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Imperial Warlords, small mod (And a Few pics)

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If you downloaded the Mod you would see that I used the one Jedi_Consulor helped me make. The Ozzel one. *points below* as you can see, clearly not from LOW.




With Needa, I based it from CIS v4.1 for help, and finally made it myself. Pictures of Needa posing like that are very easy to come by, I wonder why all the icons look the same. I wasnt even aware LOW released a Needa Icon, only heros I know of are Ozzel and Fel.

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Look, I'm not going to argue with you here. I opened the icons in photoshop and yes I downloaded your mod. The icons are identical. Case closed. I said I don't care if you use them just give credit.
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I'm not arguing, just stating facts. I would give credit, but I did not use the Ozzel one, nor Needa.

LOW make good mods and I would credit your work if I used it.


I used it to begin with, but changed it later on to the final version in my Mod. The icons helped me, but in the final version, were not used.

In the commandbar there is the LOW Ozzel, but it is not used in the Mod itself.



I know you don't care but hey, I can't give credit for something I didn't use. I made the other icons with help from Jedi_Consulor, and he can vouch for it. Why would I use other icons when I can do this.



The only credits I would add are:


-LOW for the Admiral Ozzel icon which helped me implement my final Ozzel icon which, as you can see is different to that in the LOW v0.7 FOC Mod.

-CIS v4.1 for the Captain Needa icon which helped me implement my final Needa icon which may appear to be identical, yet made by me.


Here is the Ozzel Icon in the LOW Patch :



And in mine:



I dont see how they are identical.


If I could compare the LOW Needa with mine I would, but as I said, I didnt know LOW released one. If they did, I cant find it.

Edited by eawcommander
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Good grief. Anyone with a high school diploma can tell they are not the same icons !? - Zerox where are you basing those assumptions on I have Photoshop too hence the reason of how I created that new Ozzel icon. Do you wish to say I am lying about my creating it too ? - sheesh,.


I haven't played his mod yet so haven't seen the in game icon yet for him but I assume he used the one I sent him ?


As for Needa - that icon is ten a penny in mods these days they are all the same identical icon - so your point is ? - if you made it ask EVERYONE to credit you for making that icon. I can make an icon like that in less than a few minutes in Photoshop CS 9


Far as I am concerned you can't close a case on something that is clearly you got wrong.


For the sake of argument I will even make a new Needa icon as well if he requests it again from me.



Sote Mod Website @



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