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For those who have the game, how would you rate MTW2 to the following(ie. Better or worse overall and what aspects are better/worse/the same in the games):



CnC 3(what we know)


Warcraft III


Company of Heroes

*insert names of good RTS games here*

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EAW/FoC :  Kind of better.  Eaw and Foc were great games. (tie)

BFME II : (better)

CnC 3(what we know) : (based on the demo better)

AoE III : (better)

Warcraft III (haven't played it)

Starcraft (see above)

Company of Heroes (different kinds of games, again tie)

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EAW/FoC : only space battles are better in EaW, but its still a great game (better)

BFME II : (better)

CnC 3(what we know) : havent played the demo yet

AoE III : (see above)

Warcraft III (see above)

Starcraft (see above)

Company of Heroes (tie)


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