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Model Request Thread. Need a model? Request it here!


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Hmmm...I wonder what Silri will do with those Sith Soldiers she finds at the end of the Consortium Camapign...

Btw, plot devices suck. How can trained military soldiers, in military-grade armor and with military-grade weaponary get killed after getting hit by a rock.

Or a gigantic fleet of 100s of ISDs get pwned by rebels...someone should have gotten the message to fight back after the DS2 blew up...


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Are you calling me a.......REBEL?!?!?!?!  I WAS EDUCATING PEOPLE ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU CAME HERE!  I DESPISE the Rebels!  If you can't see that the Empire destroyed itself in a power-hungry rush after Endor, your blind or in denial. 


ALso, DS, you do know it was Pallaeon who led them out after the Executor and the DSII blew up, right?  IT was basically one of those retreats out of reverence kinda things.  He did it again when Thrawn died, remember?


THe Empire is the best.  I have said enough. 




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ha ha Well its ok if you support the evil side ;)  :D you DO KNOW they are evil right ? and those horrible rebels were just fighting for freedom from tyranny ? you know a lot like we did back in WWII  ::)



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You know, anyone who is evil, unless they're psychopathic, believes they're trying to do good.  Even Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor by killing the Jews.


The Empire, while it's military is conceited, ruthless, merciless, and uncaring, that's just that branch.  You do know that the movies are a BIASED source of information, in favor of the Rebels.  The Empire is mainly normal people on many planets living normal lives. Thrawn said this.  The persecution of aliens wasn't NEARLY as bad as it was made out to be, you know.




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I know what you mean :) However Hitler's twisted logic persecuted the Jews and killing them was certainly psychotic - genocide - under any circumstances can't be justified. It's 'Evil' but of course to understand your point - Evil, Good is a matter of perspective for which side of the fence you sit on.


I am not going to relate Star Wars History to our own World history, but you can easily make comparisons. In the German Army during the Second World War there were German's serving in the Army who weren't Nazi's - but were drafted into the army to serve.


Does that mean they were evil ? - actually no it doesn't - they didn't have a choice - they were forced to serve for their country.


Its the hierarchy who were 'twisted' and made the policy's that condemned those people to death. So much in the same way with the 'Empire' - Evil leader (Palpatine) twisted with the dark side of the force - but thinks he's doing good for the Galaxy.


Palpatine - like Hitler though had no tolerance to 'Aliens' or what could be considered as such 'Jews' (Aliens) I see familiarity.


Today in this day and age we can see freedom fighters (Rebels) and insurgents as being equally evil - by the fact they are targeting and killing innocent civilians in order to fighter a regime they don't like in their country.


It depends on what your perception of whether your doing good or evil at the end of the day but if you look at Vader, Palpatine and the hitlers of the world - they were twisted in their logic and caused great suffering on people.



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In the prequels, you see how the republic slowly loses its ability to listen to conscience as hatred towards the CIS swells. They begin to forget what they were fighting for (hence Padme's reflection to Anakin on whether the republic is lost to corruption).


Endor was won because the Empire was arrogant. They underestimated the Ewoks.


And no one said the Empire didn't retaliate. Ever heard of the Remnant? or Timothy Zahn's quintilogy? or the Reborn Emperor (whom I thought was a bit of a cheap plot device)?


The Viscount works in just fine. How else can the NR fight off the Yuzahng Vong?


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"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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I think this is going a little off-topic, but since it is Star Wars I'll allow it. :)


Anyway, I have a model request. Can anyone make me a projectile that's a beam? As in a beam weapon? I'd love to have this model but I don't have photoshop. If anyone is up to the challenge, PM for details. Thanks.

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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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I need a model, not a topic lol.

Its not a model, but someone explains how to make point-defense turrets through code.

Steiner's mods used a similar method, you may want to use that as a template.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Here's a new thread about why the Rebels won at Endor. 8)


SWM is right; ALL of us are getting off topic. :(


Anyone interested in making a Hailfire Droid model? ???

Edited by Logan Felipe


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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There was a friggin model.

But all these decent 4$$h0135 proved it was stolen...Gehk. I personally don't give a rats 4$$ if it was stolen. It was GOOD.


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Wait; if it was stolen, that means someone made it originally! :o Who was it stolen from?


Can I get permission from them personally via email? ???


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Another JK3/JKA thing...gah. No idea who did it tho...they got rid of EVERYTHING, including the discussions.

People, stop caring about the JK models...if those people object they can come and do it themselves...


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"Only a jedi could have erased those files...But who, and why? More difficult to answer. hmm. Meditate on this, I will."


Those models were useless to most levels in JK anyway; how exactly is a Republic Gunship going to fly through those cramped levels (not to mention the "take off" key is also the "get out" key)?

And the Hailfire is a DROID, which has NO COCKPIT. The only useful one I saw was the STAP; small enough to fit through doorways.

Too bad though.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Its not a model, but someone explains how to make point-defense turrets through code.

Steiner's mods used a similar method, you may want to use that as a template.


An interesting point - no pun intended ;) - does anyone know about how to do this system ? - could be useful for coding into my Juggernaught I converted to EAW. I didn't add the point defence system because I dont think EAW will know what it is - its a FOC thing.


If there is another way of doing it does anyone know though ?



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An interesting point - no pun intended ;) - does anyone know about how to do this system ? - could be useful for coding into my Juggernaught I converted to EAW. I didn't add the point defence system because I dont think EAW will know what it is - its a FOC thing.


If there is another way of doing it does anyone know though ?

point-defense turrets would also be useful for the venator (In ROTS, you see a venator's blue point-defense turret blowing up a Munificent during the BoC)


Should I split posts and actually turn this into a proper model request thread?


If you're going to put the "whether Empire should win" parts in the thread I made a link to, then yes.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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