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Re: Making the AI attack?


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I don't think anyone looked at my other post but I had mentioned that in the Scripts Folder, in the libary folder the PGtaskforce folder contains the AI attacking data. if you scroll to the bottom It tells you that the AI attacks players in turn after a set amount of time and number of times the player wins. I changed it and it seemed the ai will attack you more frequently.
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Thanks! I've been wanting to do this. ;D


EDIT: Uh...I can't make sense out of this lua. Could you tell me excactly which lines to change?

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I tried editing the number of responds and sleep times to thing lasts, It seems the lower the numbers effect the difficulty. I was hoping more people would look into this as well.
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hmm no, mine is still in Lua format Kel - what do you need to extract and read Lua files ? Mr Cains find is an very good one indeed :)


I just got mikes tools for this - but I can't figure out how to get the them to run ! LOL



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In that folder for some reason all I have is them in Lua format ?! I am not seeing decompiled scripts.

Did you try editing them with notepad? It works for me....



I tried editing the number of responds and sleep times to thing lasts, It seems the lower the numbers effect the difficulty. I was hoping more people would look into this as well.

I wonder what would happen if I changed the sleep duration to 1...


"I feel fantastic and I'm

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scripts can't be used uncompiled, it's written in bytecode for the computer. Decompiled versions are for humans to read ;)


FoC does decompile them, told you  :P


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He he, OK well I made a few changes to the script Mr Cain mentioned - I'll have to test it later. (In the middle of making new maps for FOC)  ::) I am beginning to hate drawing urban terrains..



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Uh, bad news. I set the sleep duration to 1 and nothing changed. :(


Are there any other things I need to change?

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and when you're dying I will be

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and when you're dead I will be

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the sleep duration sounds like it is how long the AI wait b4 attacking in galactic conquest, in seconds. Has anybody managed to get the AI to use new units btw like build them, the AI will attack or whatever with the starting units but never seems to build any new ones except heros, any ideas?
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the sleep duration sounds like it is how long the AI wait b4 attacking in galactic conquest, in seconds.

I tested it, and it took like 10 minutes. First I thought seconds, then minutes, then galactic days, but now I'm not sure it means anything.


Has anybody managed to get the AI to use new units btw like build them, the AI will attack or whatever with the starting units but never seems to build any new ones except heros, any ideas?

D803 has. I tried, and failed. That reminds me, I should fix that...

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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the sleep duration sounds like it is how long the AI wait b4 attacking in galactic conquest, in seconds. Has anybody managed to get the AI to use new units btw like build them, the AI will attack or whatever with the starting units but never seems to build any new ones except heros, any ideas?

On my EAW Alliance Mod AI build the new units and it attacks with them without problems and I have not done changes on lua files.

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there is also some other things in that file like the AI can only attack after the player has attack a couple of times. and then the AI can only attack between 1-8, then it has to wait for you to attack again


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The answer is "yes" on a galactic conflict and "no" on skirmiss battles.



But you can tell the AI to build the new Units, you have to add the new things, wich the AI should build in some Lua´s in the Space Mode/Land Mode Folder (All things like:TacticalMultiplayerBuildSpace and on Land iI think it´s only: Tacticalmultiplayerbuildlandunitsgeneric.lua)

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But you can tell the AI to build the new Units, you have to add the new things, wich the AI should build in some Lua´s in the Space Mode/Land Mode Folder (All things like:TacticalMultiplayerBuildSpace and on Land iI think it´s only: Tacticalmultiplayerbuildlandunitsgeneric.lua)


hmm, i edited the TacticalMultiplayerBuildLandUnitsGeneric.lua in landmode, is there anything i have to do to it to get the game to read it other than putting it in my mod folder in the correct place? Also does it matter which row you add the units to and i have no idea what the numbers at the end mean...



	,"Rebel_Speeder_Wing | Gallofree_HTT_Company | Rebel_MDU_Company = 0,1"


is there some libary of all the units in the game that the lua files use?

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