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Re: Need a little help completing my modification. Someone who can help w/Sounds


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Well I've been working on this sucker since EAW. Essentially, all it does is add more heroes. So here's what I have:


UPDATED: December 25, 2006

100%Complete (Beta Ready)


Princess Leia-  Has Sounds


Bribe Unit

Heal Unit

75% reduction on costs

Space Unit: Tantive IV


Concentrate Fire

Boost Engines



Kit Fisto

Force Speed

Force Heal



Agen Kolar

Vehicle Crush


Space Unit: Venator

Abilities: Shield

Still thinking on a second ability


Saesee Tiin

Capture Vehicle

Summon Fighter

Space Unit: Jedi Fighter

Abilities for now:


Seismic Charge



Plo Koon

Electric Judgement

Force Corrupt/Heal





Lando Calrissian- Old Screenshot Jacket model now has Black Jacket. Needs ship.

Bribe Unit




Mace Windu- Sounds are in. Still need more.

Reveal Fog of War

Force Wave

Force Protect

Space Unit: Jedi Fighter

Abilites: Invincibility

Seismic Charge



99% Complete - (Just need Sounds)





70% Complete



Quinlan Vos- Skin needs to be finished and abilities need to be added. Will attach to flagship. Needs sound

Jedi Mind Trick

Force Wave


A'shared Hett- Tusken  Model

Summon Tusken Raiders (Encountering trouble. May need new idea)

Needs a force ability: Jedi Mind Trick, Heal, Protect, Wave, Cloak, Vehicle Crush or something else. Suggestions wanted.


20% Complete

General Madine- Needs ship and sound

Need idea on what abilities to give


0% Complete

Most Attached to vehicle:


General Rieken- May use Pyganni Warrior

General Dodanna- May use a Civilian

Tholme- May reskin Palpatine. Icon Done

T'ra Saa- Will attach to either attach to Juggernaut or LAAT

Dark Woman- Likely a Palpatine Reskin

K'kruhk- Will attach to either Juggernaut or LAAT. Depends on T'ra Saa

Jiesel- Will attach to Jedi Fighter




Order of Release:


Batch 1: (Easiest units to get sound for)


Leia, Lando, Mace,


Patch 2: (Depends on How Fast I can get some type of Sound)


Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar. Possibly Quinlan Vos


Batch 3: (Sounds Don't Matter)


Quinlan Vos, A'shared Hett, Tholme, T'ra Saa


Batch 4:(Lower on the list since other mods are doing or have done similiar)


Generals Rieken, Dodonna and Madine


Batch 5: (Bottom  Rung. Don't need sounds, lesser heroes)


Jiesel, K'kruhk, Dark Woman



Now the one thing I haven't tried are sounds. Mostly because, I possess no abilities to get sound. I have dvds needed but no way to get the sound. Hence where I need help. I'll likely use Lando's sounds from Jedi Knight since Raven made all its stuff available. I may even contact a few JA modelers for sounds from their models, but for others, I need help. Specifically Saesee Tiin. In Clone Wars, he has a voice. I really want sounds for him.


UPDATE: I have made Sounds. I just need help adding them!

Indentification from Soldiers: General Tiin

Saesee Tiin ordered anywhere: Attack!

Saesee captures vehicle: It's time to get a new one.

They Need Help

Prepare to Board




For Mace, I'd like "General Windu", This Party's Over, We will not be Hostages to be bartered. Perhaps, I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi.


So my plea is for help getting sounds for these suckers. Once that is done, I'll release everything to you guys to use, regardless of whether you like it. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.

Edited by Yodaminch
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Anyway...sounds....you could possible find some from Galactic Battlegrounds, but other than that...try googling the sounds, or maybe try to find a soundboard.


But seriously, I can't think of words to discribe this.  It's AWESOME.




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Impressive, very impressive!

These units are very awesome, the skins are very good.

What about Lando's space unit be the Lady Luck? It isn't a heavy warship, but following Wookieepedia, it has five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret... Oh, and I think Battlefront II has some sounds for Mace.

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Nice skins. :)


But how can the jedi survive to the Galactic Civil War?


The only time I could even imagine doing this is for my mod, The Empire's Beggining


Anyways, the Lando skin with the jacket looks best ;)

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Umm...dude...it's not canon.  It's just putting the units in the game.  Not everything must be canon you know.

Yeah, but I just HATE it when something that could be canon conflicts with canon...

Who cares besides me?


Nice skins!

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Yeah, but I just HATE it when something that could be canon conflicts with canon...

Who cares besides me?


Nice skins!


I took that into account which is why I'm making Tholme,A'shared and T'ra Saa since they so far have survived the purges along with vos.

Since Galactic Conquest is meant to be alternate universe style my jedi can fit in. Plus there are some conspiracy people who believe plo koon or mace survived.  ;)



As to the Lady Luck, unless there is a model I am free to use, I really can't do that. Modeling is something  I have yet to tackle.

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Mace could very well have survived. If he landed on a building or hovercar then yes, or using the force to help him land on the surface (unlikely), He'd be missing his right arm tho, and slightly fried. Plo could have escaped the crash, it could be possible. Though both are highly unlikely, then again, for all the empire knew, they were dead.


"That was fun"

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Well I really screwed something up when attempting to add sounds and now any character with a space vehicle crashes the start up. So I guess I need to rework all that til it works.  ::)


And unfortunately my vos skin on tyber's prison model is not working. The model itself seems to have issues. If you don't believe me, try ui_tyber_prison.alo(i think that's the name) and you'll see what happens.  :-\  So I guess I'll see how vos looks on the default tyber if I can't fix this thing.

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Well I really screwed something up when attempting to add sounds and now any character with a space vehicle crashes the start up. So I guess I need to rework all that til it works.  ::)


And unfortunately my vos skin on tyber's prison model is not working. The model itself seems to have issues. If you don't believe me, try ui_tyber_prison.alo(i think that's the name) and you'll see what happens.  :-\  So I guess I'll see how vos looks on the default tyber if I can't fix this thing.

Try ui_tyber_in_jail.alo instead, that's the one that is used in the first mission.

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Thanks for that. I completely missed that model.


Anyway some updates. Everyone who has a vehicle except Leia has their vehicles back. Abilities need to be restored on a few units. Once that's done, I'm backing up everything and trying sounds again.




That's Vos and the beginning of my work on A'shared Hett.



Agen Kolar's Venator. I'm not sure what abilities it will have yet. For now it just has a shield.




Mace's Fighter. Just need to fix Astromech droids.




Plo Koon's Fighter




Saesee Tiin's Fighter

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I know the interceptors are Keeper's/Evillejedi's, but where did you get the Jedi Starfighter?

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Yup. The ETA was found on EAW Files. I contacted the creator for permission a while back. And the interceptor was in the warlords pack released in Petroglyph's forums. I also need to contact Bailknight for permission about possibly using his LAAT.



Today I spent cleaning a few things up. I also am very happy with Saesee Tiin's abilities. He has now become my favorite unit.

Since Saesee Tiin specialty is being a pilot, both of his land attack involve piloting. Using Sirli's summon, Saesee can now summon his fighter, hop in and go attack anyone. He can then hop out, capture another vehicle, while his astromech flies his fighter.

While Quinlan Vos' skin is not finished, his abilities are coming along. He has force wave (which affects Vehicles as well as Infantry) and Jedi Mind Trick. He'll be a starting hero along with Mon Mothma and the Droids. I always felt the rebels deserved a fighter at level 0. Especially since Palpatine is available for the Empire.


The Tech levels are as follows:




Quinlan Vos


Tech 1



A'shared Hett

Agen  Kolar


Tech 2


Lando Calrissian

Kit Fisto


Tech 3


Mace Windu

Plo Koon

Saesee Tiin




If anyone is willing to help me add sounds or get a few, contact me and I'll send you the mod. Once I have some sounds, these guys will start to be released.

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somehow saesee sounnds overpowerful


At the moment, he is. His abilities time and damage will be adjusted as needed. But for testing purposes, every unit is correctly extremely overpowered. For example, Mace can protect anyone anywhere on the map right now as many times as he wants and he can use force wave as well. Plo Koon can electrocute many units over a very long distance (too long. this will change) as well as heal/corrupt anyone he encounters. That's why those 3 are at the higher rungs in tech level. The only ones currently semi balanced are Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar since I've nearly finished them up.

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Can you convert models!?


How else did you get the Jedi Starfighter(Delta-7)?

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Oh my.....


Those models......Cannot.....be...all be...converted....That's just.....overwhelmingly...SWEET!

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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OK. I've taken some jk3 pk3 and taken sounds from leia and mace and one or two from lando (I need to keep looking for good sound for him). I need someone to convert these mp3s to wavs.  I also have several wavs I made of tiin from the clone wars cartoon. His just needed to be added, which I'm having trouble doing. If someone is really good with sounds, please pm me.
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Hmm some of these models would be good, if someone ever modded in jedi temples then some of these could be used as generic jedi models. I don't know if it is possible but if you built jedi temples, then the units you produce could be randomly one of these (it wouldn't be mace or plo koon, just "jedi knight".....or "jedi master".
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