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Re: FoC - SSDs in GC?


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In case people don't know, the only SSD you can build in GC right out of the box is the Hero Vader unit which comes with the Executor. I'm working on rigging it so that Vader spawns at level 5 and you can build the other 12 SSDs on Kuat or Fondor.
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In case people don't know, the only SSD you can build in GC right out of the box is the Hero Vader unit which comes with the Executor. I'm working on rigging it so that Vader spawns at level 5 and you can build the other 12 SSDs on Kuat or Fondor.

You can use the Moniker tag as well as a .txt file to name those 12 SSDs.

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you guys don't think that twelve ssds are too much, I mean I understand the point of making the game "canon" and all that.......but it needs to be playable.


I seems that all you empire players want these massive ships, while you expect the rebels to have one mon cal, home one, corvettes and that is it against your fleet of deathstars, isds, ssds.


Now don't get me wrong, I love unlocking new tech so that I can build something new and have an awesome ship.  And when I play the rebels...I love taking down the ssd, but I hate it when I play GC and I have tech 5 and it seems that the AI is only at tech 2 except for star bases.  If we have all these ssds, multiple deathstars, and such against the ragtag rebel fleet that it seems that some of you want, how is that better than being at tech 5 while the AI is at 2?

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Hey, Vile I feel ya. I like to run GC's sometimes that start anywhere from lev 3-5. I do it for variety and to have in my arsenal and face the better weaponry in the game, its fun.


The best GC I had so far was about 27 planets where all 3 factions started at lev 5 tech.

Edited by Darth Khasei
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Make SSDs really, REALLY expensive (as in half a death star expensive).

And they should take a REALLY long time too build.

Therefore; you can build however many you like, but you won't want to build very many.


You decide the fate of the galaxy in the game: what if the Lusankya or the Terror were never built?

what if you constructed a new SSD? It depends on how you play.


Tip for Rebels; make entire Fleets of Correllian Gunships; their ability to penetrate shields quickly is invaluable; make the hangar your primary target so you can cut off their garrison.


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The SSDs weren't half a Death Star expensive. Remember that Executor plunged into the Death Star II and nothing happened.


SSDs aren't game breaking. They're beatable with standard Rebel fleets. B-Wings and Y-Wings are great at taking them out.

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In that case, the SSD in FoC must have been dumbed down alot; If it were that weak, then the battle of Endor would have been much less daunting to the rebel fleet.


And the price thing was a bit of an exaggeration; my point was just that it needs to be a really expensive unit.


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There's also a lot of hypothesis made that the Emperor was using Battle Meditation and was helping his forces win. After he died, the Imperial forces lost that and fell into disarray.


Also, statistically speaking, with that many Imperial ships over Endor it's relatively likely that even with super advanced targeting computers, the Imperials still stood a better chance of hitting eachother than the Rebels.

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That theory can't be true, as the Executor was destroyed while the Emperor was alive (I think, if not,then oh well).  Also, remember that Ackbar said that if they close to point blank, the Star Destroyers would annihalate them.  The only reason they didn't is because they had explicit orders from the Emperor to stand down.  Conclusion:  The Imperials would have Easily won if the Emperor wasn't so prideful.




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From the Wookiepedia article on Endor:


"The Rebels took the Emperor's bait and the trap was sprung as the commandos were captured at the moon's base and the Rebel fleet was trapped by the Imperial Navy, which was ordered to hold position and prevent the Rebels from escaping. To make things worse, the Death Star's superlaser was already fully operational and was re-designed to be an irresistible anti-ship weapon, destroying Rebel ships at will. General Lando Calrissian and Admiral Ackbar closed with the enemy fleet to buy time, but the situation was hopeless. The Rebellion never knew that the station had the capacity to fire its main weapon system at all, let alone with as great frequency and accuracy as it did. The point blank range tactic planned by the rebel command was an act of desperation, but it also reduced the Death Star's firing rate by mixing up with the Imperial Fleet enhancing the risk of friendly fire by the Death Star. Despite their hard attack, the rebels came under limited fire from the Imperial Fleet, as Fleet Admiral Piett was under direct orders from the Emperor to not engage the Rebels. Still outgunned though, many Rebel frigates, and corvettes were lost in the engagement, and Imperial TIE fighter wings decimated the Rebel fighter force."


"It has been theorized (by none other than Grand Admiral Thrawn) that with the death of Emperor Palpatine, the subtle influence he exercised on his troops through the Force (battle meditation) was removed and the Imperial Navy's fighting ability was dramatically reduced, allowing the Rebel fleet to scatter them; it is known, however, that Grand Admiral Nial Declann perished with Palpatine aboard the Death Star, and that he had been using the rare Force-skill of Battle Meditation to aid the Imperial Fleet."


Bingo. They closed to point blank range out of desperation, hammered Executor, and after that it was game over.

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