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Dark_Lord´s Expanded Galaxy Mod


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Nothing. Help another DL is a pleasure ;D

If you need other and more just tell me.


I´ll tell you if I need more ;)

(I´m going to post a screen with the great new Icons tonight ;) )


Other thing:

I´ll probably make a Homepage for may Mod. And yes it´ll be in english (Maybe only in english)

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Oh it would be a good choice.


I could finish the Homepage quickly, I´m only not quit sure what a Homepage I should create (selfmade HTML Homepage or a Joomla Script)


And I´ve also a smal Update:

I created a second Galaxy Map- The Coruscant Run

Short Movie



Today I looked at the AT-AT Model and I saw that the AT-AT has got bones for it´s secondery weapons. So I added them, I also saw that the AT-ST has also secondery weapons wich aren´t in use. Maybe I can find some more things by other groundunits...


http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7667/atatys5.th.jpg http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/2876/atstot9.th.jpg

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True I have thought about that too.

About the AT-AT the second weapon could be antiinfantry lasers(those on the side of the main head)

About the AT-ST should be a missile launcher and/or another gun.



Thats a good Idear, than it´s effective against all typs of groundunits.

Year one seems like a Missle weapon port, but it looks strange if the AT-ST fires with missiles an laser canon, but i could easily change it into a missle launcher again..


The map looks good. Have you used a map or what to create it?

Thats Felucia, I love this Planet/Map ;)

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Feleucia is in FOC right?

And about the galactic map have you used any font to position the planets?


The AT-ST has a cannon on one side and another thing on the other that seems a multimissile launcher.



Yes Felucia is in Foc ;)

No, I don´t really used a font, well have a SW: Rebellion Galaxy Map Screen, but I was to lazy to search each Planet Name (On the Screen was only the Sektors and it´s nameS)


Yes I thought so to but I wasn´t quite sure, well I´ll add a missle Luncher tomorrow

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If you can give an image of the galaxy, I can try to find the names by going ingame.

I can also write a list of all the planets in the game going iside it. I would really like to have such a map and so I am happy ot help you.

I hope you will spare the map before adding all your pesonal features for my personal mod,a thing that will probably became public in the future. :D

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If you can give an image of the galaxy, I can try to find the names by going ingame.

I can also write a list of all the planets in the game going iside it. I would really like to have such a map and so I am happy ot help you.

I hope you will spare the map before adding all your pesonal features for my personal mod,a thing that will probably became public in the future. :D


Well I like the order of my planets like they are^^

But I think it wouldn´t make many work, to create a SW:Rebellion Map out of it ;)

If you can give me the names of the Planets, I´ll see what I can do ;)

Here is a screen: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1613/galaxiebersichtsectorensk7.th.gif

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Good. Listen. I have surfed the web to find some maps of the galaxy. If you want i can rar then and upload for you to see.

I will however work on this one if you prefer.


The Problem is that I already saerched on many galaxy Maps, but the order of Rebellion is not the same as the normal SW Planet order.

So I don´t know how i could find the right location of the Planets ::)


I updated the startpost a bit ;)

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Probbably because in Rebellion they decided to use a fake order.I mean an order made "on purpose" for the game.An order easy to be familiar with.

The maps instead reflect the right state of the galaxy.Now it's your choice to chooce which to use.


Well I´ll have a look at your Galaxy Maps;)

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Here is the link to download the maps I have found.




I will however compile the names of the sectors of the rebellion map if you wish


I just noticed a problem.

If I´ll take a Planet order like its on your Maps, I´d need a new Galaxy Model, cause otherwise it would look a bit strange...

Personally I prever the Rebellion Galaxy Version, so it would be cool if you can finde the names ;)


Oh, I also started to work on the Homepage, It´ll be a very Simple, but (i hope) a nice Homepage ;)

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No problem.I'll do it as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile may i suggest to have a look to this :




It's a mod with a really big maps inside.


Wow I could only understand half of that what was written in this side(cause im such a noob in French^^), but the mod sounds cool ;)


Do you meen Galaxy Maps or Spce/Groundmaps?

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Little Update:

I´m going to add some carrier Ships.

I´m planing to add the Escort Carrier (Empire), the Goliat Carrier (Underworld) and the Liberator Carrier (Rebels)

http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/9734/escortcarrierni7.th.jpg http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3350/escortcarrier2fq0.th.jpg


And I also found a second Modeler, hes making a new Version of the Assult Frigate.


Little question:

Does somebody now where the entries for the Arc Hammer are?

I can´t finde them...

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