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XML Questions: No Hijacking Please.

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These questions are for modding the XML files in Forces Of Corruption Expansion.

Any answers are greatly appreciated. I am aware of all of the available tutorials online btw.


1. When adding additional land buildings to planets.xml do I need to reedit the maps themselves to allow additional paceholders for them? Is it sufficient

to simply change from lets say 3 to 8 with no problems inside planets.xml?


2. What is the maximum amount of special structures (land buildings) that can be placed on a planet without crashing the game?

Is it 8 buildings or 10?


3. Same question for space structures above planets....


4. EAW ala to FOC ala convertions: If I were to convert the animation models from fan made EAW mods to FOC ala's using the alatoala convertor that is available,

will it destroy the bones and other important information stored in the ala files?


5. How many build button slots for (additional units) are there for land and starbases in total?

ie. 24 build slots for a barracks or starbase?


6. What size should new build buttons icons be for FOC when adding them to the builbutton file? Do they require alpha channels in the dds?


7. What are the requirements when adding new space units in comparison to

land units as far as xml entries go? The tutorials online arent specific enough.

I know fighter squadrons need company entries but capitol ships dont since they are one unit for example.

I just need a simple list of things that are needed to be added please.


8. What is the best program for LUA editing and viewing? For AI files specifically.


9. Is there a way to enable bombing runs for defenders on planets to counter invasions?

I have noticed that invading troops get bombing runs but the defenders bombing run button is always greyed out and not available. I want to change that.


10. What is the largest FOC Galactic Conquest map avalible currently? I have read that there was one that had 200 planets, I havent seen it yet.


11. Is it possible to just simply type in the text description for a unit in the spaceunit entry or do I need to type in the entry for the mastertextfile.dat instead? I wanted an easier way of doing it instead of what I have found so far.


Thank you all in advance !

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1.Yes. No. You need to edit the maps.


2.I think it's as many as the map allows, though it'll probably get glitchy somewhere.


3.I don't know if you can change that.


4.No, but give credit and get permission!


5.I'm not sure


6.50x50, or it'll be strange. Icons are tgas, and and they need alpha channels. The alpha channel tells what to exclude from the icon.


7. I'd say copy and paste something already made, then change it. I don't really get the question.






10.They keep growing. I doubt 200, though, unless they pirated a lot of maps.


11. You need to edit the DAT.

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2: Its 8. Even if you add more then 8 placeholders on the map, the Gal Map does not support more then 8 of the little icons.


3: Same, but 5 Slots for Starbases 1-5 and 3 for specials.


5: yes.


7: Fighters: Container, Squadron, Unit(, Deathclone)


8: Textpad (.com)


10: Yes, I do have that 200planet mod, its a french mod. It also has the planets in a canon order displayed on the correct background map.

The problem is its not really playable, because it will slow your computer down very much.


11: Do you know mike.nl's StringEditor?

Its much more use...

to Bria Tharen!



http://www.vereinte-nationen.de/german.gif Ich spreche auch Deutsch.

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