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as a newbie trying to learn the ropes of multiplayer gaming, I miss posts about successful strategies for either side. I´m also playing a lot of DIPLOMACY (the boardgame not the crappy PC version) and there´s no end of advice on the net for it.


How about you big shots writing a piece about your favorite sneaky underhand way to dispose of your enemies? Perhaps the admins could open a new section for these. Think of the glory of having people learn from your experience!


I´d try to write something myself, but I´m a noob and besides couldn´t write an decent article if my life depended on it.


By the way: Everybody read CP´s post in the AAR thread. It´s really funny and a good example of what people can contribute to this site.

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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Ah, a fellow "Diplomaniac", eh? I first played that game in High School; my American Literature teacher taught us, and we played during lunch. I've played with a few friends in the years since then, and I've tried getting my buddies to play via e-mail, but to no avail. :( And I don't have the guts to try jumping into an online game. But "The Diplomatic Pouch" is a sweet site to find some great articles on the game. And then some!


Strategy articles on Rebellion would be VERY cool (There HAS to be a "Lepanto Maneuver" in there somewhere... :wink: ). Everyone has their own strategies, and I'd be interested to see what works for other people, as well as sharing my own insights. And not simple things like, "Suncrushing is the only way to go". Gimmie something meaty, like how many decoys to run on a Rebel Sabotage Mission on an imperial-held system with six stormstrooper regiments led by General Veers with the Emperor on Coruscant. Or whether or not I should 'waste' an Impstar by having it play nursemaid for Piett on his diplomacy missions early in the game to keep his sorry butt from getting abducted/killed. Or...the list goes on.


I'd REALLY like to see if anyone has made use of the waypoints and maneuvers in the tactical battles, or what other tactics people use in the unedited (read: non-Golan III) game. :wink:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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Aah, nice to see someone play another of my favorite games.


I play almost exclusively per email and think it leads to great games because people put more thought into their moves. I ABSOLUTELY recommend you look for an internet gaming community. I usually play at the german Ludomaniac community (http://www.Ludomaniac.de) but of course all games are played in german which probably poses a problem. :wink:


They do however offer special beginners games, where you can brush up your skills against other newbies. I expect this will be the case elsewhere as well.


And before you ask (I know you won´t): Here´s the link to my recent game as Italy: http://de.geocities.com/diplo_rudi/Partie557

(I just had to show that one off).


It´s also mostly in german, but that doesn´t make the map any harder to read. :wink:

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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LOL! How ironic that in a German game of Diplomacy it's the French and the British that are the first to fall. And ITALY is poised to win it all?!? 8O You don't see that too often. Which power are you, Boshek? My favorite power to run is Turkey/The Ottomans.


But just so this thread stays true to the topic, I had an interesting situation in Rebellion last night, and I thought I'd share the tactic.


I started a new game as the Rebels (no surprise there), and quickly took stock of my assets. I was pleased to note that I had control of Tralus and Vagran in the Corellian sector, and that Tralus sported a shipyard and dual-training facilities. It also had a defending fleet of two bulk cruisers and a corvette. It lacked a construction yard, however, as well as any gencore shields.


Fast forward about 100 days. I've managed to build four X-wing squadrons for Tralus, but still haven't managed a construction yard or gencore, although one IS on the way for Vagran. An imperial fleet jumps in-system, consisting of three VicStars and a Carrack. Each VicStar has a full compliment of stormtroopers, yet has only 1 TIE squadron apiece. I retreat from the battle to Vagran, and the Imperial fleet sits tight on Tralus for about 8 days before leaving, but not before they bombard the planet and destroy all but one of my garrisons. Realizing I needed to bring more starfighter firepower to bear, I quickly got an escort carrier loaded with four X-wings and two Y-Wings, put Syub Snunb on board as a Commander, and sent it hurtling to Vagran. The problem is that this was the closest capital ship I had to the area, and it was blockading Phraetiss, so it was going to take 50-60 days to get there. I also sent about a half dozen fighters from various neighboring sectors to Vagran, hoping to hold the planet until the gencore could arrive.


In the meantime, I tried to build more X-Wings on Tralus, and I sent the fleet from Vagran back, as well as the four X-Wings. I had only built two more squadrons when the Imperial fleet jumps back to Tralus. Only this time, they also had three galleons packed with stormtrooper & army regiments. With a grand total of twelve troop regiments I quickly realized the obvious, and wrote off Tralus as lost. But not willing to go down without a fight, I ordered my X-Wings to engage the TIE's with support from my Corvette, while my Bulk Cruisers opened fire on one of the VicStars. After dispatching the TIE's I sicced the X-Wings on one of the Galleon Transports, but they were taking heavy casualties from the pursuing Carrack. The Corvette engaged the Carrack while the VicStars pursued the Corvette, and the Bulk Cruisers maintained their barrage on the one VicStar.


I eventually gave the order to withdraw, but not before I had destroyed one Galleon. However, I was left with one squadron of X-Wings and my Corvette and one Bulk Cruiser were heavily damaged. I gave as good as I got, as I had damaged one VicStar, the Carrack, and destroyed one Galleon. I retreated back to Vagran, and the Imperials invaded Tralus. Their first effort was repulsed by my garrisons, but the second attempt cost me the planet.


Fast forward some twenty-odd days. Commander Snunb arrives at Vagran with his Escort Carrier and fighters to take command of the remnants of my fleet. I immediately send the new fleet to Tralus, and engage the lone TIE squadron stationed there on the SAME DAY that the Imperial fleet arrives at Vagran, sans one VicStar. Their Fleet quickly turned tail after encountering the 6-8 X-Wing and Y-Wing squadrons there, and couldn't flee to Tralus (the closest Imperial system) because of my blockade. At Tralus, I promoted Commander Snunb to Admiral and commenced a Planetary Bombardment, targeting Military facilities. I destroyed all but one Stormtrooper regiment, and the system went into uprising.


Now came my unorthodox strategy. I moved my fleet to Vagran, reasoning that the AI would send imperial troops from all corners of the galaxy to supress the uprising. I would then move my fleet back to Tralus, causing those Imperial Troop regiments to be tied up in hyperspace, forced to make the journey to Tralus only to have to turn right back around and return from whence they came. Leaving the system had an unexpected Diplomatic boon, however. Corfai, up to this point having remained neutral, joined my cause and Talus went into uprising (their sympathies were with the Rebels, and the Empire was holding the planet by force). I moved my fleet back to Tralus, eliminated the remaining Stormtrooper regiment with another bombardment, and reclaimed Tralus. Xyquine then joined my cause, and Corellia went into uprising against the Imperials.


I had to save & stop shortly after that, what with the need for sleep kicking in. But I found my accidental strategy intriguing and thought I'd share. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. :wink:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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Thanks, Lebarronn, but that's not quite what I meant. Those are both rather general guides, and don't focus on the specifics BoShek and I had mentioned earlier. :P


Perhaps an example is in order. Take some of the 'strategy' articles presented for the game 'Diplomacy' on The Diplomatic Pouch site (http://www.diplom.org/) in their current issue of the 'zine. You can find articles expounding on the strategic importance of Livonia, or describing how Constantinople is virtually unassailable unless control of the Black Sea and the Agean Sea is attained. Both of these examples could be simplified by saying, "always have support for your important supply centers", but these authors really delved into their (obscure) topic with relish, providing a lot of insight into the game, and in a lot of cases, historical significance.


So why not do that with Rebellion? I don't know where half of the systems in Rebellion come from, so background articles would be nice, but why not have people write about their strategic view of Morgrovodine? Favorite tactics used to ferret out the Alliance HQ? Explain their view on the most important Core Sector to control in the first 100 days? Heck, in one of the two links you posted you had one player say that research missions didn't seem to speed up the process of attaining new ship types and that only Mon Mothma should be recruiting while Han, Leia, and Luke split up for Diplomacy Missions or Espionage/Sabotage. Yet I've seen other 'guides' that claim to have other winning tactics.


The point is, there really ISN'T one answer to every situation. But why not provide a place for players to present their strategies, guides, insights, dilemmas, etc.? And each one will be different, yet it only serves to broaden the scope and appreciation of the game. I know you weren't arguing against having that kind of thing, and you were just providing a couple of guides that would seemingly answer my question, but I got the feeling that you missed the point. Don't flame me if I misunderstood! :D

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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LOL! How ironic that in a German game of Diplomacy it's the French and the British that are the first to fall. And ITALY is poised to win it all?!? 8O You don't see that too often. Which power are you, Boshek? My favorite power to run is Turkey/The Ottomans.


Hi, thanks for actually bothering to look! From what I read Germany actually IS doing a lot better in a game with german players. Make of it what you will...


Ahem... as I stated above in this particular game I have the responsibility to lead the Kingdom of Italy... :D


I have no favorite power yet. I´m trying to play them all in a row to get a feeling for each. But email games usually take about 9 months so it takes a little patience. I have managed to win one game so far with Austria (!).


Thanks for your Rebellion story. That´s exactly what I had hoped for. Your tactic is inspired from knowledge of the game mechanics (knowing the enemy units will be sent back if the destination is blockaded). This gives readers a chance to learn something new.

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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This may be a bit obvious for many people, but know what targets will best meet your needs and goals.


Case in point: How to lose, and still win.

Rebel scum entered the Commenor system with a fair que of ships! Corellian Gunship, two Escort carriers, a Bulk transport, a CC-7700 frigate, two CC-9600 frigates, two B-Wing squadrons, a compliment of A-wings, and a full load of Wookies!

What did I have to show my unannounced 'guests'? 17 Tie Defender squadrons, one Assault transport, and Jerjerrod as Acting Commander. Now Commenor was a ripe little plum that the hungry Rebs wanted to pluck, and I had a feeling that Jerjerrod and his Ties would not be able to rule the day. So, the goal changed: can't win the battle, but make it so they can't win on the ground. FIghters fight fighters while Jerjerrod holds back ( I can't afford to lose his skill for the fighters), and at the end of that first skirmish I've just enough Defenders left to zoom past the Alliance Ships and hit the Bulk transport. The Alliance ships turn to Jerjerrod, and blow him back to Commenor, just as the last remaining Defenders send Wookie parts to the far corners of the system.


When all was said and done, I had no air power in the system; Jerjerrod tried his hand at leading ground force defenses; and the Rebs stood over Commenor smacking their lips. They left hungry just the next day. They realized that without most of their Wookie party crashers, Commenor would not be theirs for the taking.


Peace and order was again maintained in another system.



Striking terror in the hearts of rebel scum for over 30 years
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Neat. :D


Now why don´t you rewrite this a little into an "choosing the right target for the job" article and offer it to the admins if they open a strategy section ? I´m sure they just can´t resist. :D

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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You mean, without all the "rebel scum" remarks and all? :) You got a deal. They open a Strat section, I'll give it a little polish.



Striking terror in the hearts of rebel scum for over 30 years
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Hi, thanks for actually bothering to look! From what I read Germany actually IS doing a lot better in a game with german players. Make of it what you will...


Ahem... as I stated above in this particular game I have the responsibility to lead the Kingdom of Italy... :D


I have no favorite power yet. I´m trying to play them all in a row to get a feeling for each. But email games usually take about 9 months so it takes a little patience. I have managed to win one game so far with Austria (!).


Thanks for your Rebellion story. That´s exactly what I had hoped for. Your tactic is inspired from knowledge of the game mechanics (knowing the enemy units will be sent back if the destination is blockaded). This gives readers a chance to learn something new.


I always like to see how other Diplomacy games go. Congratulations on taking Italy as far as you have, btw. That's not an easy country to lead, especially against dedicated Diplomacy fans. You managed to stoke the fires, though; I figured I'd give a PBEM game a try and registered on the Diplomacy 2000 site (out of the UK). Well see how that goes!


As for the Rebellion tactics, it's tricks like that what make Rebellion so intriguing. Sometimes you're able to plan an ambush of enemy fleets, other times you have to improvise on the fly. But having a section where everyone can share tips and stragies would be most welcome.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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You mean, without all the "rebel scum" remarks and all? :) You got a deal. They open a Strat section, I'll give it a little polish.




I can see the working title now: "Imperial Tactics 101: or, How to Rape and Pillage Your Way Across the Galaxy Without Worrying About Rebel Scum, by Valkir". :wink:


Seriously though, it should make for a good article. Valkir's a darn good writer, and he thinks quickly on his feet...for a dwarf. :D

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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I always like to see how other Diplomacy games go. Congratulations on taking Italy as far as you have, btw. That's not an easy country to lead, especially against dedicated Diplomacy fans. You managed to stoke the fires, though; I figured I'd give a PBEM game a try and registered on the Diplomacy 2000 site (out of the UK). Well see how that goes!


Well, thanks for the praise I *am* quite satisfied with the game so far. :D

Keep me posted on your progress into the realm of pbem Diplomacy.

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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Well, thanks for the praise I *am* quite satisfied with the game so far. :D

Keep me posted on your progress into the realm of pbem Diplomacy.


Will do. I'm scheduled for a game with 2-week deadlines, and they said to expect it to go about 9-10 months, so at least I'll have a loooooong time to share how it's going. :)

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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I can see the working title now: "Imperial Tactics 101: or, How to Rape and Pillage Your Way Across the Galaxy Without Worrying About Rebel Scum, ". :wink:


You see folks??! There they go again! Rebel propaganda! I mean really!


In all the stories about Leia's run-ins with the Imperials, is there even a hint that she was raped? NO! Luke Skywalker rescues her from her prison cell aboard the Death Star and is there even one hair of her doughnuts out of place? NO!


O.K., she ran through the Death Star without a bra on...rebel scum probably never gave her a bra (cheeky bastards!)


Han Solo on Bespin: tortured.

Chewbacca on Bespin: tortured.

C-3PO on Bespin: blown to shit.

What's the worst the imperials did to the princess? They Made Her Wear a White Jumpsuit! And it was after Labor Day!! 8O


The worst treatment she ever received was from Jabba the Hutt, and he ain't even on the imperial payroll! The imperials always treated her well..well except for that initial "execution order" thing...



Striking terror in the hearts of rebel scum for over 30 years
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As far as strategy goes mine is to use diplomacy until the core systems are all accounted for, then switch to conquering by force- although if any of the Sesswanna system are held by the rebels I take them as soon as I can assemble the troops and ships. As a dedicated Imperial I believed that there would obviously be many diplomats in Imperial service so in my Rebed universe my characters are mainly diplomats, although I still have warriors of course. As to my governing strategy all core systems have six stormtrooper or clone stormtrooper units as garrisons as well as 12 fighter squadrons preferably TIE Interceptors at least. If there is room on the planet 2 gencores or gencore2's are also added. On rim systems it depends on what is there, only important planets get more than a clonetrooper unit.

As to my fleet makeup I have a couple of formulas; Mainly 2 Imp Star destroyers (or Imp II's) with 3 Victory Destroyers and an Interdictar. With a Super Star Destroyer I add 2 Victory Destroyers with an Interdictar. These are my attack fleets for local fleets I tend to rely on small 3 Victory Destroyer with an Interdictar fleets. I add Carracks and other ships as needed. I feel that the Victory Destroyer is a key Imperial ship and build literally hundreds of them, they are useful and inexpensive a good all around base vehicle. Of course for combatting larger rebel scum fleets you must include Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroters.

One key point is never leave a system unpacified. Always use diplomats immediately after conquest. My fleets always carry one or preferably two diplomatic characters as command figures- just because they are diplomatic doesn't mean they lack combat strength; although there are some who are basically worthless as commanders of any sort. I relegate these characters to the post of Commander as the Admiral overules them in combat it seems.

Well these are a few of my strategies let's hear from others. Grand Moff Conway

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You see folks??! There they go again! Rebel propaganda! I mean really!


Consider it a counterpoint to always having the epithet of "Scum" follow the word "Rebel" in the Imperial vernacular. :wink:


In all the stories about Leia's run-ins with the Imperials, is there even a hint that she was raped? NO!


Did I say anything about Leia? I was referring to the (AI & Movie) Imperial Tactic of "Invade & Conquer" a la Atilla the Hun. Why else would so many Imperial systems start with popular opinion THAT close to uprising? :wink:


Han Solo on Bespin: tortured.

Chewbacca on Bespin: tortured.

C-3PO on Bespin: blown to shit.

What's the worst the imperials did to the princess? They Made Her Wear a White Jumpsuit! And it was after Labor Day!! 8O


The worst treatment she ever received was from Jabba the Hutt, and he ain't even on the imperial payroll! The imperials always treated her well..well except for that initial "execution order" thing...



Interesting that the crew of the Tantive IV was forgotten in all of that, or that the targeting of non-humans by the Empire was the order of the day, but I digress. :D


It still makes for a funny, yet appropriate title for a missive on Imperial Strategy. :P

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

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  • 3 weeks later...
Consider it a counterpoint to always having the epithet of "Scum" follow the word "Rebel" in the Imperial vernacular.



What is the connexion between a nickname and propagada?


By the way as an Lieutenant of the Imperial Forces:


The Rebels ARE scum, you aren't going to tell me that people who oppose the power of our almighty Leader, are to be treated as nice persons?


By the way the world Rebel or Rebels isn't always followed by the word Scum, example in ESB


Their is a Rebel ship coming to the force shield sir

Good our first catch of the day


Tataa Rebel wasn't followed by Scum and don't think you smart by saying that it is an word to express that it is a rebel ship and not any other.


Then we would have said There is a ship from that Rebel Scum coming through the force shield, sir.


be 8) no offence

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Whoa, whoa there, cowboy...erm...sithlord! Them's just barbs Valkir and I throw each other's way. We live in the same city and have been good friends for years. He's a die-hard Imperial and I'm a supporter of the Rebellion, so we tend to push each other's buttons just for the fun of it. It DOES make it easy for us to play games of Rebellion, though. :wink:


Sure, there's no equivalent slang in the rebel vernacular for imperials to match "Rebel Scum", but all it is is each side throwing perceived stereotypes at each other for comedic effect. I mean, how many times does someone post "in-character" merely to tout "the party line" for either side? Besides, "You Puppet of a Totalitarian, Imperialistic Sith Regime" just isn't as much fun to say as "You Rebel Scum", especially when you can poke fun of Imperial Strategy brochures by inserting a little Rebel "propaganda" while "in-character". :D

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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Whoa, whoa there, cowboy...erm...sithlord! Them's just barbs Valkir and I throw each other's way. We live in the same city and have been good friends for years. He's a die-hard Imperial and I'm a supporter of the Rebellion, so we tend to push each other's buttons just for the fun of it. It DOES make it easy for us to play games of Rebellion, though. :wink:


Sure, there's no equivalent slang in the rebel vernacular for imperials to match "Rebel Scum", but all it is is each side throwing perceived stereotypes at each other for comedic effect. I mean, how many times does someone post "in-character" merely to tout "the party line" for either side? Besides, "You Puppet of a Totalitarian, Imperialistic Sith Regime" just isn't as much fun to say as "You Rebel Scum", especially when you can poke fun of Imperial Strategy brochures by inserting a little Rebel "propaganda" while "in-character". :D


Oh sorry I didn't know that you were friends, I just thought this was a Rebel/Imperial quarrel, well I wont say anything of it anymore. (unless you guys want me to)

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Besides, "You Puppet of a Totalitarian, Imperialistic Sith Regime" just isn't as much fun to say as "You Rebel Scum


I totally agree on that.

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Oh sorry I didn't know that you were friends, I just thought this was a Rebel/Imperial quarrel, well I wont say anything of it anymore. (unless you guys want me to)

Don't worry about it, Sith_Lord! It's easy to misunderstand. Feel free to jump in whenever, just be on the lookout for good-natured ribbing every now and then...well, actually it's pretty much in every post.


Valkir is a self-proclaimed curmudgeon about a lot of stuff: AMD chips (which he talked me into using when I built my new PC earlier this year), still using Windows 98 (which I was still using up to January of this year, so I can't give him TOO much crap about that), stuck in 1st and 2nd Edition rules of Dungeons & Dragons, Rebels are terrorists, Wulfgar's a punk, David Eddings is a hack, he's a rabid Cowboys fan, etc. And it doesn't matter what movie it is or how good it is, Valkir WILL find something wrong with it. Granted, a lot of times he has a point, but it's funny as heck nonetheless.


Despite all that, he was a groomsman in my wedding, I was an usher in his, we share political views, he's my "guru" when I'm having computer problems, and we share pretty much every hobby. And we're practically family, for all intents and purposes. Heck, the reason he's here on the forums is because I told him the site was back up and running and that I'd posted a few times. Even his avatar is from a picture I sent him of everyone's favorite dwarf, Gimli. He shares a love for Rebellion, and likes to post in internet forums, yet there's nothing he likes more than to get in my craw and stir up some tongue-in-cheek trouble.


But he's still a grumpy, Empire-loving dwarf. :wink:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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But he's still a grumpy, Empire-loving dwarf.



He sure is. :lol:

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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