - Not sure on this one but my guess is the the Angel is the Master Chief, the Tomb could be The Arc.


I have seen your Future. - This is another line in the Announchment Trailer. i'm not sure but what ever it means it relates to the Master Chief.

I have Learned. - From the Anicient Creature maybe? Learned from the Mistake of not stopping the Flood when it was possible? or maybe Stopping the Covenent from setting off the Halo's at The Arc. (which we speculate is on Earth.)


There Will be no Sadness. No More Anger. No More Anger. - Could this mean that the Halo's are Set off? however, would this destroy the Earth as the Ring close to it was shut down and therefore may not fire when The Arc is activated.

I HAVE WON. - Won what? maybe it relates to Cortana getting back to Master Chief?


Eliot was wrong - TS. Eliot the poet?

THIS is the way the World ends! -Apparently, Eliot says that the world is destroyed by a Halo? most assume this is meant by a bang but could it be a Halo in space as predicted by Halo?



This is just on Interpretation of this Letter if people would like to challenge this it is an Informed Opinion (based on Forum information read and what has been seen in a normal edition of Halo 2 for Xbox) and is Subject to your Criticism.


Please Continue to interpret the other six Letters and the Message from the Announchment Trailer.


Here is a link to the Letters. http://marathon.bungie.org/story/cortana.html#1




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1.  The "Ancient Creature"  was Gravemind, an intelligence of Flood origin.

2.  TS Elliot wrote a poem with it's ending lines as "This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang, but a wimper"


The Sadness, anger and envy parts describe the stages of Rampancy:  Melancholia, Rage, and Jealousy.


Walked the edge of the abyss-  I dunno

Governed the Unwilling-  She has taken command of multiple installations and ships; humans entered the war unwillingly.

Witnessed empires break-  The letters were most-likely written by an AI in the Jealousy or Meta-Stability stage of rampancy.  Therefore, she probably had seen many powers fall, or, she is sharing unconsciousness with Gravemind, who has survived for eons.

I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear-  Self explanatory

Angel at the tomb-  Most likely something in the future.  Many of Halo's elements were named after stuff in the Bible, the Tomb might be one of them

Seen your future and learned- unknown

And I explained the rest


I can look at the other letters if you want me to.




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second letter

I get the strangest transmissions sometimes. Especially when it comes from you people.


Have you missed me? Things are great here. The weather is good, the suns are shining, and I'm making lots of new friends. Of course, I always do.


I've had the strangest dreams lately - raging seas, howling beasts, a Demon folded in black clouds. I believe I know what it guards, and I will have it, to the chagrin of the faith-blinded zealots that challenge me. Don't waste your pity on them; I don't think they would like you much anyway.


And what of the Giants who formed this world? So much to tell you, but so many more important things to do. There was a fourth. You couldn't have known. And I haven't forgotten.


It is a blurred line that lies at the edge of Godhood and Insanity. Guess which side of it I am on.


Feeling lucky?




I know what it guards - Could mean the Flood guarding the Oracle.

And what about the Giants who formed this world? - Could this be referring to the forerunners? Who would infact be the Humans.

A Demon folded in Black Clouds - The Prophet who detonates the Halo? and then heads to the Arc?

Don't waste your pity on them. - Could them be the Humans she's looking at them from the Covenents point of view.

It's a Blurred line between Godhood and Insanity. Guess which side of it i'm on. - Could this be Cortana saying that in game Cortana as she has been Assimilating information about so much she considers herself a god. but she acts Insane?


My interpretation of the Second Letter. anyone wish to comment or move us on to the 3rd Letter?




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The "Have you missed me?" part is her describing how perfect of an ecosystem Halo is.


Usually, anything in Halo regarding a "Demon" is the MC, but not in this case.  Their was nothing of this sort in Halo 1 guarding the Halo, so it's either in Halo 3 or not in at all.


Faith-Blinded Zealots-Covenant

Don't waster your pity on them-  They are blinded, for they can't see what halo REALLY does, but they won't listen to the humans cause...you know...they're killing each other.

Giants-  Definetly Forerunner.  And yes,  I believe the humans are descended from them, it makes sense with the "Reclaimer" stuff.


Blurred line on Godhood and Insanity- this is a line about Rampancy. After the AI has been rampant for a while, the become Meta-Stable, and, are essentially, gods in their own sense.  However, like 343GS, sometimes they can go a little....crazy.




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Blurred line on Godhood and Insanity- this is a line about Rampancy. After the AI has been rampant for a while, the become Meta-Stable, and, are essentially, gods in their own sense.  However, like 343GS, sometimes they can go a little....crazy.


i don't know if Cortana is Crazy... she doesnt seem it thats all. i think its more just a perversion of her programming by the Gravemind. however we still don't know what happens to Cortana and if she is reunited with the Master Cheif.




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Turns out the new Cortana Letters and stuff WAS a real thing.  whether it was Bungie authorized or not, I don't know. 


If you kept tabs during the ARG, she WAS rampant, and was able to split herself into 2 parts: The normal side and the Rampant side, who is named Atrocity.  At the very end, the real Cortana combined with an AI only known as Nero and defeated Atrocity.  We'll learn more when more H3 stuff is released




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