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Re: Thoughts on game-breaking capital ships


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I have a ship...its supposed to be a rejected prototype Legacy design. Its called the Loyalist

Its original name was the Patriot; given by the Republic Navy. During a test of its experimental bombardment capabilities over Manaan, the partially functioning cruiser slightly smaller than an SSD was ambushed by a CIS fleet. Under the direct command of general Grievous, the fleet annihilated the CIS Fleet and shot the Patriot out of orbit. It sank to the bottom of the Planetwide ocean; settling across part of the Hrakert Rift. The crew tried to repair the cruiser in hopes of escaping, but eventually, all fell prey to Firaxan Sharks.

Palpatine ordered that a new ship be constructed, leading to the Legacy that is more commonly known. It used the same project title to prevent the dicovery of the original Legacy Prototype.


Years Later (during the GCW), with the help of the Selkath, the Patriot was freed from its watery grave by Captain Artenon and the N.L.S.S.F. (Naboo and Local Systems Security Forces). It was then repaired and modified, and re-christened "The Loyalist". It took part in a Horrific battle in Naboo's orbit, where it severely damaged the Executor, causing it to retreat. Though the battle would have been a major loss for the Empire if it had carried on, the then commander of the Executor was punished for retreating by Darth Vader.


I made the original model out of Legos; it looks awesome. Inpenetrable Hull armor make it ideal for bombardments, and is equipped with two planetary grade ion cannons (different than the Hoth one).

Its deep hull allows for enormous carriage capacity, and has a porportionately enormous Command Bridge.

I'll put up pictures of the lego model; my dream for it is that someone will eventually want to model/skin it.


Ships like this should be uber-expensive, take uber-long-to-build, and take uber-population-points; So theoretically you could build hundreds of them, but they're way too expensive and impractical.


The other option is to make them heros. (only one)


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Now, I'm all for creativity. And I love a good story. And I too played with legos.




Not only is there nothing in the Star Wars universe even close to that, I can't imagine a writer coming up with something like that. Looks at the mods that are getting lots of attention. Legacy of War, Dark Empire, Imperial Assault, etc. They're getting attention because they're promising what essentially amounts to an interactive cinematic experience for stories that, until now, have existed only in books and comics. This is one of the major problems in the community. I'm all for creativity, but but everything I do has some sort of basis in canon. I can go to Wookiepedia or pull a book off my bookshelf and go "Hey! Look! Right here!" Every time I download another mod, someone is using that Titan model. THERE WAS NO TITAN. ANYWHERE. IN ANY BOOK.


My apologies if this comes off a bit harsh. But this thread has drifted far off topic. Like, Tom Hanks in Cast Away far.


The purpose of this thread was to discuss potential balancing issues of including game-breaking capital ships such as the MC90, Executor, Mediator, Allegiance, Viscount, etc in the game. Not "Let's all make up our own crazy ships then ask people to model them.".

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sorry; I was just using it as an example.


The cruiser's design origins are pending, anyway. (that was written before I found out the Legacy was entirely uncanon)


One thing I'd like to see changed in FoC has a lot to do with balancing. SSDs should be tougher if they can be taken down with a "standard fleet"; the Battle of Endor was much too difficult for the Executor to be taken down by a few Y-wing and B-wing squadrons. And it was won by chance (what were the chances that an A-wing would come crashing through the command bridge window anyway?)


PS: plz check the rest of the story via the link in my sig before reacting to it too harshly; you may find its a lot more canon-based than it seems. i'll start a thread later about what I brought up before I take this thread any further off topic :-[

Note that BFII is considered canon; though it conflicts constantly with the SW saga.


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"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Actually, B-Wings and Y-Wings were only part of it. The Rebellion forces at Endor concentrated all firepower on the Executor at point blank range, overloading it's shield generators. After that, the bombers came in for their bombing runs, and a stray turbolaser blast hit Avrl Crynyd's A-Wing, which sent him careening through the forward superstructure. Being so close to the Death Star, Executor was pulled in by the gravity of the battlemoon.
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