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Where can I contact with these EAW mod makers? Is to ask about my Alliance Mod

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Lately I have taken many things from SAU3.0 Reloaded, EAW Spaceaddon, agdv3, lions_epic-realismmod, Ultimate EAW and EaW Total Realism mods to do a new mod thought to Spanish Empire at War mod, on special to Spanish because Text are on only Spanish.


These are the changes on mod.

-The mod add a galaxy conflict campaign with 92 planets with all the complete maps that I have found (many of them edited). I have added the space maps bigger from SAU3.0.

-45 command points on space battles only.

-Capital ships release fighters and bombers.

-One fighter or bomber team is always from 6.

-Correct number of fighters on capital ships.

-Correct size of ships. Very different to all these fantastic mods.

-Fighters and bombers can not be build, they go only with capital ships.


New Ships:


*Escort Carrier.


*Tartan Cruiser.

*Nebulon B Frigate

*Nebulon B Frigate Modificate.

*Carrack Cruiser.

*Aclamator Cruiser.

*Scout Tie.

*Corellian Corvette.

*Corellian Corvette Modificate.

*Interdictor Cruiser.

*Lancer Frigate.

*Loronar Strike Cruiser.

*Victory Star DestroyerType 1.

*Victory Star Destroyer Type 2.

*Harrow Star Destroyer.

*Imperial Star Destroyer Type 1.

*Imperial Star Destroyer Type 2.

*Dominator Star Destroyer .

*Praetor Battlecruiser.

*Allegiance Star Destroyer .

*Titan Heavy Cruiser.

*Vengance Super Star Destroyer.

*Super Star Destroyer Class Executor.

These ships release this fighters and bombers.

*Tie Fighter.

*Tie Bomber.

*Interceptor Tie.

*Tie Avance.

*Tie Defender.



*Tie Hunter.




*Quasar Carrier.


*Carrack Cruiser.

*Loronar Strike Cruiser.

*Nebulon B Frigate.

*Nebulon B Frigate Mod.

*Assault Frigate MKI

*Assault Frigate MKII.

*Corellian Corvette.

*Corellian Corvette Mod.

*Corellian GunBoat.

*Marauder Corvette.

*Heavy Corellian GunBoat.

*Corellian Destroyer.

*Dauntless Cruiser.

*Liberator Carrier.

*Guardian Light Cruiser.

*CC7700 Frigate.

*MC40 Cruiser.

*MC60 Cruiser.

*MC75 Cruiser.

*MC80 Cruiser.

*MC80A Cruiser.

*MC85 Cruiser.

*MC90 Cruiser.

*MC90B Cruiser, two different versions from the same ship from Space Addon and SAU.

*Bothan Assault Cruiser.

*MC104 Cruiser.

-This ships release some of these fighters and bombers.

*X Wing.

*Y Wing.

*A Wing.

*B Wing.

*E Wing.

*K Wing.


Pirate and common ships on both sides.

*Procurator Heavy Cruiser.

*Munificent Frigate.

*Recusant Destroyer.

*WatchKeeper Frigate.

*Balrus Cruiser.

*Heavy Corellian Frigate.

*Light Corellian Frigate.

*Sacheen Frigate.

*Corona Frigate.

*Leviathan Dreadnaught.

*Pinance Dreadnaught.

*Providence Cruiser.

*Venator Cruiser.

*Hapan Battledragon.


-This ships release some of these fighters and bombers.

*R41 Starchaser.

*T Wing.

*Skipray Blastboat.




*V Wing.


*Tie Claw.


Planet Station are now these.

XQ1 Plataform.

XQ3 Plataform..

Golan I Plataform..

Golan II Plataform..

Golan III Plataform..


There are thousands of changes on space ships but these can give you a big idea of the changes.


On tactical land I have done only a few changes.

-All Atat have a maximun fire with 3 minutes to reload.

-T4B missilelauncher is more powerful with vehicles and infantry.

-Infantry is now smaller.


Probably now you are thinking that I have copied all these from other mods and it is technically correct but I have modded all them and all them is different from these fantastic mods.


You can contact with me on suarezdog@hotmail.com or http://www.firefoxccmods.com , I´m the creator from many Close Combat Series mods, on special one Close Combat V Star Wars mod and now I´m working  on one new big Close Combat Star Wars mod taken many things from Empire at War as land battles units and maps. Ah the name from my SW EAW mod is Alliance on honor to Xwing Alliance game where I took many ideas.

Edited by Nomada_firefox

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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I used to love playing close combat...in fact, close combat II: A Bridge Too Far was the first game I bought, besides the games that came with microsoft.


I'm not sure I exactly understood your post.  You are making a mod for EAW and one for close combat V?

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I'm not sure I exactly understood your post.  You are making a mod for EAW and one for close combat V?

Yes I have done a EAW mod and I´m working on one Star Wars CCV mod again. I write again because on www.firefoxccmods.com you can download the first SW CCV mod.;)

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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I'm downloading your CCV star wars mod now...what types of units did you have in it?


EDIT:  looks like i'm going to have to install CCV first since it's only in a plugin format.

Edited by jonesy
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Remember that you must download the SW maps than you can download on www.firefoxccmods.com on CCV maps folder.


You will see on the mod more units than on EAW, many of them are from SW Supremacy (or Rebellion on some countries) and from SW Battlegrounds.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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The Loronar Strike Cruiser should be Empire and not rebels.

On SW Xwing games, books and more Loronar Strike Cruiser is a ship used by both sides, it is not a exculsive Empire ship, and it can transport one Fighter squadron (on SW games and books one squadron have 12 fighters).

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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My Spanish EAW Alliance on version 1.12 is ready to download, if you want play it, you can download it from www.firefoxccmods.com or www.clannomada.com


To English versions of the game, you should rename MasterTextFile_SPANISH.DAT by MasterTextFile_ENGLISH.DAT to see the correct Text but remember you will read them on Spain.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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Im curious if you know what came from what mod, not that I truly care but im pondering what you might have taken from TR.. and im not finding anything yet -.-


Ponders some more............ ???


Nice job btw


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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I have taken from total realism a small image from what I could change on xml files to do the game better. Probably some lines from Alliance mod have lines from Total Realism.


not because i want to shut you down of course Tongue

Oh my problem to answer you were the language, I´m from Spain and my English is not too good. I had not fear because you would can shutdown my mod, probably nobody here can but if you want, I can try delete it, probably my hands don´t let me to do it. ;)

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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I cant wait to see this mod Gj :P

Good you only must download it on www.firefoxccmods.com or www.clannomada.com , Firefoxccmods.com is a english site ClanNomada.com is a Spanish site.


I let you a few screenshots.























Thanks to all modmakers by create these fantastic space ship graphics.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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  • 5 months later...

You only must download it on www.firefoxccmods.com or www.clannomada.com , probably as your EAW copy is on english you will have a small problem with the text spanish file but you only must rename the file MasterTextFile_SPANISH.DAT to MasterTextFile_ENGLISH.DAT , probably you will not understand nothing of spanish but you will can play the mod.


I recomend you it, you will see a few things new or never seen on EAW.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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