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Roles now reversed, IGN and Gamespot Scores!


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Now that FoC is out, we can now begin to see the scores of the game, now here are both:








Now, IGN gave FoC a higher score than Gamspot, and Gamespot gave FoC 8.1, so it's score has fallen from 8.7(Original EaW), but IGN, with EaW in 7.0, now gives a 8.5 To FoC.


Note: If this has been already pointed out, just erease the topic, thanks.

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Gamespot doesn't know how to rate games and they biasly lower ranks of Japanese games but i'm not saying Japanese games are the best. Gamespot goes with the hype of Company of Heroes and sometimes with other games. IGN is better with its media but I still don't know how neutral IGN is. Well pretty good score either way. 7.0 ? IGN? I found the game to be pretty good with a flaw with variety and the AI being weird at times :-\


8.1- 8.5 ? As long as its above 8 its all good but I still have yet to get the Expansion which should have arrived in stores in Canada by now......If not EBGames in Canada are just slow pokes.

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