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Re: SOTE Confusion and mix up

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My Mod is accused of using stolen code and models..


In fact it seems Fosh seems to think the mod I am working on is EAWCommanders mod. - In fact he is not the leader of the mod I am. The following is a quote from another thread on file front.


I can prove it if anyone wants.


IE the Fact that nowhere in the readme does it give credit to LoW for the Lancer Frigate and the lancer frigate it uses is "LoW_Lancer-Frigate.ALO"


Then there is the Planet Coding for some of their GCs.


I can prove it so until I recieve a reply from EAWCommander/ VangelisEAW then I've frozen all threads that I have access to


There is nothing to prove here mate. You have it wrong.. There is not a Lancer Frigate of any type in 'MY' mod this is not VangelisEAW's mod. He was working with me at first then I have not seen him for some weeks.


Planet coding ? - you let me know what you think is copied and I will check my files - in fact I will send you the file for the GC code if you like so you can see,. But KNOW ONE has had this code other than me and The Sith Lord. I very much doubt you will even get a reply from EAWCommander considering its not his mod, and he's not on the community any more.


Please NOTE:


This is NOT EAWCommanders mod The only parts of his mod I have replaced and removed and updated. This was for his warlords coding that I wanted to replace with better code.


GC Code - I need to know more on this so I can check the files. I have no problem in showing this code to Fosh for proof if he requires it.


I asked Zer0x for permission for his base code for Soontir Fel - as far as I know he did give me permission. I even gave him credit in my readme file.


Let me make this clear to anyone who still fails to understand it.


This mod does NOT have any Lancer Frigate in the game AT ALL.


I have asked the people I need to talk to for permission already.




SMG Team



Bailknight - EAWCommander calimed he got permission from him too - I need to verify this yet.







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LOS you have been helping me with this mod - you know whats in the mod - please tell these people that Fosh has it wrong will you ? - We don't have a Lancer Frigate in the game and the GC coding well, Lord of the Sith did for me the other day to add a few planets. But I need to know what planet code has supposed to have been copied either way so I can either re write that planet code or check and see if its the same code. - either way I would not steal code when I a perfectly capable of coding it myself. (its not like rocket science) XML coding..


Good grief LOS and I are the only people to have seen anything in this mod as yet ?!



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Thankyou for putting me straight.


The reason I closed it was due to VangelisEAW's FoC Mod.


We have proof that everything in his 1.1 mod was taken direct from LoW and z3r0x.


You have told me that he is no longer active.


Then I reactivate that topic.

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I despise file pirates.


Good to know you're mod is not a 'pirate' mod. Xizor for the Empire sounds cool.

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Well I am not a mod thief - I know that much I would not stab the community in the back like that. :(


I am going through my files to see if EAWCommander (VangelisEAW) has added any XML entries in these files that belong to other people. What is more is that he un officially released a mod called SOTE behind my back. While he was supposed to be working with me on my mod. (SOTE was my idea) the code he used was not.


Lord of the Sith and I are checking our XML's and looking for what he has copied from Zer0x (in which case we will re write that code or we will give Zer0x credit for the code in the proper mod of SOTE) Zer0x is already mentioned in our mod and has the appropriate credit.


I am very disappointed in EAWCommander he has duped us all.



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Well I am not a mod thief - I know that much I would not stab the community in the back like that. :(

I didn't say you were! I said you weren't-and I'm glad you're not.


Clonetrooper17 pirated some stuff, realized it was pirated, and removed it all. Now he's taking models from this one star wars site, but he won't get away, because they're not ALO.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Well I have seen people wrongly accused before. But anyway I am glad this has been cleared up. I feel just as angry as Zer0x for WHAT EAW Commander has done, to me too I was just as fooled by him.



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Why nobody have done a complete credits resource with all the models and lines of special code with the names and contact information from their creators? And good I have seen many mods without contact information, it is some new to me, on Close Combat mod I never have problems to find the creator of one resource.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

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(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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