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Bounty Hunter Mod?

Mikan Cyclone

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Alright.  Here's another brilliant idea from the think-tank.  How bout a mod for the community that adds in all the known bounty of this time period that aren't in the game, and re-tools the current bounty hunters based on their known level of prowess (for instance, Boba Fett will be a killing machine, and I know it's not balanced if he is) and, if it's possible, re-tool the bounty hunter system so any faction can hire them.


The list is:  (tell me if I'm missing any, cause I can't think right now)





Boussh (The Person Leia impersonates)

Greedo ( I know he's supposed to be dead, but this is an alternate universe, no?)


It's a short list, and I know I'm missing people, but still.  If anyone is interested, we need:


A modelor *glares at Bex*

A skinner *glares at 1upD*

A coder * I can help with this, but I have better things to do......or not.  I'm just addicted to Ryzom, kay?*


So, yeah.  DISCUSS!




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Great idea! :D

Though if this happened all mini mods would spam it. That's not neccasarily a bad thing, though...

A skinner *glares at 1upD*


I'm only a re-skinner! I guess I could do a skin from scratch, but it'd look pretty bad...

But I have got a new icon for the standard bounty hunter based on Petro's unused bounty hunter model.

I had the idea to reskin a Snowtrooper for Dengar(he actually has snowtrooper armor if you look closely), but then his face would either be squished, or covered by a snowtrooper helmet.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


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Well, there is a tool out there for 3ds Max (texporter, I think. I'm not good with stuff like that) that exports the UV Map as a JPg or BMP.  All you'd have to do is re-skin the skin.  If you think it might be too hard, maybe Yodaminch could do it?  I dunno, but we should worry about that when we actually have something to skin on =P


If htings don't work out with your model, we can do it that way.  I always thought Dengar's armor looked familiar....




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i would help but i lack FoC :'( :'(


Ive been thinking about this and the only way i can think of the have the bounty Hunters hireable to everyone,  would be to have it so if you own a the right planet you could recruit them


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I got an idea!


I could reskin the snowtrooper to look like Dengar without the face, send it to you, you could send it to your modeler, he could make the model and put a wire-frame face on, send it to me, I could add the face, send it back to him and there.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Bhaalshad showed how you can use the Black Market for events. Firstly, use Bhaalshad's code for black market heroes on the bounty hunters. What if you set bounty hunters so they didn't respawn.  You could add another event triggered by the black market, that killed all the other factions bounty hunter(the one you're buying). Mon Mothma and Darth Vader could have the ability to buy from planets with a black market. The result? Factions can hire bounty hunters, which will remove the same bounty hunter from the other factions.


I probably am making no sense at all ::)

Sometimes when I get ideas like this, I have a hard time putting it into words, and am too lazy to put it into code.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I have since added and modified my black market. It now has a mess of triggers, events, sounds/holograms. For eample, I even have a few planets locked at the start. When my "Hero" chooses Trade Route at a hefty price, the planet is unlocked and ready to be conqured.


The idea of bounty hunters using the BM should be worth checking into. The ability for a BH to goto the BM and for a price remove a [ Major Hero, Minor Hero, BH, or like above Trade Route ] is just a small example of what we can modify the BM to do.

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That's pretty cool.

Really shows how one must "buy out" the galaxy :P


That should definately be looked into, it can actually make the BM totally essential rather than a place to get your special abilities from...


"That was fun"

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I never used the stock bounty hunter much if at all, mainly cause they don't try to take out major heros (only minor ones like ground and fleet commanders if they exist).  A mod would go a long way to making them worthwhile that's for sure.  Actually now that I think about it, perhaps they'd be just as useful as defilers even if all you gave them was their ability to sabotage structures and/or troop/ship units.


Mix up all the various costs that missions like that would take to perform and it could become a fairly versatile unit. (I'm referring of course to the stock bounty hunter from the Hutt palace, not a new hunter type).  Since the Empire and Rebels can already build these if they have a palace, the only tweak I'd then make would be to the defilers - in my view both units ought to be able to perform similar actions (apart from corruption perhaps).

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I would love to have a mod that replaces having to buy ship upgrades with other tactical advantages. No cloaking and buzz droids at start may balance things but it sure is annoying when you play as the Consortium. 
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