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It's the little details that make this game fun


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I just bought EaW/FoC together, so I don't know if what I'm about to describe is new for the expansion or not...


I am a diehard Imperial-only player (Rebel scum!), and I have been cracking up all morning by playing a space skirmish and building the Darth Vader TIE squadron, and hearing his pissed-off comments when you select the squad:


"What?!" (barked at you)

"What is it?!" (same, but with every word emphasized)


They remind me of the wav files from Star Wars Rebellion, particularly the message you got when the Emperor failed a mission:


"You have not adequately supported me on this mission, and, it has FAILED!!"


I think Han Solo's mission-failure message was "Hey, it's not MY fault!"

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they were in EAW and they are funny, there are some good ones else where but i cant remember it. Boba Fett's. i think were another good one.


always on about a bounty...




I Support the Resistance!

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There's one in EAW about Han, right as he's dying: "I'll see you in hell!"  ;D That's the best one.

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