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Re: I Have Been Convinced


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I don't think it works that way, since the laser texture has several...parts to it not in normal ship textures...at least, this is what I think.


And I do want to have TIE experimental X-4 Bombs (starfighter projectiles basicaly), but I need a model for em :(


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Yea, the Kamikaze TIEs which are basically remote-controlled bombs


And some screenshots of random battle scenes in some random map I made which may or may not be included in the mod.








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And you gave me a really insane map idea... 

Underwater? :P


Hehe if you look closely you can see that vaygr ship in some of the screens lol.


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How did you guess? I tought it was too much hilarious...  :P So after thinking a bit more, it would be so unrealistic that it drives HK-47's behavior core to be filled with exceptions logs, like when you mod FoC a lot.  :P


Yeah I saw that 'strange ship' in the second and in the fiveth screen.

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Mandalorian Space Skirmish Tech Levels redone, using a combination of Tech Upgrades and Station Upgrades.

It consists of four levels. For the first two levels, it utilises the pirate asteroid base also used as a mandalorian base in the campaign as a mandalorian space outpost. At tech three, the outpost is replaced by a fortress, a variant of the Zann Consortium starbase level 3 with its plasma cannon modified. (The original base).


No screenshots since you all know how they look like. Yes, there's a spontaneous change from an asteroid to a giant structure, but meh. Its not much mroe far-fetched than the rest of it :P


This is slated so that you have to use the lower-tech units before aquiring the capital ships. If I get frigates, they'll be inserted into the empty tech 3 slot. (I have a few ideas about how to make em :P)


lvl1: Asteroid Base (outpost)

-StarViper Fighter

-Darj Daedron (Assault Gunboat)

-Cost to Upgrade: 3000


lvl2: Asteroid Base (outpost) + Tech lvl2 Upgrade

-Crusader Gunship

-Minelayer Corvette

-Cost to Upgrade: 4000


lvl3: Level 3 Base (fortress)


-Cost to Upgrade: 5000


lvl4: Level 3 Base (fortress) + Tech lvl 4 Upgrade

-Kedalbe Battleship

-Kedalbe Battleship (Hero)



I'm also testing a "flagship" feature that will have the player start in a capital ship unit that can call in a starbase for unit production (I have new ideas, I was trying to get this to work for a while)


EDIT: 600th post...just noticed...*changes name*


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You're mod is getting cooler by the second!


If you do put your 'unamed character' on SWFanon, you should talk to Ewoksfist. He made Darj.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

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and when you're dead I will be

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Well, this is one of the mandalorian's frigates:


Salvaged Venator-Class Cruiser

When the empire slowly phased out the clone-wars era warships, many Venators were simply left adrift in space, often in poor condition - perfect for groups that want a quick fleet and has extensive shipyards at their disposal. Although repaired and refitted to be spaceworthy, the ships were not repainted and bear the scars of the clone wars.


In other words, its pulled from junkyards and has new guns slapped onto it.







Why I chose it:

- The original FoC had mandalorian Venator-class cruisers as frigates for them


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perhaps you should make the Empire Accalmator non buildable and make it like the venator battle scared and stuff that would be cool.  ;D
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yeah i felt that the clone wars era has ended so like Imperials get over it. I took out the SPHMAT to although i guess it is an imperial design...
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From what I know, the artillery thing on EaW (how I like to hear "Artillery on-line!" when the Rebels are using MPTL or if ZC is using MALs) is Imperial design, and it wasn't salvage from CW, just based on the SPHA-T.
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The empire would have re-painted their venators to cover up some of the battle scars, but I guess a few scorch marks here and there wouldn't hurt. The only thing I don't like is how the skins are, well, mirror images of themselves on both sides... Symmetrical battle damage? I should have picked a better map for unit screenshots - this on'es lighting is blue and dim so its hard to accurately see the hues of the skin...


The empire has too much to build anyway, so I should probably eliminate the Accalamator from Skirmish build option as soon as you have VSD-II's ready for construction. I should give it some battle-scars too since new Accalmators would NOT be constructed, the empire would probably construct Venators over Acclamators anyway.


Remove the SPMA after I made it cool? No way! lol. They pwnzor all vehicles...and infantry too - mostly since I decreased health for infantry. I hate how they stand in the middle of the battlefield and absorb insane amounts of punishment until the (rebel) artillery comes along...the SPMA Turbolaser Beam really isn't made for anti-infantry blasts...its blast radius isn't large enough - more of a anti-vehicle laser.


I also have an idea for the Mandalorian/ZC Missile Ship (Broadside/Marauder Equivalent)...will edit for update unless replies are posted...


EDIT: EDIT: Moved to next post...


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Double Post, But Meh. Don't feel like editing it again...




To begin, these are the reskins for the battle-worn Acclamators and Venators buildable by the empire:






And the Mandalorian Missile Ship:


Barrager Missile Barge

After the Theta-class AT-AT barges were gradually phased out in favor of Y-85 Titan Dropships, many were captured and converted into Missile Barges. The expansive cargo room of the barge would be filled with missiles that could be quickly deployed and fired through added missile chutes. These are slightly more expensive than the standard missile cruiser because of their increased firepower.






And the ZC Missile Ship


Missile Attack Platform

Basically Missile Defense sattleites equipped with a primitive sublight drive engine, Missile Attack Platforms nonetheless have devatsting firepower, especially in numbers. They are relatively cheap to produce when compared with other missile cruisers, mainly due to their slower speed and weaker shielding and armor.






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Nice skins!  ;)

Liked the Barrager Barge idea... Although, don't you think it will be strange ZC fleets in GC with lots of missile platforms? You should put a limit number or something like that, otherwise people will spam it...  :P

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Nice skins!

You could use the Mando symbol as the icon for the Mandalorians.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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And why didn't I think about that earlier! *slaps self* (BTW< that's the alpha channel on that unit - its the mando symbol).


So what do you think?



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Scary icon for Mandos!  ;D


BTW, is that the map that you put Gas Collectors with guns, like in RS?


Ah, D803, remember when you sent me the Gas Collector LUA? Well, today the AI built them for the first time!!!!!!  :P

Thanks by that (my apologies if I didn't thank before). I shall see if raising the AI Combat Power and related things make them build this more usual.

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I'm probably going to put that icon onto more of the Mandalorian Ships (like prelacing the open circle on the venators).


And yes, that is the map with an odd 23 Armed gas collectors as well as buildpads for your own buildable armed collectors :P

And lol, yea, they do build them but only if something's near enough to it. They don't go towards those buildpads as much as they do with mines...


As you can tell, Bounty/Salvage is now a space upgrade for the Consortium as well...you can rake in massive credits.


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Sweet! Now your Mandos are complete! ;D


I was gonna put the icon in FoC for you, but I completely forgot.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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