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Re: I Have Been Convinced


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I hate consortium-empire ships!


Uhhh, the Interdictor?

If I could find a non-warlords CC7700 i'd give that to the rebels to complete the triangle...the reason I added it is that I was following a "single ship retreat" thread, and I hoped that I could implement it in a way, but well, I never got it to work. It'd make these guys actually useful...


"That was fun"

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In EaW Files, there's a model of the CC7700 if I'm not mistaken, it's made by Keeper of Faith.  ;)

I liked the Interdictor idea, but why piracy at Yavin IV?

D803, you could add the probe droids for land battles for the Empire... They could come with the Field Commander or the Scout Troopers...  ::)


Does your mod add currect scale for land and space units?

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KoF's CC7700 is  warlords conversion, but yes I do have it on disk. :)

Piracy at Yavin IV is just the way to unlock it - go and steal additional information from the Death Star I wreck schematics...


If you mean using Bailknights probes, I could try to get them in, then again, I'd need his permission to use them and he's not here...


I would think adding scaling may be a bit...difficult for this mod. I'm not a total fan of it, and I rather like the scaling as-is, but if you have any suggestions other than "all ships to canon sizes", such as "such-and-such needs to be bigger", then I'd look into it.  ;)


"That was fun"

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Oh my God, it looks like the almost every ship model in the community is a Warlords conversion (apologies if I'm wrong)...  :P


Aaah, I forgot that the DS wreck is over Yavin...  ;D


Why don't you make the AT-ATs transports?  ;D

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A giant portion of the models are warlords. Cause not too many people can model.... I personally liked what Avenger did with the Venator  in warlords. Thats quality. I wish more people did that. No bump maps and cartoonish skins can be.
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Firstly, KoF's warlords conversions are good conversions as well, they're complete and versatile. I'd guess it wouldn't hurt too much... Opinions?


Anyhow, I should really add more stuff to the rebels. It seems I've only been working on the Consortium and Empire, and now they balance with each other, but the rebels kinda stink. They even get owned by the Mandalorians. This post's update probably won't get implemented (as in, removed prior to release) if the rebels don't get something soon...

:S 3-5 ISD heroes and 3-4 SSD heroes are too much.




The first screen is...dated, I reskinned the Glory since. Yes, in the second screen, the corvette is cloaked...I should tweak its values. But still, its "working" in a sense. When the Glory is destroyed, the Vorknyx spawns from is hangar (well, from the middle of the wreckage, but you can't tell). I wanted Zaarin to survive (and have to respawn) if you win the battle, but if you retreat with the Vorknyx, to kill off Zaarin and have him respawn... There's probably some way to do that with LUA, but now, if you lose the Glory Zaarin is gone too and he must respawn, regardless if you lost his escape ship or not... Ah well. The strange thing is, my mod takes canon concepts and mashes them into a non-canon mess :P - ie, Zaarin fighting alongside Thrawn, both being grand admirals... not physically possible in canon.


Another reason why this idea might just get scrapped... Opinions?


"That was fun"

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is the line I used...Funny, a corellian corvette is a valid projectile...


Still needing something "cool" for the rebels in space, there's aboslutely no reason to play as them, pretty much...


"That was fun"

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is the line I used...Funny, a corellian corvette is a valid projectile...


So you could, like, make stormtroopers shoot stormtroopers? (Pointless, but proves some cool code)




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Um...that's not wise to have something spawn itself...it leads to exponential growth and game crash :P

And uh sorry, I wrote the code wrong its ""...same thing.


I'm still waiting on opinions for the CC7700...lol.


"That was fun"

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Yea, but the escape shipsdon't really work :S, the hero or whatever is being transported is lost regardless...:( It'd be cool to be able to transfer transport ships though.


Well, I just copied the code I used for my old mod and done. The CC7700 is in...


"That was fun"

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Yea, but the escape shipsdon't really work :S, the hero or whatever is being transported is lost regardless...


Yeah, I saw yesterday after I did the same to a hero after you told me how to do escape ships... If you discover how to be able to transfer transport ships, please, tell to the community! What about LUAs? Too hard for me.  :P


Well, I just copied the code I used for my old mod and done. The CC7700 is in...


YAY! CC7700 is cool!  :P

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Here's the image if you're interested.



This is the CC7700...



And this is the new proton torpedo projectile.


"That was fun"

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I don't think they're teh same as the ones in bailknight's unless bailknight used the MPTL's rocket as the model (Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher) :P.


And uhh...now I'm asking myself what's the green smoke beside that Nebulon?


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Hmmm...really, I've always thought it was some green lights...lol


Anyhow, I realized I forgot to put as summary up,,,


- Added Icons for:

- Consortium Interdictor

- Radar for Krayt Destroyer/Merciless

- Added Names for:

- Interceptor IV

- Vengeance-class Frigate

- Krayt-class Destroyer

- MC30

- Crusader Gunship

- Kedalbe Battleship

- Grand Admiral Zaarin (Glory ISD) added to Skirmish

- Vorknyx CRV spawns from ISD death

- T2-B Laser Cannons Fire Rate Improved

- CC7700 Interdictor Frigate added

- All infantry health reduced 10 times, they actually die now without being run over or blasted by artillery.

- Base infantry have 0 popultaion value to make up for lost health


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Don't you think Aratech Battle Platforms should be for the Empire instead of Rebels? Since it was Imperial Technology, you could just switch their names to 500 or 510 Battle Platform, and make them smaller and weaker, like if they were older versions... Ah, and put a build limit, so people wouldn't be able to spam them...

...Just a suggestion.  ;D

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Yes, they're now rectangles not circles. Circles were despicable for such square ships. The Kedalbe stays as a circle since its...rather circular anyway.


ANd yes, the Aratech Battle Platform would be for the empire, but frankly, they have enough going for them already ;P


"That was fun"

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Yes, they're now rectangles not circles. Circles were despicable for such square ships. The Kedalbe stays as a circle since its...rather circular anyway.


All right cool.

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