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I need help adding a working AAT,Droideka 1,Moff Jerjerrod,Needa with a SD Avenger,Xizor with a Keldabe Battleship and land unit,Probe Droid land, Scout Troopers Squad (off the bike),Royal Guards, Wookie Troops, Gungan Troops,Sullastan Troops, Bothan Spies? and Perhaps A Princess Leia Hero for land and a Lando Calrissan hero.. Im currently playing z3r0x's newest version and have changed a few things for myself Like giving Pirates and Hutts some new ships like the CIS ones changed Ozzel to Daala and renamed the Nemesis to Gorgon, and a few other things for personal use. However Im stumped with the other stuff every time I try adding anything else I get errors can anyone help me add this stuff in. Id reall y like to see some of the SD and VSD models workable and useable from Steiners mod be put into this as well as Venator,Accalamator etc they were cool, oh well anyway any help aprreciated.
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Hmm...If I can dig up that old code for the AAT, I'll give it to you, but I think I have since deleted it.


But anyhow, just Copy the M1-Repulsortank (2M-Tank) Code and change the model...that's all you need to do.


"That was fun"

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I know for SURE the 2M code will work, since I've done it before, as long as you're using KoF's model.


He specifically said to base itoff the 2M in the readme that came with the file, so yes, it works perfectly (the only little nitpick is that its anti-infantry laser will only fire out one side, but adding ONE hardpoint fixes that)


"That was fun"

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Someone anyone help. D803 The thing you said about [i know for SURE the 2M code will work, since I've done it before, as long as you're using KoF's model.


He specifically said to base itoff the 2M in the readme that came with the file, so yes, it works perfectly (the only little nitpick is that its anti-infantry laser will only fire out one side, but adding ONE hardpoint fixes that)/i]


If you find it please help.

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Man, Lazy People...




<GroundVehicle Name="AAT">
	<Blob_Shadow_Scale>65.0, 65.0</Blob_Shadow_Scale>
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> AT_ST_Walker SPMAT_Walker Pod_Walker </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> AT_AT_Walker UC_Empire_Buildable_Anti_Vehicle_Turret </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>

	<Scale_Factor>1</Scale_Factor> <!-- Temp scale change for scale test - change back once models resized -->

	<Movement_Animation_Speed> 2.30 </Movement_Animation_Speed>
	<Space_Layer> Land </Space_Layer>
	<UnitCollisionClass> Vehicle </UnitCollisionClass>
	<OverrideAcceleration> .1 </OverrideAcceleration>
	<OverrideDeceleration> .1 </OverrideDeceleration>
	<FormationSpacing> 1.1 </FormationSpacing>
	<FormationOrder> 5 </FormationOrder>
	<FormationGrouping> Standard </FormationGrouping>
	<FormationRaggedness> 1 </FormationRaggedness>
	<MaxJiggleDistance> 5 </MaxJiggleDistance>
	<MinimumPushReturnDistance> 100 </MinimumPushReturnDistance>
	<UseSecondaryFacing> true </UseSecondaryFacing>
	<SecondaryTurnInPlaceROTCoefficient> .4 </SecondaryTurnInPlaceROTCoefficient>
	<SecondaryTurnAngle> 90 </SecondaryTurnAngle>
	<MinSecondaryTurnROTCoefficient> .4 </MinSecondaryTurnROTCoefficient>
	<MaxSecondaryTurnROTCoefficient> .9 </MaxSecondaryTurnROTCoefficient>
	<SecondaryTurnLookaheadDistance> 60 </SecondaryTurnLookaheadDistance>
	<Custom_Hard_XExtent> 20.0 </Custom_Hard_XExtent>
	<Custom_Hard_YExtent> 15.0 </Custom_Hard_YExtent>

	<Land_Damage_Thresholds>1, 0.66, 0.33</Land_Damage_Thresholds>
	<Land_Damage_Alternates>0, 1, 2</Land_Damage_Alternates>
	<Land_Damage_SFX>null,SFX_Grenade_Detonation, SFX_Grenade_Detonation</Land_Damage_SFX>

	<Armor_Type> Armor_2M </Armor_Type>

	<Behavior> SELECTABLE </Behavior>

	<Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field> Yes </Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field>	<!-- This is considered a repulsorlift-driven unit -->


	<Turret_Targets_Ground_Vehicles> 1 </Turret_Targets_Ground_Vehicles>
	<Turret_Targets_Ground_Infantry> 9999 </Turret_Targets_Ground_Infantry>
	<Turret_Targets_Air_Vehicles> 9999 </Turret_Targets_Air_Vehicles>
	<Turret_Targets_Anything_Else> 2 </Turret_Targets_Anything_Else>

	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Infantry, 10.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Vehicle, 1.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Air, 70.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>
	<Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy> Structure, 5.0 </Targeting_Fire_Inaccuracy>


			HP_AAT_00, HP_AAT_01		


	<CategoryMask> Vehicle </CategoryMask>
	<Icon_Name> i_button_1-m_med_repulsor_tank.tga </Icon_Name>

	<Ground_Vehicle_Turret_Target> Yes </Ground_Vehicle_Turret_Target>



	<SFXEvent_Turret_Rotating_Loop> Vehicle_Turret_Motor </SFXEvent_Turret_Rotating_Loop>

	<SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_2M_Idle_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_2M_Moving_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>

	<SFXEvent_Assist_Move> Unit_Assist_Move_2M_Tank </SFXEvent_Assist_Move>		
	<SFXEvent_Assist_Attack> Unit_Assist_Attack_2M_Tank</SFXEvent_Assist_Attack>

	<SFXEvent_Unit_Lost> EHD_Unit_Destroyed </SFXEvent_Unit_Lost>
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started> EHD_Reinforcements_En_Route </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Started>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete> EHD_Reinforcements_Available </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Complete>		
	<SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled> EHD_Reinforcements_Cancelled  </SFXEvent_Tactical_Build_Cancelled>

	<Overall_Length>40.0</Overall_Length> <!-- For vehicle pitching up and down on terrain -->
	<Overall_Width>25.0</Overall_Width> <!-- For vehicle rolling left and right on terrain (30 by geometry)-->



	<Influences_Capture_Point> False </Influences_Capture_Point>

	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">

		<!-- IMPORTANT! If you modify the ability below, please make same adjustments to unit's "Captured" clone. -->
		<!-- I know this is awkward, hopefully we'll get a chance to re-write the code to fix it.   -Oksana -->

		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER,	0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	-2.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>ENERGY_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	1f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,			0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>CAUSE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER ,	3.0f</Mod_Multiplier>


	<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
		<Redirect_Blaster_Ability Name="EL_Heavy_Reflective_Armor_L1_Bonus">
			<Initially_Enabled> No </Initially_Enabled>		<!-- Must be enabled via the EL_Heavy_Reflective_Armor_L1_Upgrade -->
			<!-- Redirection chance is rolled first. If failed, we roll block chance. If failed, we take the damage. -->
			<Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees> 30.0 </Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees>
			<!-- We can block/redirect shots from the following units types: -->
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Infantry | LandHero | Vehicle | Air | Structure</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
			<Applicable_Unit_Types />
		<Redirect_Blaster_Ability Name="EL_Heavy_Reflective_Armor_L2_Bonus">
			<Initially_Enabled> No </Initially_Enabled>		<!-- Must be enabled via the EL_Heavy_Reflective_Armor_L2_Upgrade -->
			<!-- Redirection chance is rolled first. If failed, we roll block chance. If failed, we take the damage. -->
			<Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees> 30.0 </Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees>
			<!-- We can block/redirect shots from the following units types: -->
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Infantry | LandHero | Vehicle | Air | Structure</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
			<Applicable_Unit_Types />





	<GroundCompany Name="Imperial_AAT_Group">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> T2B_Tank MPTL Pod_Walker </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> T4B_Tank Plex_Soldier UC_Rebel_Buildable_Anti_Vehicle_Turret </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
	<GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>
	<Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories> Yes </Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories>
	<Required_Planets />
	<Company_Units>AAT, AAT, AAT, AAT</Company_Units>
	<Max_Squad_Size> 1 </Max_Squad_Size>

	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER,	0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>ENERGY_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	1f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,		0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>CAUSE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER ,	3.0f</Mod_Multiplier>





    <HardPoint Name="HP_AAT_00">


		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Infantry, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Air, 100.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Vehicle, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Structure, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>

    <HardPoint Name="HP_AAT_01">


		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Infantry, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Air, 100.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Vehicle, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Structure, 3.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>



Go download the model off FileFront...and put it with the other models. You enable this in skirmish by chaing one line.


"That was fun"

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No not lazy just dont want any errors. Ive modded some stuff in and other stuff sometimesI get a lot of errors and never figure out what I did wrong.


Anyway thank you so much your really cool for helping 8).


Now can anyone help with the next thing Id reall y like to have....a Droideka 1.


The other stuff I listed above I want to but the Droideka is the next to the top list of I really want.


Other suff listed help with on it would be appreciated.


Thanks! People who help are my Heros and are always cool in my book.

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Well I also ,I know, besides the stuff listed above need help with some Icons.

Here is what I need

1.Prince Xizor

2.Griff ( From Star Wars Rebellion Game)

3. Nute Gunray

4.Princess Leia

5. Covell (Star Wars Rebellion)

6. Pellaeon (StarWars Rebellion)

7.Talon Karrde


If Someone can Provide these things Id be most appreciative!

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