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The bane of Warlords


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

I've heard a lot of chatter about how 'Warlords has ruined the community' or how 'Warlords has stifled innovation' or how 'Warlords has scared off all the other artists'


Anyway here's a thread you can talk to me directly about your concerns, what you would like to see changed and maybe reach a better understanding.


First a few facts:


The warlords model packs were released because I realized that I had done a lot of work and I didn't want to see it trapped in one or two small corners of the galaxy. It was released to multiple mesh sites, mods and other groups with almost zero conditions on usage for use in any game, movie, still image, or just as reference models.


It follows that the models are not optimized for any specific usage, and in fact are too high poly for use in most games without conversion. they are meant to be useful for renderings as well as for games (and as computers get faster this limitation is eliminated)


Warlords models are provided as is, it was not intended to be for anything specific, but for general usage. I wasn't going to go out of my way to convert them into dozens of formats. Any competant modeler understands the efforts needed for conversion and accepts them as the price for getting something for nothing.


Warlords doesn't contain ground or people models so I have absolutely no blame in that regard for any lack of work.


Some of the stuff sucks horribly, it was done quickly, but there are ships that have no other model that I could find. I personally take this as a challenge to anyone that says Warlords has scared off other artists, since most people can do better by simply putting in more time.


It was released under the intent for the community (and if you look at my original post) that people would use the models, convert them quickly, get mods out quickly, and then focus their time on their own custom content and coding because honestly most coders can't do art and most art people can't or won't code (really it was intended to give the coders the ability to expand their scope without having to attract art talent)


No one was under any obligation at all to ever use them. In fact Legacy of War was offered the models before I released them to the public and declined stating that they were going to do all their own content, which is perfectly all right. They are one of the most closely followed mods to this day for their features and content.


With IA2 I offered to redo many of my models specifically for them because I was going to do that anyway and I wanted to contribute to the project because I like the era. These models are above and beyond what was released in the packs so anyone is free to use what has been released.


One of the complaints I know I have heard and I want to answer is the 'All mods look the same now because warlords stuff is being used' my response is to say that how many people actually tried working together to coordinate multiple projects so they aren't duplicating stuff? if everyone has the same artwork then isn't the only thing that sets stuff apart the features that are irrespective of art? (which is the main complaint that there are no innovations?)


If the issue is that modding groups are converting and then hording the work, I really can't speak to that. I didn't release fully rigged models and explicitly never intended to. If there was another public source of many models the exact same problem would have happened, that's just greedy behavior IMO.


So with that I open the floodgates to responses, be honest, I take all criticism and comments into consideration.

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I just fell in love your models. I use to think they lacked detail but I realized that all the mods they were used for had crappy skins and no bump textures...
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The problem isn't with the Warlords models. The problem is that every Tom, Dick, and Harry is using them. There's very little to distinguish a lot of mods apart. Everyone is using the same models and skins.


The truth of the matter is that there weren't that many talented skinners, riggers, and modelers to begin with. Essentially, Warlords is like a library. Now, you don't burn down the library when someone gives a bad book report. The problem is that people are using these models like a crutch. They're compensating for a lack of any real innovation by putting in as many units as possible.


I for one would like to thank EvilleJedi for the work he's done. Without his models, my own mod never would have gotten beyond XMLs. The work he's done has enabled people to create their own visions of the universe. I would be thrilled if he continued to make models and released them as he's done.


So, since I've got some white space, some requests :)


I personally would like to tackle the Yuuzhan Vong era. Any chance we can get some of those Vong ships modeled? Also, the skin for the XJ-Wing you posted looked really nice; any chance of seeing that? How about the Viscount-Class Star Defender, or the Mediator-Class Star Cruiser? Obviously you don't have to, but I think that it would give us more material to work with.


Like I said, I'm thankful for your work. I just wish that people would put more thought and pride into their mods before releasing them.

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To everyone who hates Warlords:


Why does everyone keep saying how "horrible" warlords is? Evillejedi is a nice guy(lol), and he deserves more respect than that. He released his hard work to the public only to have people say how much they hated his generosity! If you don't like warlords, don't download it!

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He is an extremely nice guy. I have nothing against him for sure


1.) He doesn't get enough credit. People say oh, Keepers models, or AGD's models. uh... no they aren't. They're Eville Jedi's models, skins, uvs.


2.) The most popular mods in eawfiles(major download site for many modders)


a.) AGD v3

b.) Eaw enhanced

c.) Conflict in Space

d.) bailknight

e.) Steiners

f.) german add on unit one

Do you notice how most of them uses Warlords? It's not very fair to those who cannot convert. It's extremely unfair to any other mod who cannot locate a rigger? It limits modders who can only do xmls or reskins.


I may be the biggest opponent against Warlords... I start many arguements against Warlords. I truly have nothing against the fine models or their creator, it's against the people who constantly beg for more free releases. Those same people are the ones that make the community as sick as it is. People want units, they don't care about the quality or who did them, they just want new units. That's why swfan ended Eaw enhanced.


3.) With AGD it release so many units, it scares other sources of modders as it is. We don't get many CnC fans or jka or another other source of modders because they have a hard time to compete against other mods with the vast number of shitty conversions of agd v3


4.) Ever since AGD V3 came out, there have been an extreme decline in mods all together. I admit DE uses Warlords as Place holder and crutch due to the sheer number of units required to fully Dark Empire time after first major release the models will be replaced with our own but due to time constraints they'll have to do for now. Anyhow,With all the mods coming out with vast number of Warlords it seems that people have a hard time competing with that and no alternate, or unique mods are coming out. They are all the same really. Kalo Shin refered to it as "Whored" models, another person calls it a Clone mods, mods that are virtually the same. There are very few unique mods.


5.) The lack of modders is apparent in the community. Many scared off because unable to compete with Warlord clone mods. Many major mods faced shortages

IA II for a while

AOSW nearly crashed

LoW no skinners what so ever.


6.) One of the conditions should be that those who publicly release a mod with Warlords should be limited to 4:1 or 2:1 ratio where for every two or four Warlord they release, they must do a model of their own. Or limit it in a way that they must get approval from Eville Jedi in case of 20+ models, that way it isn't the number of units that makes the mod unique, it'll have to be from another source


We have had a similar thread at filefront. That you may be interested in reading Eville Jedi



I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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LIke many have said, Evill, I think the models are awesome.  In fact, I was 100% for it when you released them.  Now, I'm not so sure, because everyone is using and hording the models.  It doesn't really matter anymore, the damage has been done. Still, Warlords was one of the funnest things I've ever played.  Please don't let critizism's stop your work, no that you'll let them anyway.




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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Kelathin, interesting post, I can understand the issues, and to a certain extent I have gotten very few offers for help on any of my projects because I have covered so much so I guess it is the volume of work that is causing the problem
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It would take quiet some effort, but perhaps you can go to teams and ask if there is anything they want especially designed. Like give the major mods all 2 high quality space units, not availible to other teams or in the standard conversion pack. Or better yet ground units, that way those warlord conversions mods don't have special units and it allows some uniqueness to mods that normally can't add ground units.


Mikan's right though, the damage is already done. People like Steiner's won't stop using Warlords. I admit my own mod uses them as placeholders because I don't want to be a Senior in College 4 years from now working on the models for first release. Importance though isn't in the models, it's in the soul and code. By the time DE comes out most of the models from warlords are going to be done, but that justs means, I and my team need to get more creative and think of newer way of making strategy with what we got.

Edited by Kelathin


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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It was released under the intent for the community (and if you look at my original post) that people would use the models, convert them quickly, get mods out quickly, and then focus their time on their own custom content and coding because honestly most coders can't do art and most art people can't or won't code (really it was intended to give the coders the ability to expand their scope without having to attract art talent)


Well I have said - and tried to point this out a few times on the forum. Not in so many words as yours but I basically meant the same thing. So I think what you say is quite true. I prefer XML coding and have done this for a good few years now - its what I am used to. I just don't have the time - or interest in to seriously learn about modeling.


One of the complaints I know I have heard and I want to answer is the 'All mods look the same now because warlords stuff is being used' my response is to say that how many people actually tried working together to coordinate multiple projects so they aren't duplicating stuff? if everyone has the same artwork then isn't the only thing that sets stuff apart the features that are irrespective of art? (which is the main complaint that there are no innovations?)


I think you hit the nail on the head. That's the main problem - If the community can't work together to coordinate, and make sure things are not being duplicated - then how do you expect to control the quality of mods ? They will be copies of each other with the same units generally because the community can't work together to make sure they can't.


I think a Mod is not just about the ART though, its a part of the parcel, a mod needs good XML coding as well to back up the ART in the game and Vice versa. Warlords is not bad - just been over used in too many mods. This could have been controlled if the community had worked together to stop duplications. There is a general lack of cooperation, respect, and good faith among mod teams JMO. Otherwise if there had been we would not be in this situation ?


1.) He doesn't get enough credit. People say oh, Keepers models, or AGD's models. uh... no they aren't. They're Eville Jedi's models, skins, uvs.


No one has ever said any of the models were by Keeper of the Faith. Its a miss quote.. Keeper of the Faith just as the other guys mentioned above were the converters of the models. It plainly says on EAW Files where Keepers conversions are concerned that it says 'Model by Evile Jedi' to some effect it clearly gives credit to Evile Jedi. In the past when referring to Keepers Models - or anyone else's - people as I do I am sure generally refer to the guy 'WHO CONVERTED THEM or TEAM who converted them.


To read into some thing else is just an assumption and probably misunderstood. ( I am not attacking you Kel) however I have to point out I think you have misunderstood the way people have actually said what they did. I can understand how and why you thought it may of been said like that however - I just don't think its the actual case.


KOF's conversions were great. I think if the community had hired this guy to do all the Evile Jedi conversions for all the mod groups that required a model in the first place, and NOT several dozen different - often poor quality conversions by the part of others on the community - then we would NOT have had a flood of different Warlords Models being converted - or mass conversions being done by 'Tom, Dick or Harry'.


It could have been controlled - people working with one - GOOD proven excellent modeler who can do faithful conversions that would have been as good as the units in the default game,. Made available to people who needed that unit for their mod. Control's could have been put in place to prevent duplications. That fact is though 10 mods can all have the same models in it though, not all 10 mods will play the same however. Fact is  this comes down to the XML coding and how people want their mod to play out.


When people have been referring to Models by KOF, AGD, CIS ETC. They generally refer to their model they have released as part of their mod or as a free model to the community. If this is the case it can be argued that the 'Intellectual' property of the model belongs to Evile Jedi. HOWEVER,. The conversion the model referred to as 'KOFs' CIS, AGD's models when people refer to them as such can be true also in the fact that the Object file was converted into ALO format. The property of the ALO file belongs to the person who made it, therefore its 'their' model as they created the 'ALO' file format for that Model that was created by Evile Jedi.


Distinction between the Intellectual author - the converter and the property rights of the the team or person who converted the model should be appreciated and understood in any credits given. Evile Jedi has the Intellectual rights to the models they are HIS. The ALO converted files however are the property of the person who made them. You can argue therefore, that referring to 'KOF's, CIS or AGD's' model could be then a reference to the models they have converted - or made into ALO format from another.




1) Evile Jedi is the Intellectual Author of the 'Warlords' Models This was in a non 'ALO' EAW format.

2) The conversions of the Models into 'ALO' format are the property of the mod team or 'Author' of the Converted file.

3) It can be argued Evile Jedi is NOT the author of the converted ALO file - the model that has been converted into ALO format. SO it could be acceptable to refer to the model or THAT model from that mod team or person who released it. Because they are technically the actual Author of that ALO file NOT the original Object file format that DOES belong to Evile Jedi.


Sorry for the long post but I wanted to outline the confusion over this problem when people refer to some ones models who ever actually made them.

Edited by jedi_consulor



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That's not what he was saying (I think, I'm not Kelathin after all).  I think he's basically saying that the poeple who converted them get all the publicity when the one who MADE them gets little.


Also, the ALO file is TECHNICALLY converted by the ALO converter, which TECHNICALLY belongs to petroglyph, which TECHNICALLY is run by Mike Legg, who TECHNICALLY has to answer to the government.  So, in truth, Microsoft own your soul ^_^


(no it's not mocking anyone, just random spiel)




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One of the complaints I know I have heard and I want to answer is the 'All mods look the same now because warlords stuff is being used' my response is to say that how many people actually tried working together to coordinate multiple projects so they aren't duplicating stuff? if everyone has the same artwork then isn't the only thing that sets stuff apart the features that are irrespective of art? (which is the main complaint that there are no innovations?)


I agree, particularly with the fact that not many people have gotten together( thank god for IA 2 for getting organised). but in truth, what most of you guys said, it goes down to coding. thats what seperates other mods from each other.


Steiners mod makes the turrets on all ships visible, but none of the turrets swivel(i can't remember if IA 2 is doing this for their mod).


if there is any real problem about art is the fact that the oldest art(evillJedi's for example) are being used the by next one and then that mods models are used again, with little change, until finally, the newest models(may have) taken from the precedesor are only commentating on who they took it from. even so, saying that you modeled it is half of the truth, mainly because you may have used Evillejedis models as a base/placeholder.


bottomline, CODEING, bailknight, who makes beautiful looking projectiles, made all these different types of hardpoint coding.

its a little hard(he makes it look easy), but what you must figure out is the different custom renders(1 and 2, 0 for default) and what the RGBA colors are. he worked hard for them, but soon, youll most likely see his projectiles being used in another mod, and him not recieving any credit.


and another thing, its sad to see others mods and findings being taken and added to the individuals own mod and saying its their own models, or codes, or anything really, when the origin or the precedessor to the new mod, again, doesn't get credit.


That might be a theory why so many aren't trying to put their work they did for days, months, possibly years, to the community, and then the next week, 1 or 2 more mods of the same thing are released.


p.s. Evillejedi, your models will make IA 2 complete.

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Raziel started this trek war models and steiner's guys were converting star trek models. When he posted pics, Bryant and others went rip shit, on the mod, because Raziel wouldn't put Done by so and so because it wasn't steiner mod and alot of people went ripshit over that.


The fact is people rig a Warlords and don't give enough credit.


"The conversions of the Models into 'ALO' format are the property of the mod team or 'Author' of the Converted file." That's so ****ful and disrespectful to Eville Jedi. Where the hell would those conversions be without him? If someone were to piss the guy off, he retains all rights to shut source models off from them. They could convert, but they wouldn't be able to publicly release them without his permission. They should have no right to refuse anyone a conversion.


Eville Jedi deserves more notice for this stuff. It should be clearly stated. Even if I'm the only who does so, it's less on my own conscious. Yes Mikan, you're right about what I'm trying to say. The people who rig it to .Alo Deserve squat.  It takes hours to rig verses multiple hours for skinning, modeling and uving. How come the .alo deserves so much credit? Sure it puts it in the game, but if Eville Jedi never released, where would those models be anyhow?


Steiner in my opinion is a high quality AGD. Maybe some will agree, others won't.


PhatmanNIk brings up an interesting point


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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"The conversions of the Models into 'ALO' format are the property of the mod team or 'Author' of the Converted file." That's so ****ful and disrespectful to Eville Jedi. Where the hell would those conversions be without him? If someone were to piss the guy off, he retains all rights to shut source models off from them. They could convert, but they wouldn't be able to publicly release them without his permission. They should have no right to refuse anyone a conversion.


@Kel - you misunderstand me I think :


I am not disrespectful - it's about legality. An ALO file converted by your mod team or any other mod team or person automatically owns that model that they created. OK what I am saying here is I write this post to you all on here,automatically by default I am the owner of the post - it was my responsibility that I wrote this post. So for example if I copy some ones else's post and add some thing to it - the owner ship of the post belong's to me and I am responsible for the content of that post and the stuff I copied to it. - It would be then down to me to add credits to the post to say where I got that information from. If I don't it can be classified as either one of things that could be illegal.


so if that being the case - whether or not I have the authority to make that post with that persons content I used and copied from another post - I am the Author of that post and it belongs to that person. This is in legal terms the person who is responsible for the post.




1) Evile Jedi is the Author of the Warlords Models he retains all rights to the models and can do what he like with them - as Kel said even remove permission to have them used.


2) However in legal terms you must understand that automatically in LAW the person who make's some thing and distributes it to a public domain is by definition the 'Author' They are by the way the Author of the 'ALO' file NOT the original source files. It is on the Modding group to give credit to evile jedi for using his 'unconverted' model(s)


I feel the same as most of you that its a real shame no one (or many people) have bothered to give credit to Evile Jedi for his work - just by putting a note in their read me files. This is NOT about disrespect - so don't think I intended that to be so. In legal terms however you have to understand the guy who published and made that model or what ever else it is in the world is automatically the 'Author' as required lawfully for legal reasons.


Example :


Some one makes a model, (converts to ALO format) releases it to the world, -it then turns out the game is now buggy and the guy can't play his game any more. The guy wants to sue some one for it, - who does he then Sue ? - Evile Jedi - well he's the 'Author' of the model right ? - or is it the guy who did the conversion to ALO format - that now crashes this guys game. IS he not also the author ? The Mod team that did the faulty converted ALO file is the 'Author' of the model because they converted it to ALO format. NOT Evile Jedi who is only the 'Author' of the source files of the models that were used.


I am not disputing Evile Jedi's Authorship here please read what I have said carefully. I am stating that in legal terms anyone who publishes ANYTHING in the world - on the Internet - or any where else is in law the 'Author' YOU are responsible for it - not anyone else.  - Or would you just go and blame Evile Jedi - if some thing goes wrong and people would like to Sue you ?


Kel for the most part I agree with what your saying on this subject on Evile Jedi not getting the credit he deserves - just please bear in mind we are all subject to Law's even here online as I state above.



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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Don't even start about copywrit arguments and all that crap (it just spreads lies and misinformation) or I'll just moderate this (if I still have those powers heh) Trying to justify conversions and modifications ad infinium is useless because the content itself technically is infringing under Lucasfilm, they are just specifically deciding not to enforce their rights in wiping us all out in hopes that it will lead to more sales in the future due to our work.


I agree with the last post, but that is assigning blame for destructive work, not about rights.


Amazingly this thread was designed to have a discussion about the impact and what to do about the problem and not to perpetuate this destructive infighting about ownership (greedy bastards :-P )



anyway anyone ever read the readme that comes with the model packs ?? :-P

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Don't even start about copywrit arguments and all that crap (it just spreads lies and misinformation) or I'll just moderate this (if I still have those powers heh) Trying to justify conversions and modifications ad infinium is useless because the content itself technically is infringing under Lucasfilm, they are just specifically deciding not to enforce their rights in wiping us all out in hopes that it will lead to more sales in the future due to our work.


Sorry I did take the topic by the way side a bit. I just wanted to make a point about 'ownership' and rights to the files. I know it's not on topic with what we need to do about the problem itself.


You brought up an interesting point too about infringing content. This is true I guess under the EULA ? but Lucas Film have never attempted to stop EAW Modding yet to this date even so. But its true what you said they could wipe us all out in one go over this.


I agree with the last post, but that is assigning blame for destructive work, not about rights.


True, My point was on the consensus, that the author of the work could make a faulty conversion into ALO format and damage a mod leading them to being flamed, attacked, even sued. But I reiterate the fact I was also referring to the rights of the work to by pointing out the 'ownership' and authorship of the work.  All this is off topic I know, I just side tracked to try and point this out however.


Amazingly this thread was designed to have a discussion about the impact and what to do about the problem and not to perpetuate this destructive infighting about ownership (greedy bastards :-P )


Well I for one don't have and never have any of your model's in a converted form into ALO format. That I have converted myself. It's irrelevant to me who owns anything really at all ! - and probably irrelevant to the original topic you wanted to discuss. But sure I think they who have not given you credit for your hard work and are lobbing out new warlords models off the production line for their mods with no care to give credit - would be a 'greedy bastard' LOL ..


I won't go off topic any further on this anyway I just said want I wanted to point out about people's rights as an Author. Well have I ever read the read me files in these mods - well a good few of them. I think I did recall some of them actually giving credit - but I don't recall which ones they were I think there could be more NOT giving credit than anything else.


I had a look at a few and I have to say most of the mods I have downloaded don't have a readme file - either I have lost it or it must not of come with one ? - another mod I have by a few German teams don't have any credits at all to evile jedi for his source's for the models in the first place which should have at least been mentioned.


OK bringing this back on topic out of respect for Evile Jedi's last post I had an idea;


What if that if you find people not giving credit to Evile Jedi for his work - that he just simply removes permission for them to use that model ?


Perhaps there should be an acceptable user policy on how they can be used in mods ? all I can think right now for that part at least about not getting the credit for your work. About mass conversions - which could be poor quality and be even worse being released like that to people - perhaps they should be vetted, tested and analysed before being made available to people.

Edited by jedi_consulor



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interesting viewpoint.


My thoughts were like 4 to 1 model ratio. Or Every mod that uses above 20 units requires special permission, explaining how else they will make their mod different from other mods using Warlords to avoid over usage.


The thing is people don't care about quality, look at AGD. No bump maps, light maps, no deathclones. People care about the quanity and that's the whole problem with Warlords. Steiner's advance units mod, those mods require massive amounts of units, not the quality. Want Quality, go to LoW, bailknight or IA II.


I don't find a problem with AGD because of its shoddiness or anything else. It was the mass number of warlords. If they didn't have any warlords, where would the mod be?


"Perhaps there should be an acceptable user policy on how they can be used in mods ? all I can think right now for that part at least about not getting the credit for your work. About mass conversions - which could be poor quality and be even worse being released like that to people - perhaps they should be vetted, tested and analysed before being made available to people."


Who's going to test it? The team or person by his or her self? A group of people appointed by Eville Jedi? Eville Jedi Himself? Mass conversions are made, any bugs are code faults, not models. Is it his duty to bug test every mod going to use a Warlords?


AGD tested it's stuff, but bugs do slip through. they had like 8 or 9 people too

Edited by Kelathin


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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EJ I really appreciate your work and everything done for the community.

I really hope to see a conversion made by you as I believe that only the creator can do a true and complete conversion the way it's meant to be.



I doubt that's what the community wants...I'd like it ;)...You'd like it...


OFFTOPIC: Kelathin, why don't you reply to my PMs?

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eville jedi would probably tell swgbex to do that  ;)

OFFTOPIC:Kelathin, how come you read my post, and still didn't reply to my PMs?

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

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What if that if you find people not giving credit to Evile Jedi for his work - that he just simply removes permission for them to use that model ?

EvilleJedi has never asked for credit but:

1) not giving credit for such great work is lame

2) EJ can revoke the permission in any time, without any reason

But on the other hand: who reads the readme files, especially the "credit" section?...  ::)

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Who's going to test it? The team or person by his or her self? A group of people appointed by Eville Jedi? Eville Jedi Himself? Mass conversions are made, any bugs are code faults, not models. Is it his duty to bug test every mod going to use a Warlords?


Yes I know, it's difficult to moderate - but maybe we would have to have a new kind of moderator on the forums specially designed for downloading and testing mods (One that is dedicated to this kind of moderating) - yes for bugs in the code - but for also checking that the mod team has given credits to EJ. - Because of course he can withdraw his permission at any time to that mod group. (Or even perhaps have some one act on his behalf to do it) Who will do it ? - well I am sure in this vast community some one would be willing to help  work with EJ on vetting mods that have Warlords content in them.


There is plenty of members on the site - taking on a few new mods who have the time to check through any mod with warlords models in them is down to them and their time to do for us.


Its not strictly true though that bugs are only in code. I have done some coding for a few people who have made conversions from EJ's Warlords stuff - and had problems with hardpoints not working. (For what ever reason) I had one model I was coding for some one where it would fire laser cannons but wouldn't fire proton torpedoes. I re did the code several times to no avail. Checking my code with other fighter models I found the code was fine however it was doing what it was supposed to with other models. Its an easy thing to do to just get the Muzzle bones to fire both lasers and proton torpedoes if the model lacks other HP's you can attach them to. I only do that for models that are supposed to have more than just laser cannons.


Anyway back on topic again (sorry) LOL ..


I know it will be difficult to moderate - but maybe a new moderators group could help with this to check new releases that have EJ's stuff in them. Well who ever has the time to do it for the community that is.



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Its not strictly true though that bugs are only in code. I have done some coding for a few people who have made conversions from EJ's Warlords stuff - and had problems with hardpoints not working. (For what ever reason) I had one model I was coding for some one where it would fire laser cannons but wouldn't fire proton torpedoes. I re did the code several times to no avail. Checking my code with other fighter models I found the code was fine however it was doing what it was supposed to with other models. Its an easy thing to do to just get the Muzzle bones to fire both lasers and proton torpedoes if the model lacks other HP's you can attach them to. I only do that for models that are supposed to have more than just laser cannons.


The person who did that didn't read swgbex's tutorial very well then ;) There are tutorials dealing with that. It should be up to the conversion maker to make sure he does it right. Sadly it doesn't matter with most people.


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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