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Do you still play FoC/EAW?


Do you still play FoC/EAW?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you still play FoC/EAW?

    • Yes- as often as I can.
    • Yes- once a week
    • Yes- occasionally
    • No-not interesting anymore
    • No- There are lots of better games to play
    • No-I never got FoC and don't really like EAW
    • No-any other reason(please post)

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Alright....I am curious about how many people actually play FoC from the forums. Please post why you play the game(elaborate more than what the poll says)or why you don't play the game. I really don't want this to become a thread where people just talk about what FoC should have to make it better, but you can mention that in why you don't play it or rarely play it. Your input is greatly appreciated!

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My video card's fan is dead...

so not right now.


I got the same problem! So it's a no for me too.

Protecting the world from those who have an IQ higher than 30! Huzzah!


Trust me...I'm a professional.


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I've been playing it semi occasionally, still exploring the differences between the versions i.e. playing the old maps in the new FOC, just to see how they moved build pads around or where they've added the bunkers (on some maps, its actually a lot better than they were tactically speaking).  However, as with the other game I still have issues with some build pad placements, they're not always where I think they could be used to better effect.  Perhaps the differences here too is the difference between playing a planet map in skirmish vs campaign vs galactic conquest - stuff's not always where you saw it before.


I've also been playing a lot of the GC games in FOC, just to see what kinds of units I can steal through pirate rings.  I'll give this patch a whirl and hope that helps a bit with the bugs I've seen from time to time.  I encountered one just this morning where I used Zann to kidnap somebody on the Taris (or may have been Thyferra) map - anyway, it was supposed to end when you destroyed all the enemy units and "secured" the target human guy, but once I got there, nothing happened (I presume it was supposed to work as is the case with Siri or whatever her face is on Utapau where the target follows you back to the shuttle).


So far I'd have to say that while I do enjoy the game somewhat still, I still wish for a little more variety in unit availability/enhancements to more skirmish maps.  I have not had a chance to play around with the editor to make my own maps but I think if I can get a handle on it, it'll add some replayability to the game.

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I said occasionally because a bunch other good games came out at around the same time as foc. Defcon, Dark Messiah, and MTW2 all came out within like a month of foc. Still though, I put in a good amount of time playing foc campaign and mp. Maybe Ill come back for a few mp campaign games when I get done MTW2 and Dark Messiah, those are always fun.

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I play fairly often...I love playing GC and trying out various corruption combinations...or fighting the corruption as Empire or Rebels with the shiny new units, hehe... ;D and orbital bombardment............ 8)




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