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two lasers, one bone/hardpoint


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it appears all you did was add non-targetable and destroyable hardpoints onto existing bones, I pictured them being as two shots fired in unison.....


edit, well its just copying existing hardpoints, making them non-targetable and destroyable, and then changing the Fire Points of the hardpoint so it appears one weapon fires from two places on the ship....

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ya hit the nail one that one, yes, it is that easy. you can see if it works by using one green and one red,


home one is a beast with 16 laser hardpoints.


edit: p.s. swnfan654, it may just be cheap copying, and it may be easy, but it still adds realism, and it looks very nice.

Edited by PhatmanNIk
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What exactly do you mean? It sounds cool, lol. I've had indestructable hardpoints on my Lucrehulk.....I think it would be too much work to remake every single ship like this....

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Now where have I seen this before I wonder.......



Oh yes. Its almost the same method I used for Home One's additional 8 non-targettable medium laser points. Now don't get me wrong. This is useful, but please. I mean come on. If your going to post this use the Public Code Bank thread seeing as it keeps everything nice an neat, and as for requesting credit.......well thats another matter, now isn't it (easy to adapt something to ones own usage when provided by another party).

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O.M.G.  My friend, you may have very well unknowingly discovered beam weaponry.  All you'd have to do is make those projectiles longer so they run into each other.....I CAN SEE IDEAS FORMING!




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Could you post bigger screenshots please?  I can't see crap.


Also, your not the first to make beam weapons before, but all other methods were incredibly hard to do.  I tried it, and the beam came out WAY too fast, was too thin, and was too long.  Anyway, PHASORS AHOY!




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if you don't like the size on here, then go to imperialassault.com and check out dual lasers, one bone.


my username there is climber, and if you want, just refer to me as that.


heres the post. http://www.imperialassault.com/rote/forums/index.php?showtopic=2348


i'll add the beam photo when its 2 page long(for 56k'ers sake)

Edited by PhatmanNIk
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sorry major-no pun intended


Appologise?? No need to. I do wonder if you got a kick out of doing something. I know I did.


Anyway. Fine work on the composite beam style weapon. Now all thats needed is a trek ship and it should look right at home.

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Hmm. What if you used little circles with billboarding instead of long lasers instead to get rid of the jagged edges? That'll be interesting to see a beam cannon made of engine glows :P



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You should release a mod that doubles(or more) the hardpoints!


That would be sooo awsome!


And also, someone already discovered a more convienent beam technology, and it's easier. This is really for extra hardpoints, not beams.

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yes, bailknight made a very nice composite beam for an laat, and i put it on the SPMAT, looks nice. all that really is required is the land model, don't screw around with the naming of the projectile(copy and past origanel spmat grenade and then rename the copy to spmat grenade beam). then, if you have the values of your beam weapon from bailknights mod, then use em. otherwise theres no beam.


what would i require to make a Mod for the projectiles and hardpoints?


SAU.3 reloaded has a venator with 8 turbos, 12 antifighter cannons(4 turbos on each side, with 6 cannons for taking out fighters on each side in the front), problem is, you can't edit those hardpoints.

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