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Re: AT-TE Minimod V1


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I remember the Juggernaught in FOC has linked turrets. - I think maybe Avenger would have to redo the hardpoints so that they are similar to that of the Juggernaught bones in their model. Their's were like B_Barrel  and B_Turret,(First Turret) and B_Turret_01 (Second Turret) the firing points being MuzzleA_00 and 01 and MuzzleB_01


In their code it has the following bit of code that makes the turrets work.










At a guess I would otherwise wouldn't think there is any other way of making the other individual turrets fire unless it's similar to their version of the code and the models hardpoints can be linked like that..?



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I'm afraid it must be done like in Garm Bel Iblis' Gargantuan - targetable hardpoints and turrets attached as separate .alo files.



Are you sure the second Juggernaut's turret is movable?


Any suggestins on resolving collision issue? I've already tried to scale model down, replace existing collision mesh with simple box etc...

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@Avenger I'm not positive the second turret moves on the juggernaught (don't think it does) .. but it does fire with the first turret in the same direction of fire of the first turret. so they seem linked.. possibly because of the bone names on the Juggernaught ? as mentioned above. Edited by jedi_consulor



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You don't understand me ? - I mean that all the turret bones are linked through the barrel bones. Thats why they are linked and fire together on the model. In the code you specified that the gun fires from b_Barrel and the the turret bone is b_Turret Well, any other bone in the model Barrel_01 and turrets are linked through the bone names I posted from the juggernaught


So I would assume by that logic if the FOC code is looking for the bones it would then be some thing like






and B_Barrel , B_Barrel_01 and so on plus all the muzzle flash bones for each of the firing points.


and so on for each additional turret I think would be linked.


The code is only looking for the B_Barrel and B_Turret code in the juggernaught. So the code in the AT TE looks for the barrel bone and turret bone - the code will work with all linked turrets, but at the moment in the AT TE the turrets are not linked in the bones. I think they all need to be renamed so they match the barrel bone name and the turret bone in the code.


For each new turret you want to add you need to add the same code as you would do with the first turret bone and barrel bone - so there after you can add 01,02,03 and so on. I think this way when the code reads the barrel bone and turret bone information in the model - they will fire 'together' they are linked and will rotate in the direction of their fire.



Edited by jedi_consulor



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This is similar to how if youre firepoints are named MuzzleA_00 to MuzzleA_[Whatever], they can fire directly from the unit code, while anything else needs to be hardpointed.


Anything named b_barrel_00, b_barrel_01 etc, will automatically be a turret if specified, while anything else agains needs to be hardpointed.


"That was fun"

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yes, that's it :) so the B_Barrel code links all the B_Barrel hardpoints together. The XML code only will link those together along with the individual turret bones. (B_Turret, B_Turret_01) and so on. At the moment there isn't any way you can get those turrets to fire individually anyway. If the bone names were specified as mentioned, the turrets would link together and all fire and rotate in the direction they are aiming to fire.



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the only problem is that it doesnt work for some reason, i think the juggernaut is just magical  ??? ah well, look at the new rebel hero, the gargantium, or whatever, that has hardpoints that are turrets and it works perfect, i recon tats the way to go...
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The code I tried to use to get the AT-TE turrets to actually move was actually based on the Gargantuan's code.

I'm thinking Avenger just has to edit the model, and make each turret a seperate file like any other targetable hardpoint. (Not that we have to make the AT-TE turrets targetable though)

I counted 16 misspelled words in that last post, as well as numerous grammatical errors, along with a complete lack on punctuation save a single period at the end of the "sentence."


Good job.

-ImperialDragon; GameFAQs FoC board

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yeah they do have to be seperate and be linked properly, you also cant use the same turret model for all the turrets, they have to be different files and have different names for the turrets, barrels and muzzles
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All the names have to be similar though to the first turret and barrel. Otherwise the code won't pick up the other hardpoints. Like I mentioned previously. B_Barrel then any additional ones named _01 _02 etc, and for the B_Turret then _01 _02 etc for all the turrets your adding. Plus like has been mentioned Muzzle flashes for each barrel bone. Otherwise I doubt the code will recognise the other turrets if they are named completely different, which is why the turrets can't be linked now with the current model.



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This should be the proper way to do linked turrets. The Juggernaught is 'not' magical that's how the developers did it. If thats how they did it it must be how its done. Simple - if it doesn't work for you then you have missed some thing or have not done it right in some way. Funny it works for the developers and not for you - I'd put my money on the devs being right than what anyone else is saying because its their game, they know best. Besides any one can tell that its obviously done that way from observing the code from the Juggernaught, and looking at the Juggernaughts hardpoints - its obvious.


Looking at the ALO files though in FOC there is two ALO files that are to do with the Juggernaught itself.





Ahh, there is an ALO file that refers to the turret. - hmm maybe some one will make more sense of this.. but I stick with that I said earlier as far as the bone names are concerned.

Edited by jedi_consulor



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If what I've seen is correct, only units with one turret can have the turret in the same file. Units with more than one need them as hardpoints.



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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the juggernaut has no hardpoints, the "EV_JUGGERNAUT_HP_F_TURRET_00.ALO"  is not used in the xml files at all. The developers may have used some sort of settings in the model, or hardcoded a little bit or something, but anyway, i cant get it to work without hardpoints, if you can then all power to you, but until you do i stand by my judgement.


when i tried to copy the juggernauts turrets (bone names, code and everything) only one of the turrets shot.



however i have found a problem with the turret hardpoints method, you cant have muzzle flashes, or at least i dont think you can, the gargantium doesnt have any...

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LOL hey don't take it so serious ;) look its beyond argument, your basically saying what the Game developers did can't be done and doesn't work ?! - They added that Turret ALO file for some reason - even if you haven't found it in the XML files. Its odd why they did that, but hey ! without reverse engineering that model into max format who knows how exactly how they did it.


All I know is going by the evidence and facts. Looking in the ALO file each and every hardpoint that is used for a turret and barrel - all are named in that way. along with the muzzle flashes. What I am saying is - is that if The game developers did it that way then you must be able to do it. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to do a model that way and then the turrets don't work ? If they did it that way then you must be able to do it.


Logically if I place in the code the words B_Barrel and B_Turret and those are the firing bones in which it uses then each and every other Turret and barrel bone must be names accordingly. Otherwise tell me - how on earth would the code know how to find the other turrets to fire and turn from ?!



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the problem is that no matter how much we point at the game saying, "they did it", i cant seem to do it, i have used exactly the same names and everything but it just wont work, only one of the turrets moves, if you use hardpoints then it is irrelevant what names u use as long as you reference it all correctly. im not saying what the game developers have done doesnt work, because it obviously does, im saying we dont have exactly the same tools to do it as the developers so we have missed something somehow...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna add this to FoC...


I'd give credit

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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RedMage323 has already made conversion to FoC. If you mean using it in your mod - I have no objections.



I'm working on V2 but..very slowly. Last time whan I was animating this 6-legged walker, I get really frustrated ;)

BTW I made T3-B as well:


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