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Re: Captain Artenon: Return to Naboo - mod for Empire at War

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Return to Naboo is a mod that adds a Naboo faction, The Naboo Protectorate, to FoC.


Progress has been slow, but thanks to wings3D, i can now make my own models.


Here is a model I made for my mod: The Naboo Space Station



For more info, check out the forums at The Sith Lords of Modding EaW Forums


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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For now, the link takes you directly to the mod info at the host site. I have a hero unit list and a space unit list, as well as a couple hand drawn concept art by me.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Naboo bomber render (edited from codeuser's N1 model w/permission)




And I have a wallpaper made now. Its a concept I made in photoshop of a battle that will be in the mod.


Edited by Logan Felipe


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Thanks! :)


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Yeah, very nice.


Any ETA update yet?

Depends; what's ETA mean?



Here's a screen of a Naboo Swamps map I made. It's not ready for GC or standard skirmish yet, but it can still be played as a death match with no reinforcements.



AT-TE credits:

Model: Psyk0Sith

Skin: Neomarz1 (with additional work of Qui-Rom and Avenger)

Animations: Avenger

Edited by Logan Felipe


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Mantoid GhAta* Battle cruiser by Logan Felipe:



Aesthetic view


Side View (scaled with Corellian Corvette)


rear view


profile view


*GhAta is Hindi for "Ambush".


The Mantoids aid the Naboo Protectorate during the Galactic Civil War. They are known for their skill in stealth, as well as the unique cloaking devices used in their ships, which do not use stygium crystals. Their leader, Pharoah Ort Sac Le-Díf Akmehdtab, will be included as a hero for the protectorate.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Naboo Land Transport

(appeared in the "Battle for Naboo" Video Game as "Commando" transport).



The doors on the side weren't in BfN; I added them because without them, noone would be able to get into or out of the vehicle.  :P


Viewport highlighted in red.


162 polys.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Screens of a rough version of a map I intend to create for the campaign.







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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Blue Executor? Nice.


So is this mod for EaW or FoC? (Cause it looks like the FoC SSD)


I'm actually debating that atm. I might make a simpler version for EaW... And the Executor is blue because its in skirmish. I might consider a recolor of the Executor's "city" structures to blue like in ESB. The Naboo Venators will have green coloration like in pic 5.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Now I just need to install the patch.


Will installing the patch affect any xmls i've modified?


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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It doesn't. Installed the patch and my mod still ran fine...

But hmmm...I have the patch (I think) and its still going blue. It didn't do that on my old computer...


Whatever. If needed, I'll give you my improved SSD skin (its darkened and alpha set to black)...that one worked.




EDIT: Never mind. I extracted the base Textures.MEG and had it sitting in my directory as a source...so that was why. So Never mind.


"That was fun"

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  • 3 months later...

This is a teaser trailer I made in SW Mashups. Enjoy!


The Trailer


Let me know what you think. :)


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Here's a model for a new ship in the mod. It's a cruiser designed by the Fulgoridians of Arborealis Pyro.





My mod will change slightly how some ships are acquired (for example, to build Mon Cal ships, you must control mon calamari, to build this ship, Arborealis Pyro, etc.) Most ships will be available to all factions in this manner, though some will not (the empire can't make mon cal cruisers). The Ship merchant/hutt pirate base in skirmish will also have certain indigeonous ships.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Here's the hardpoint layout:



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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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First ingame shots!


Model: Codeuser & Logan Felipe

Skin: Codeuser


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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The N1 is now sort of coded; it fires in-game, but the icon and all text relating to it is missing. Credit for the model, skin, and source code goes to Steiner Modding.



N1s attack a Victory SD.


N1s and TIEs in a dogfight. (scale has been corrected since).


N1s gang up on a Vengeance Frigate.


N1s finish off said Vengeance frigate.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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