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Re: Foc Realism mod


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This is a realism mod for foc, it will make foc more enjoyable and balenced at the same time. new mod units will be added and other features also.


add more transports : laat, rebel transport, imperial shuttle atat (3 slots)


fix some bugs like heros not spawning


have garrisonable fighters : thank hk-47 for this wonderful idea




add realistic projectiles to units atst missle launcher and 2 laser cannons atat 2 laser cannons and 2 anti infantry cannons ect.


add some modifiyed units in the game like imperial commanders and rebel leaders.


add some ships for the consortium, munificiant, recluscent, and venator are all for piracy options on appropriot planets. (venator on kuat and muni or recluscent on munilist cant decide.


reduce health of infantry a tad bit to make them easyier to kill and only allow infantry to capture control points therefore making them more valuable.


add some new rebel and empire units.


weaken consortium a bit and give them more buildings.


make squadrons bigger and do less torpedo damage.


xwings will now have concussion missle launchers for attacking with. (ion cannon ability)


rom moch will have a dark trooper phase 3 armor for land combat.


vaders population will be fixed.


cost for all units will be upped


planets population will be upped


planets credit output will be upped


ammount of space units in a battle will be upped or lowered  2 versions of this u choose.


pay as you go option enabled. or not im debating on this



the community of eaw will have a say in this mod and could join at any time. thanks to kelathin who will help me out with this and answer my nooby questions. any1 who wants to join the mod is welcome. thanks to fallast lt_hawkeye and others that are helping me on this mod

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i can do some hardpoints so that they have dual lasers, and im working on quad cannons. ive also done purple, orange, blue, yellow lasers like the ones shot by the correlian corvette.


im willing to help, and can do this quite quickly (laser colors, how many fire, speeds, beams,etc).

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Please do Recluscent, I just worked hard to make a Munificent. :P


oooh....Quad cannons.....

Sounds fun. :)

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and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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