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Model Request Thread. Need a model? Request it here!


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If there's a modeller and skinner out there that wants a challenge, I've got one for ya.


The Mon Calamari Viscount-Class Star Defender.




A Mon Cal Cruiser the size of an SSD. IF someone could do this, it would be of great benefit to myself, and others in the community.

Edited by Star Wars Man
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Well, given the fact that an SSD pops up every time a writer runs out of ideas, it kind of makes sense. The reasoning is that you are only as powerful as your biggest gun. The Empire has SSDs. The Yuuzhan Vong had their superships. The New Republic needed something comparable.
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It's referenced in the books, so it's canon. But, again, from a strategic standpoint, the larger a government is, the more impressive it's warships are. Look at the United States. We have the Nimitz-class supercarriers. These things are a mile long and can project power over most of the Earth's surface. 99% of Earth's population is within striking distance of a US Navy Battle Group. No other navy in the world has anything comparable. Why? Because the biggest governments always have the biggest ships. The same is true in the GFFA (Galaxy Far Far Away). When you have the resources, the trend isn't to build billions of of corvettes; it's to build a battleship. When you've already got battleships coming out of your ears, you build supercarriers. And when you've got tons of those, you build new larger ships capable of silencing any opponent. You might only have three or four, but it's basically the easiest way to keep the peace. Fear of force, rather than the use of force itself.
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Nevermind. The Nimitz class ships are almost 1100 feet long. Or, roughly a quarter mile.


Regardless, they're the largest oceangoing warships in history. And who built them? Only the most technologically advanced world power in history.


My point being, destroyers may be able to accomplish much of the same things as a battleship, but when you truly want to project power, you bring the battleship.

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ohh nevermind about my question i wasthinking wrong stats at that time sounds cool but the imperail ssder was ment to be the single most powerful ship in game so that thier wasnt a counter.
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Well, given the fact that an SSD pops up every time a writer runs out of ideas, it kind of makes sense. The reasoning is that you are only as powerful as your biggest gun. The Empire has SSDs. The Yuuzhan Vong had their superships. The New Republic needed something comparable.


This should be in a New Republic mod (as a new faction), rather than added to the Rebels.

But its a good idea IMO.


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Ok but MC line of ships can't be such big and powerfull.


Why not? By the Yuuzhan Vong era the NR was well established and powerful, and could definitely gather the resources for a couple Viscounts...




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But not so much as the Empire.


Of course not as much...but that doesn't mean they can't have a few...




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Don't rule out things just because they sound absurd.  After all, the Empire was deafeated at Endor and subsequently destroyed itself.  That entire defeat was absurd right there.




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Rebels won because of a plot device requiring the good guys to win. If it weren't for that the Empire would've crushed them. Empire ftw! Sith 4ever!!!! 8)




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