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Map Base Layout View

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I'm working through my mod, and I am at the point of adding new planets to the galactic map. I have done several new maps but none of them have 'Base Layout' Views.


I know I have seen the images for the existing planets in the textures folder - that seem to be for base layout views.


Can anyone help tell me how to add a base layout view to the new planets I have added to my mod ? - I see some people have done it recently in their mods.


Some help would be great :)


I just need to know how you do this.





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Ok, I'm having a problem with Base Layout screens. I've edited a lot of maps, and all of them have glitchy Base Layout views. I thought base layouts were awsome, but if there's no way to fix them, how do I remove the entire feature?

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Ok, I'm having a problem with Base Layout screens. I've edited a lot of maps, and all of them have glitchy Base Layout views. I thought base layouts were awsome, but if there's no way to fix them, how do I remove the entire feature?


I did all mine in Photoshop, using an existing dds file as the template. I just renamed each of the dds files and added the different relevant preview shot of the ground layout I wanted. it worked fine ! - no glitches.


I did all mine by hand manually considering the map editor can't make a preview image of the map  ::)


so I copied the map name and named the dds file similar








by just editing and re naming the dds file into different versions was far easier for me in Photoshop





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I did all mine in Photoshop, using an existing dds file as the template. I just renamed each of the dds files and added the different relevant preview shot of the ground layout I wanted. it worked fine ! - no glitches.


I did all mine by hand manually considering the map editor can't make a preview image of the map  ::)


so I copied the map name and named the dds file similar








by just editing and re naming the dds file into different versions was far easier for me in Photoshop



But I've been editing existing maps. Nothing has changed that should make me do a new .DDS

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Thats odd. What kind of glitch is it your getting ? - is it the one I mentioned with the white petro logo in base layout view then ?



There're always command posts-Reinforcement points(sorry, I play BFII) in random positions, and it won't let me put my buildings anywhere. There are no slots... If there were, they'd be in random positions.

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dito - I see the problem  :-\ - I have found the same problem with my maps too. I have the base layout view showing an image of the ground surface of the planet ok, but there isn't any ground slots where you can drag and move your units and structures around. There should be slots so you can move them around. Also the Reinforcement points don't show properly either. As they show in random area's but not in the actual places where they should be.


I don't think there is a fix for this, I think zer0x mentioned this problem recently - I think he said its the new map editor its full of bugs ? - Anyway we have to wait for Petro to fix this issue if it is the Map Editor causing it.



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Anyway we have to wait for Petro to fix this issue if it is the Map Editor causing it.

Until then, how do we dissable it? I'd prefer to have no base layout then glitchy base layout.

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Hmm don't think there is a work around for this  :-\ It's just a case of not using base layout view on the new planets you add to the game. I have done the same as what other figured out and made ground images for the base layouts so that there isn't a huge petro logo there. Thats about the most we can do with it for now. If this issue is to do with the map editor not generating map previews or what ever it might be, then I expect we will all have to go back and fix the maps anyway in the fixed updated map editor if they ever release one ?



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