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Re: I Have Been Convinced


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I don't think he changed it...


I don't think I changed it either




What are your new PC configuration? Like gfx card?  ;D


1x 2.6GhZ Dual Core

2x NVidia GeForce 7600 GS 512mb (SLI) (total 1GB)

2x Seagate 160GB HardDrive (Raid 0) (total 320GB)

2x 1GB RAM (total 2GB)


I have 2 more slots for more ram If I need them. So far, I haven't yet...


my old comp was


1x 1.6GhZ

1x Nvidia GeForce 4 Mx440 64mb

3x Random 40GB Harddrives (total 120GB)

1x 1GB RAM

with no more slots for anything...



Well, progress still slow - I have to get my modding programs back, well one trip to Mike.nl's site should get me everything but my HEX Editor...


"That was fun"

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1x 2.6GhZ Dual Core

2x NVidia GeForce 7600 GS 512mb (SLI) (total 1GB)

2x Seagate 160GB HardDrive (Raid 0) (total 320GB)

2x 1GB RAM (total 2GB)


:o  o.O  =O

Oh my!!!!!!


I have:

2x 3.4GhZ Dual Core

1x NVidia GeForce 7600 GS 256 MB

1x 1GB RAM

And a 160 GB HD...


You are probably thinking you're dreaming with these new gfx  ;D... I remmember my old comp, it was CRAPPY:

1x 1.7 GhZ

1x NVida GeForce 2 64MB  :P

1x 256MB RAM

40 GB HD...

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OK not to go further off topic but...  ::)

Currently after los of upgrading to my crappy Dell Dimension 2400 I have

Nvidia geforce 5500 ( i think )


30GB harddrive ( i know. it sux doesnt it... )

And I have no idea what my processor is and i'm to lazy to look.

Back on topic

That inderdictor looks very pretty. Are your FOC settings all set on high?

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That inderdictor looks very pretty. Are your FOC settings all set on high?


I think so. I can have those gfx, putting everything on max, enabling anti-aliasing at max, soft shadows, etc etc, the problem is that the game becomes laggy...  :-\



Droid, you could make all of those upgrades that factions can purchase in skirmish available (Empire: Research Facility; ZC: buying in blackmarket; Rebels: stealing them with 3PO and Artoo. And these upgrades should be galaxy wide.  ::)

Also, starbases self-desctruct ability should cause more damage...  ;D



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30GB harddrive ( i know. it sux doesnt it... )


I have two 111 GB harddrives...And they're nearly full!

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I'd make those upgrades for GC, but it'd take a very long time to do...and a lot to build...

The empire one is the only feasable one anyhow - the ZC's balck market can only have so many items, and the rebels need to steal everything, so there's no skipping the upgrades...which sucks...


Yea, all my FoC settings were defaulted onto Maximum, even the resolution lol. Funny that I could still pull 67 FPS (checked online)


HK, your processor pwns mine.

Nice...computer talk


30GB harddrive ( i know. it sux doesnt it... )


I just moved onto this computer and I've already used 32 GB lolz. Lots of junk to get rid of, mostly.


"That was fun"

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I have two 111 GB harddrives...And they're nearly full!

yeah i have to alternate what games are installed. But EAW and FOC always stay. lol

sry for off-topic droid

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump with MAJOR update (no screens tho)


Latest Changes:


- Added Defilers in Tactical Bribe Shuttles in GC (2.15 had this)

- Fixed Text entries for Mandalorian space turrets

- Fixed Text entries for Mandalorian starbases

- Added detailed description of Mando units in readme

- Added new heroes to GC (Vya and DT2-X)

- Added Mandalorian advanced fighter-bomber (Elite StarViper)

- Redid Icon and Big Icon for Acclamator to reflect new skin

- Redid Sarn's Icon. Again.

- Redid Text entries for all Venators (Empire, Mandalorian, Yoda)

- Fixed Text entry for SPHA-T Blast on Venators

- Fixed Text entry for Acclamator

- Redid Victory destroyer hardpoints to Heavy turbolasers and heavy ion cannon. Upcosted to 4000 credits in skirmish

- Fixed Night Hammer in GC glitch

- Added Fighter compliment of 1 X-wing and 1 Y-wing squadron, 2 reserves each for Fleet Commander Mon Cal

- Redid death clones removing "Death Glory" camera from capital ship death clones to improve Cinematic Mode/background battle

- Added Infiltrator Galactic Stealth, Cloaking Field, Galactic Sabotage (?)

- Added DT2-X Hero Elimination

- Added Icon for 520 BattlePlatform

- Added Icon for Moldy Crow (Kyle Katarn's face)

- Added Ability for moldy crow

- Moved Thrawn to tech level 5 skirmish - less ISDs for Tech 4

- Added Scanner Platform: Sight range increase + Sensor Ping

- Fixed TIE Scout Sensor Ping glitch - before, could not be used

- Added Combat bonus to Sarn (TIE Phantoms only)

- Redid Combat bonus for Zaarin (Fighters instead of ISDs)

- Added Combat bonus on CRV Vorknyx

- Fixed Glory ISD shields not affected by power to weapons mode

- Added destructable missile hardpoints (2) to Juggernaut (Juggernaut NOT destroyed after hardpoints lost)

- Added destructable missile hardpoints (1) to AT-ST (AT-ST NOT destroyed after hardpoints lost)

- Added destructable missile hardpoints (3) to T4-B (T4-B NOT destroyed after hardpoints lost)

- Moved space skirmish upgrades to Upgrade platform to free more room on starbase

- Added defense blasters to AT-AA to make it not so useless against infantry and vehicles

- Added smugglers (YT 1300: Rebel ; Barlox: Empire) to skirmish, available at space docks and asteroid bases, provide income stream addition

- Added bounty hunters (Pirate Fighter: Rebel ; Firespray: Empire) to skirmish, available at space docks and asteroid bases


"That was fun"

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Very nice stuff indeed!


Is the DT2-X a Dark Trooper Phase II droid but with his own 'programming'?


I was going to do that with the Phase I... Although I wanted he to have a gun, not a blade... :P

Edited by HK-47
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Fanon heroes? Sweet! You should put them on SWFanon...

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

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Very nice stuff indeed!


Is the DT2-X a Dark Trooper Phase II droid but with his own 'programming'?


I was going to do that with the Phase I... Although I wanted he to have a gun, not a blade... :P


Yea, he's a reskinned Dark Trooper Phase II.


As for adding them to SWFanon, I think I need to think up a story for them first lol. (Still kinda random, the only reason they're there is that the faction needs heroes)



If I can get to know how to code infantry properly, I'd make Land Smugglers and bounty hunters, but at the moment, my infantry all act stupid.


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Uh... Just use the Rebel Soldier as base code...

I usually use Stormtroopers as base code. Maybe use Pirate Soldiers, since they're closest to Bounty Hunters and smugglers.

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've got some new Mando skins, if you want to use them. I've decided to add the Death Watch to my mod, I was thinking maybe you should too. They could be like the Hutts in the ZC campaign, but in the Mando GC(For you). I've already completely redone the standard Mando(Mandalorian Elite in your mod), made a Death Watch trooper, and made a Bloodguard. If you don't want to make the Death Watch, you could use the Bloodguard skin as some sort of other elite Mando. I should redo Darj...

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Yea well my mod kinda killed the ZC campaign since they lost the SV and the Crusader. lol.


New skins...cool. I could use more land units for the mandos :P


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Actually, those skins were meant to be for the Death Watch. I was thinking they could be like the Hutts, but you could use them for Mandoes. If your mod doesn't work in the Campaign, you should make the Hutt symbol into the Mando symbol. That way you can fix the glitch with the GC symbols...

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Yea well my mod kinda killed the ZC campaign since they lost the SV and the Crusader. lol.


New skins...cool. I could use more land units for the mandos :P

lol my campagin is hard to. At the beginng you must make due with starvipers and tartans. Hmmm i saw some new mando units somewhere. I'll see if i can find them. they seemed "doable" for you mod.

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At least I don't THINK my mod works, I've never tried it...


Well, I'll probably use it for both lol. Yea, the GC's need some hostile/pirate planets anyway. Prolly gonna stick the Death Watch on Endor then, but I'll steal some of their units for the mandos.


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At least I don't THINK my mod works, I've never tried it...

I know what you mean. The campaign wasn't meant for mods.

Well, I'll probably use it for both lol. Yea, the GC's need some hostile/pirate planets anyway. Prolly gonna stick the Death Watch on Endor then, but I'll steal some of their units for the mandos.

Ok. Both would seem kinda wierd...But whatever. I'm convienently putting alpha channels on all my skins.  ;D

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I know what you mean. The campaign wasn't meant for mods.

Unfortunatelly, Droid's Mod doesn't work with the campaign... I think I know how to currect it...

When you make a new faction, add ZZZ in front of it's name (i.e.: the new faction I'm making is called Trade Guild, but in the XMLs, it's named as ZZZ_Trade_Guild) because this ZZZ will make that faction to be the last one that the game will read... At least I think...  ::)

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Why make the campaign work? It'll be all screwy in mods anyways. I think modding is best in GC.

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Oh I tried that in Eaw because I had the source LUAs to edit to change the units not supposed to be in, but alas, it is not the case in FoC


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Droid803, I have to agree with HK-47 on this.  Those are some great ideas.  Also, I have a quick question.  What can I mod with just Wordpad/Notepad and DAT Editor?

all xmls and all text entrys. I would suggest you DL the microsoft xml editor to use as you start. Whne you are more advanced begin to use notepad. it makes things go quicker but is less orgainzed.  ;D

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