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What about new props?


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Now all you need is a star destroyer with it's hangar cut out.

Well, there's already one ISD in map, it is powered, although it wasn't showed in these pics, and it will be fighting a MonCal, as background... I hope it works. And, hey, the actual ingame ISD model has the hangar showing off, but since it's 'under the ship', that won't be easy (or even possible to do). Or do you refer to BFII's ugly and uncannon ISD that has ONE hangar in ONE of the sides??  ;)


I'm not going to replace the TIE Scout with an Interceptor, because since that's a Merchant Dock (well, at least until now), TIE Scouts would be usefull to act as transports... Sometimes I think I should remove the TIE Advanced, but it would act as a fighter for someone important to the Empire that could go there... Or simply because I like TIE Advanced and TIE Scouts...  ;D


I'm planing to code some land TIEs and other craft to the Rebels/ZC and use an invisible building that will be located inside the hangars (with multiplayerstructuremarkers) that won't have victory relevant and won't be destructable that you will be able to build them. Although, you will have a certain number of TIEs/other fighters that will be buildable (to people won't spam it) and several hostile AA turrets around the map  ;D...

But there's still too much W.I.P. with this map, since I wish to do my best to make a really good and 'unique' land map.  ::)

Edited by HK-47
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I'm having some problens with the spawned TIEs... I coded a structure to spawn them, add it to MultipleyerStructureMakers, it shows ingame but does not spawn TIEs.

If someone can help me...


The land based TIE code:


	<GroundVehicle Name="TIE_Fighter_Land_Based">
	<Blob_Shadow_Scale>40.0, 40.0</Blob_Shadow_Scale>
	<No_Colorization_Color> 75, 75, 75, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>



	<OverrideAcceleration> .2 </OverrideAcceleration>
	<OverrideDeceleration> .2 </OverrideDeceleration>
	<Space_Layer> Fighter </Space_Layer>
	<Stationary_Space_Layer> Land </Stationary_Space_Layer>
	<FormationGrouping> Solo </FormationGrouping>
	<PathFrameDelay> 4 </PathFrameDelay>
	<Should_Cause_Limited_Turrets_To_Turn> false </Should_Cause_Limited_Turrets_To_Turn>	


	<Behavior>SELECTABLE, POWERED</Behavior>

	<Collidable_By_Projectile_Living> Yes </Collidable_By_Projectile_Living>
	<Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field> No </Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field>


	<Armor_Type> Armor_Fighter </Armor_Type>




	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>Infantry, 20.0</Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>Vehicle, 1.0</Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>Air, 1.0</Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>Structure, 6.0</Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>





	<SFXEvent_Assist_Move> Unit_Assist_Move_Lancet </SFXEvent_Assist_Move>		
	<SFXEvent_Assist_Attack> Unit_Assist_Attack_Lancet </SFXEvent_Assist_Attack>
	<SFXEvent_Health_Low_Warning> Unit_Health_Low_TIE_Fighter</SFXEvent_Health_Low_Warning>
	<SFXEvent_Health_Critical_Warning> Unit_Health_Critical_TIE_Fighter </SFXEvent_Health_Critical_Warning>
	<SFXEvent_Enemy_Damaged_Health_Low_Warning> Unit_Enemy_Health_Low_Tie_Fighter </SFXEvent_Enemy_Damaged_Health_Low_Warning>
	<SFXEvent_Enemy_Damaged_Health_Critical_Warning> Unit_Enemy_Health_Critical_Tie_Fighter </SFXEvent_Enemy_Damaged_Health_Critical_Warning>

	<SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving> Unit_TIE_Fighter_Fly_By </SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving>
	<SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving_Min_Delay_Seconds> 5 </SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving_Min_Delay_Seconds>
	<SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving_Max_Delay_Seconds> 10 </SFXEvent_Ambient_Moving_Max_Delay_Seconds>

	<!-- <SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_TIE_Fighter_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> -->
	<!-- <SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_TIE_Fighter_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> -->
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_TIE_Fighter_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>

	<SFXEvent_Unit_Lost> EHD_Unit_Destroyed </SFXEvent_Unit_Lost>
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started> EHD_Reinforcements_En_Route </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete> EHD_Reinforcements_Available </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled> EHD_Reinforcements_Cancelled  </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled>

	<CategoryMask> Fighter | AntiBomber</CategoryMask>
	<MovementClass> Flying </MovementClass>


	<Air_Vehicle_Turret_Target> Yes </Air_Vehicle_Turret_Target>

	<!--Keep the idle chase range small since Snowspeeders don't tether-->

	<FormationGrouping> Solo </FormationGrouping>





The GroundCompaniesEmpire code for the TIEs:


	<GroundCompany Name="Empire_Land_TIE_Wing">
	<GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>
	<Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories> Yes </Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories>
	<Required_Planets />
	<Company_Units>TIE_Fighter_Land_Based, TIE_Fighter_Land_Based</Company_Units>
	<GUI_Offset>0 0 0</GUI_Offset>



The TIE Spawner code - yes, it does stay in PropsUrban, is there any problem with that?  :P:


	<Props_Urban Name="TIE_SPAWNER">
	<LandBehavior> SPAWN_SQUADRON </LandBehavior>
	<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Empire_Land_TIE_Wing, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Empire_Land_TIE_Wing, 15</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Required_Planets> NO GC </Required_Planets>




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Did you check the "spawns garrisons" box in map editor with the building selected?


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I'm gonna try...

Edited: Well, but the Spawn Garrison box is unselectable, problem must be with the spawner code... Ah and I changed my TIEs code to Baalshad one in Public Code Bank - and the necessary entries in the other xmls...

Edited again: Oh, I cannot mark the box in the MultiplayerStructureMarker, but I can in the building itself, the problem is: I need to use multiplayerstructuremarkers to make it appears in the map when you're going to play... So how can I fix this? Add the spawn section of the code to the marker code???

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Errr... I did other code, using AT-AT's deploy Stormtroopers ability:


<SpecialStructure Name="E_TIE_SPAWNER">
	<Encyclopedia_Text> TEXT_TIE_SPAWNER_CONSOLE_INFO </Encyclopedia_Text>
	<Behavior> SELECTABLE </Behavior>
	<Required_Planets> NO GC </Required_Planets>
	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
   	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
			<Owner_Attachment_Bone>MuzzleA_01 </Owner_Attachment_Bone>



It appears well in the game, but when you click the "Deploy Stormtroopers" buttom, nothing happens... Any help?  ::)

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But it does have a bone to spawn from... I think...

<Owner_Attachment_Bone>MuzzleA_01 </Owner_Attachment_Bone>

I saw that bone using AlamoViewer...


Or does it need another kind of code out of the Ability section that specify the spawn bone??  ???

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Why don't you just make it a spawn house?

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Uh... Like indiginous unit spawn houses? Good idea... But isn't this difficult? Anyway, I'm going to try... Or add an entry in MultiplayerStructureMarkers for the land based TIE, and change the prop ones inside the hangar to the playable ones... Than you would have a limited, realistic number of TIEs and they would come all docked in the rack.... What do you guys think?  :)
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Hmm.... Clone Commando, could you share your Droideka spawn house code with me and give permission to use it in my map in it's release? I saw there are something about it in the original game files but it doesn't seems to work well... I would use your code as base, and change to the TIE Rack.  ::)
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Sure, here:


<GroundStructure Name="Droideka_Spawn_House">


	<Spawned_Indigenous_Units_Type>Destroyer_Droid, Destroyer_Droid, Destroyer_Droid, Destroyer_Droid</Spawned_Indigenous_Units_Type>

	<Radar_Icon_Size>0.08  0.08</Radar_Icon_Size>

	<Last_State_Visible_Under_FOW> Yes </Last_State_Visible_Under_FOW>

	<Armor_Type> Armor_Structure </Armor_Type>
	<Reveal_During_Setup_Phase> False </Reveal_During_Setup_Phase>



	<Land_Damage_Thresholds>1, 0.66, 0.33, 0</Land_Damage_Thresholds>
	<Land_Damage_Alternates>0, 1, 2, 3</Land_Damage_Alternates>
	<Land_Damage_SFX>null,SFX_Grenade_Detonation, SFX_Grenade_Detonation,null</Land_Damage_SFX>


	<Space_Obstacle_Offset> 0 0 0 </Space_Obstacle_Offset> 
	<Space_Layer> Frigate | Corvette </Space_Layer>

	<Score_Cost_Credits> 500 </Score_Cost_Credits>



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Uh... Like indiginous unit spawn houses? Good idea... But isn't this difficult?

Yes. Thanks. Heck no! I've made clonetrooper and Naboo guard spawnhouses for my TUM.(They'll be in the next version) Check out the spawn house code. It's pretty simple.

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Actually, I used Clone Commando spawn house as base and changed it to TIE Spawner, and it worked. Thanks Clone Commando.  And thanks people who tried to help me. :D Edited by HK-47
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Hey, how can I do a prop that have sounds? I mean, like an alarm prop? Wich SFX entry I should use in the prop's code, and to wich SFX releated xml should I add the sound?  ???
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It didn't worked.

I used the Sensor Pod model, made an entry of the sound using some ship Idle Engine Loop sound code as base, than added the proper SFX tag to the unit but it doesn't have any sound. Do I need to add some tag in Behavior or Land/Space Behavior to the unit be able to have sounds?

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Uh.... Could you be more specific?  ;D


EDITED: Hey guys, what do you think about my Bespin Wing Guard hangar?



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