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Re: Need a little help with my personnel minimod...


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I made some minor changes to my stock FoC game and in these changes, I added some 'new' stuff like Tartan Strike Cruisers; one new hero, Admiral Hezar that has a prototype Tartan Strike Cruiser MkII that can take medium sized ships easily (example: Assault Frigates) and when his ship is destroyed, he "escapes" in his TIE Advanced x2 (the death projectile 'trick', discovered by D803), and one hero squadron to the Rebels, Wampa Squadron  :P, formed by three smugglers (one Rihkxyrk Attack Ship, one Y-Wing and one z-95 Headhunter, all heavily modified and they have the deploy seismic charges ability - three at once  ;D) after the Battle of Hoth.

I wanted the AI to build these new units, and taking the Tartan Strike Cruisers as example, I thought I would only need to make a copy of the game original Tartan LUA and change a few lines - names. The problem is that I can't find the Tartan LUA (Or any other unit LUA) even in the Scripts folder of EaW (Source folder under Mods).

Can someone help me?  ???

Edited by HK-47
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Skirmish builds LUA is:




located in:


E:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\Mods\Source\Data\Scripts\AI\SpaceMode


for space units.


"That was fun"

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I added my units to that LUA and I put the files in Data/Scripts/AI/SpaceMode and it worked currectly, thanks!


Now I'm having problens with the tractor beam ability. I wanted to put it in my space hero, I copied the Star Destroyer tractor beam code, it shows ok ingame, but I can't use it. The buttom stays 'gray'. Even in Autofire...




This is the code that I used:


		<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
   <Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
      <!-- Primary ability -->
            <Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.8f</Mod_Multiplier>
            <GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> SD_Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
			<SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Tractor_Beam </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop>

   <Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
      <Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability Name="SD_Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability">
            <Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
            <Applicable_Unit_Categories>Transport | Corvette | Fighter</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
            <Applicable_Unit_Types>Millennium_Falcon, IG2000, Hounds_Tooth</Applicable_Unit_Types>

            <!-- Modifiers. If 0 - no modifier is applied, 1 - "100% increase or decrease" -->



Let me guess, I need a damn LUA to make it work? If so, can I copy the ISD tractor LUA if there are one - and where is it?  :P

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Nope, it needs a tractor beam hardpoint AFAIK, and if you add the hardpoint it'll work.

Just makeit nontargetable and non-destructable and have it fix onto ROOT.


"That was fun"

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Thanks! I did it and it works fine. Now I also have my Tartan Strike Cruisers with Point Laser Defense Systens, I did the same to them using Root as the bone, I also changed the projectile color to blue  :D.
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this is a little of topic but... the Tartan Strike Crusier is named "Helpless". Am I the only one who feels that that name is... well rather un-imperial? Sorry for off topic but that had come to my attention.
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Yes it is. I always wanted to create my own hero since I won EaW as a prize in one contest, almost one year ago. In my mind, I created Hezar, a former Old Republic Scientist and excellent Fleet Commander that raised in the Imperial Ranks quickly due to his skills. But that time, I didn't know how to do any modification to the game unless changing the space pop cap. Now that I have a good computer and I know something, I coded him. Since the first REBEL Campaign Mission, I liked the Tartans (and I hate that junk pile named Carrack Cruiser) except because they are weak, so I realized that I should give Hezar a Tartan, but a strong one, that should be capable of destroying Nebulon-Bs, Assault Frigates and most of Rebel Scum ships, but should be still weak against MonCal Capital Ships. To give some background and satisfy my want of burn holes through Rebel scum, I coded the Tartan Strike Cruisers, Hezar's first project that acquired mass production. And than the Tartan Strike Cruiser MKII, that didn't acquired mass production because of the two prototypes, one was stolen by the Rebels (still coding to the game) and most schematics and the facility that they were being constructed were destroyed in a devastating Rebel raid in the Damorian Manufacturing Corporation shipyards (they stole the another prototype there too). I would like to name the ship Mercieless, but Tyber Zann's flagship already has this name (unless I changed it name to the concept one, The Peacebringer, but I prefer Mercieless), so I gave the ship the name Helpless, because if some idiot stupid blasted scum commander or captain of some piece of junk see the ship alone, he/she must think "Hey guys, time to play with another helpless Tartan", but they would be floating in the space dead before they could say this due to the Helpless' turbolasers and laser emitters considerable fire range...  ;)  :P
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I'm coding some smuggler/'civilian' ships - no I don't have any new freighter ship model - to be hired at skirmish merchant docks (come on, that thing only allows you to build 4 useless things), but it isn't working. I added them to the Merchant Dock code in SpaceBuildablesSkirmish, but nothing happens. Does that structure have data in other xml? Or do I need to add some kind of tag to the unit code?  ???


EDITED: Oh nevermind, I got it to work now.

Edited by HK-47
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thx! It worked, but I'll need to do some adjustments to my 'sniper troopers'...  :P


I probably already asked something like this, but: is there some way to have new laser colors (the medium and small lasers (the ones used by Fighters, Corvettes and some laser cannons such as the Nebulon-B rear guns) in some different color without needing to 're-skin' or make a new model? I know we have them in game green, red and yellow; but seeing the texture w_laser_pill and w_laser_small2 in the Map Editor, I realized that they have more colours (the first one has red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple).

What about and 1?  ???


Also, is possible to create new...uh, *special weapons* like the HV Gun and the planetary Ion Cannon?  ::)


Thanks in advance!  ;D

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What I know is 1,1 is purple, 5,0 is orange, 6,0 is yellow, 0,0 is red, 0,3 is green, 0,1 is blue. Try fiddling for diff erent colors.


"That was fun"

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purple would worl nice for nantex fighters (which fire purple lasers in AotC)


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Thanks a lot Droid!

Now that blasted Rebel scum will eat my TIE Advanced X-2 blue projectiles! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  :P

Really, project and ship codding is the funniest thing in XML coding (in FoC)!  :D

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purple would work nice for nantex fighters (which fire purple lasers in AotC)

I already have purple lasers for Nantex's in my mod, modeled by Codeuser.

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Hey guys, how do I:

- Add new colors to skirmish? I've added some tags in some area of the GameConstants, basing in the game ones, but they didn't show in the select 'color' menu.

- Add new music to the main menu? Is in GameConstants too, isn't it?

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