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Re: I Have Been Convinced


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Excuse the pink, its supposed to be red, but the faded paint on the salvaged venator makes it look pink. (yes, the mando Icon is in alpha)


I just finished playing a 2-hour long skirmish battle as ZC vs the Mandos. Those venators and barragers are annoying - the AI doesn't even bother to get Keldabes anymore. lol. Its only 2-hour long because it had 3 space stations per team. Without MAPs, I would have gotten owned - their ability to fire missiles that curve to hit targets behind them really helps. Now I know what changes need to be made to balance out the salvaged venators...


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Nice! I think if you saturate the paint a little more, it'll turn out red. Otherwise darken it.


Your mod sounds much much better, and it already was great! I really suggest you put the ships on SWFanon, and talk to Ewoksfist about how he can implement them in his fanon.


Anyways, what do you mean, 'curving missles'? Did you actually make homing missles?

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Yea, they're homing.

They come out the front of the unit but can do a 180 and go after targets behind it...


Whatever, I've decided to pack it up and release a new version since its overdue for one anyhow.



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Tommorow, I should just sit back and play some mods for several hours. :)


EDIT:Tried it, it was awsome!

Ok, first of all, the text entries on the UC turrets and Mando Starbases are confusing, and Darj's has a mistake. I hate text editing too. ;D


I only tested the GC "Mandalorian Uprising", and it was fun! I loved the 'Commando' feel of my first battle(Botheuwi), none of the units did anything but Darj. Creativity is fun. I built a set of turrets around the base, and fired them all at the ZC palace. I thought the disrupter turrets were missle turrets, so I had to replace all of them with carbonite later. ::) Anyways, after that, the Empire kicked me off Botheuwi(however you spell it), and I took my forces to Ryloth. I really wanted to check out the pirate units, but got confused and built the wrong space station. So I tried to recapture Bothu-whatever, but a bunch of SSDs controlled it. I lost one Keldabe at Ryloth, one then.(I had three) So I kept trying to conquer planets, but there was an SSD on each, and when I finally defeated the space forces of a planet, I'd lose ground(I shouldn't use auto resolve...) and then an SSD came and forced my ships back. When I had finally eliminated all the SSDs, the Empire had enough spam units for defence. I really enjoyed it though. The two only problems I've seen are lack of land diversity(Don't blame you, what else do the Mandos have?) and SSD overpower(Heck, how do you not overpower an SSD?)

Edited by 1upD

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Text editing...ungh...


SSD Overpower...the empire actually bothered to build the SSDs? Wow...the only SSD I've ever seen them use was the Annihilator...the empire can build two more Terror and Executor...but I think that's it...how the heck did they get one on every planet O_O. And the SSDs aren't really overpowered, its that the mandos lack a bomber...yea it hurts to be without a bomber.


*Runs off to do fixes*


I really have no idea of what to add to land :P


Oh, btw, the asteroid base is just a weaker, cheaper starbase. Its not meant to allow construction of pirate units. Sorry...Though I might try that :P


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I think I got Rom Mohc and Piett confused with SSDs on the auto, sorry. But they placed Nighthammer and Annihilator on the wrong planets at the wrong times. ::)


It seemed like there were lots of SSDs. I thought I saw a third SSD too...

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there are 3 SSDs :P


Terror - TIE Phantom producer, cloaking SSD

Executor - Darth Vader's SSD

Annihilator - "Normal" SSD


Three is actually a lot :P, since these guys are heroes and they respawn. Though they do cost 45000 a piece. lol.


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Ok, just replayed GC, somehow, I could build the Night Hammer... :S



New Icon for the acclamator...since its old icon looks too...new

There's also a new icon for the M.A.P. but I think it needs tweaking since its poor quality.


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perhaps you should make the Empire Accalmator non buildable and make it like the venator battle scared and stuff that would be cool.


Is what I did...

The acclamator spawns V-Wings too...i should really change the description. It still says TIE Fighters and Bombers.


I dislike Icon making second to text editing. Its not that difficult, but not enjoyable either...really difficult to get a good screenshot. Maybe I'll just try the MAP EDITOR this time...


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It's relatively easy to get a good pic of a unit for an icon. Just place it in the map editor and switch the Sky Dome 1 to "Cin_Space_Green_Screen". And place the unit for optimal lighting.


This is what I do anyways.



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It's relatively easy to get a good pic of a unit for an icon. Just place it in the map editor and switch the Sky Dome 1 to "Cin_Space_Green_Screen". And place the unit for optimal lighting.


This is what I do anyways.



The ALO viewer is way easier.

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Yea, the ALO veiwer is easier, but it doesn't keep the alpha-ed colors, which means I have to uhh...place them on myself. lol.

The icon's OK now, its tsill bad quality since the lines are too thin...(someone please make me a better Missile Defense Sattleite icon that shows the whole thing >.<...lol.


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O_O since when did this work?



I could never bribe my fighters before....(no sarcasm...I'm WTF-ing at this)



But I did get some cool screenshots when the empire attacked be with 3 SSDs






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I was playing it right now... Very nice!! Loved the Ion Defense Grid ability...

BTW, I could never bribe anything with my TIE Scouts... I'll give them the abitlity to steal vehicle (like Chewy) to see if it works... And how did you make the mandalorian hero Keldabe to keep it's 'colours' even in skirmish?  ::)

I also noticed that you gave a turbolaser for the Tartans near the bridge...  ;D

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man this gets better every day. But dont you think its time to put it in the EAW Hosted Community Projects section. And rename it like "droids mod" insted of "I have been convinced". Just a thought.
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Jeteye is right. You should also send it to EaW Files. The only 'lack' is the Mandalorians needed some more units, but nothing really annoying...  ;D

The Acclamator reskin is very good!

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And how did you make the mandalorian hero Keldabe to keep it's 'colours' even in skirmish?

Its because I cheated and removed its alpha channel and simply colorized those parts on the skin itself.


I might add a few bands back so you can tell which player it belongs to...


BTW, I could never bribe anything with my TIE Scouts...

You'dh ave to add the BRIBE ability to their container as well (they have one by default, its needed for a targeted ability like BRIBE or PING). Then it hsould work...unless you already have had that.


Renaming the topic, yes I can do that. Moving it...not so sure. Well, since it started its evolved, so if a moderator thinks it'd be better off in the Community projects section, by all means move it.


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Double post, but an update, so its all good...lol.


As some of you know, (and most of you don't), I have recently switched computers from my old machine, to a brand new one, which supports EaW/FoC at max graphics at the highest resolution with a raging battle going at no lag...so I can actually join in and stop complaining about the shader stuff.


As a consequence, I haven't developed the mod much over the last weekend and past few days, which I usually spend adding most oft he new stuff...


What IS new is...:


New way of aquiring M.A.Ps in skirmish, basically the same way you get the Interdictors

Remade AI so that they'll build some of the new Tech placements so they can build the units wich require special tech to aquire


Well, what I found out is that somehow, my AI got better...maybe it's my new processor? Donno.


Anyhow, some more new screens with my max graphics XD (Yes, I'm happy)



Not exactly the best screen to see the interdictor, sadly...I wish I didn't use this map to take screenshots and test my graphics...



Elite StarViper Squadron (Reskin), basically, an up-toned starviper with torpedo launchers but no buzz droids...competes with TIE defenders and B-Wings...but uhh...its kinda OverPowered right now since they're cheap.



The mandalorian venator-nothing notable...its missing a light mesh on the original model...now its a really noticable definicency



The barrager...again, not much difference


The rest are just some random battle shots...





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I like the alpha for the mon cal ships.  ;)


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I like the alpha for the mon cal ships.  ;)

I don't think he changed it...

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