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Models to spare?


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I find modeling pretty easy. I never really thought I had artistic talent before but I started drawing and I'm like "Hey this is really good". If I had a scanner I'd upload this kickass portrait of Bastila I sketched. I can do a human model, it's skeleton, it's textures, and animations in less than a day. I do rush my stuff but I make sure it's pretty good because I want to get AoSW out there soon, and it will have a full release in just over a month from now. (at least according to plan :P)


Check this if you haven't



Also I rush my stuff because I have so much to keep up with school, and as much as I'd like to help other mods, I can't. And not to sound selfish but I have my own reasons for working on a KotOR mod, and I probably won't spend much time on any mod covering another era. (Now, don't go starting your own KotOR mod thinking I'm going to devote myself completely to it)

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Been proven in many communities, whenever there is a large influx of public availible models, people become lazy and don't learn the basics like modeling or uving, leaving an absence of modders availible.


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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Everything has pros and cons, but warlords has killed the modeling faith of many. They'd rather just convert, and they complain if there is no warlord model avaible for them, because they get hosed if their model is not as good as EvilleJedi's (its hard to be better, warlord models are really good)


"That was fun"

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Been proven in many communities, whenever there is a large influx of public availible models, people become lazy and don't learn the basics like modeling or uving, leaving an absence of modders availible.


But surely this is a matter of choice ? - Also the fact that a good percentage of the people on this forum are Teenagers. - Just how many of them can afford a copy of 3D Max Software.?


If I choose not to make models - it doesn't necessarily mean I'm lazy or he's lazy - I mean maybe he is - or maybe it's because he either can't afford to buy a copy of 3D Max - or maybe his life is too busy (Like work) and family issues that take the time off a person - so they don't have time to make a model. Making a good model I trust and believe takes time to do. Especially if it is to be as good as evile jedi's models.


People are not necessarily 'lazy' there are many different factors to take into account for why a person chooses to make a model or not.


I have to dissagree 'respectfully' of course to your suggestion that the in flux of these conversions are killing the community. On the other hand - personally I don't want several dozen versions of a model floating around the community, bad quality needs to be filtered out - with out causing disrespect to people's learning curves. I believe people if they can should try there own conversions - and release them 'IF' they are good enough for public use. Its sad for me to say I haven't seen much of that. People if they are making models need to spend more time on learning how to do them professionally.


I understand perhaps you also mean that the Warlords models are destroying 'creativity' in the community as people want to rather convert - than make there own model version up instead. I would agree on that part at least.. But I bet it took evile jedi a while to get those skills to make those models the way he did. But just how much time has this community got ? - that is before people will get bored of EAW altogether and move on.


Those that can Teach. - For those of you in the community who can model and what ever else need to to pull together and post up some good tutorials on how to do these things if you want more people to follow you in the community to make new models.


Those that can't Follow. Think this makes my point ;)



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Some people have neither the time, inclination, or talent to model. Some people are coders. Some people are designers. Some people are mappers. Some are modelers. Some are artists.


I'm a coder. You put me in front of the XMLs, and I can do some crazy stuff. I can have a unit balanced and in-game in under a half hour. If I think a skin doesn't look right, I know enough about Photoshop to tweak it so that it looks right.


The Warlords models are, honestly, one of the best things to happen to the community. It gives everyone a chance to have decent models for their own mods. Some of the conversions suck, but that's okay. You use the best ones.


Okay, that's all I've got. Is anyone working on Models for the Galactic Alliance-era units?

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You guys keep looking towards the light side. I'm looking at reality. How many mods have come out for FoC? hmm? I'm couting 3 right now. LoW add on, Improved Venator, aggressor class fighter. No one else has bother to post. Where are the hundreds of modders that use to be here? It's Warlords that drove any talented modelers away. It's the reason why Large mods, AosW, LoW, IA II, all have issues. You guys sit there twiddeling your thumbs waiting for a conversion, as large mods die or get delayed because they lose fans over Warlords.

[i have to dissagree 'respectfully' of course to your suggestion that the in flux of these conversions are killing the community. On the other hand - personally I don't want several dozen versions of a model floating around the community, bad quality needs to be filtered out - with out causing disrespect to people's learning curves. I believe people if they can should try there own conversions - and release them 'IF' they are good enough for public use. Its sad for me to say I haven't seen much of that. People if they are making models need to spend more time on learning how to do them professionally]

Between the AGD, Steiner, Kof, Eaw enhanced, CIS, some german enhancement one, those mods can give you about all the warlords. Steiner and the germans all have the right thought on doing new high quality skins for all the ships. Yet the thing remains, the crowds majority don't care, that's why AGD thrived. It's low quality stuff was in such amass that people flocked to the mod like bees to honey.


Those that can Teach. - For those of you in the community who can model and what ever else need to to pull together and post up some good tutorials on how to do these things if you want more people to follow you in the community to make new models.

Last time mod leaders tried to do this it ended up with the failed EaW Nexus. Mod Leader meeting, it was too focused on themselves but we did decide to try to get tutorials out there.


The Warlords models are, honestly, one of the best things to happen to the community. It gives everyone a chance to have decent models for their own mods. Some of the conversions suck, but that's okay. You use the best ones.

You guys realize that people with 3ds max who convert can also model? The major converter all could model. Sad that you can't get past that obvious fact. They don't model normally cause all the extra work involved. "but warlords has killed the modeling faith of many. They'd rather just convert, and they complain if there is no warlord model avaible for them" This is very true. It's killed the modeling faith of many, it's killed this community. Community leaders, sageking, many people see it, but still the ignorant masses continue and the leaves continue to fall off the flower this community once was.


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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You guys realize that people with 3ds max who convert can also model? The major converter all could model. Sad that you can't get past that obvious fact. They don't model normally cause all the extra work involved. "but warlords has killed the modeling faith of many. They'd rather just convert, and they complain if there is no warlord model avaible for them" This is very true. It's killed the modeling faith of many, it's killed this community. Community leaders, sageking, many people see it, but still the ignorant masses continue and the leaves continue to fall off the flower this community once was.


Exactly. If you have 3ds Max, why would you just convert when you could model and actually USE the program for what its designed to do?

The answer: its easier to convert warlords than to model, and it takes much less time. You're not only wasting your program, you're wasting yourself, an asset to the community that would otherwise create models! People complain when there isn't a warlords model for something they can just convert, and go "YAY I DID SOMETHING TO HELP SOMEONE!", while all they've did is provide a (bad) conversion of a models made entirely by someone else and released for your convinence.


How many mods have come out for FoC? hmm? I'm couting 3 right now. LoW add on, Improved Venator, aggressor class fighter. No one else has bother to post.

I would post my mod if I could get it to WORK properly...

And have the buildings actually APPEAR in skirmish...

Blast FoC ands its no-map editor. Gaaah I need help.


"That was fun"

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Although you have to think some people only got the trial now they could spend that 30 days learning how to model which would be fruitless because tehy would have no way to turn those models into alo format. The other solution is to rig and convert warlords models instead of endnig up with 1 model they ussualy end up with 15-30 depending on how hard they work just saying not all people bought 3ds max alot probbaly just used the trial.
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most people dont care about the mods, AGD is a perfect example, it only got all that popularity since it just had a ton of new units, thats all they want, new units, they dont care about quality or anything, as long as its new and works it, they'll take it...I actually read that once of the FileFront forums, kinda sad....


which is one of the reasons I stopped EaW Enhanced.  :-x

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You stoped in NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :'(  :'(  :'( 



Although i wasnt saying anything about that i was talking about the 3ds max point but yeah i agree no offence but adg was made badly it has tons off bugs has worse balance then FOC yeah you get the point although their still are people out thier waiting for those quality big mods to come out like me  :-\

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You guys realize that people with 3ds max who convert can also model? The major converter all could model. Sad that you can't get past that obvious fact. They don't model normally cause all the extra work involved. "but warlords has killed the modeling faith of many. They'd rather just convert, and they complain if there is no warlord model avaible for them" This is very true. It's killed the modeling faith of many, it's killed this community. Community leaders, sageking, many people see it, but still the ignorant masses continue and the leaves continue to fall off the flower this community once was.


well your actually making an assumption that I don't know what 3D Max is used for in the first place ? I KNOW its for 3D Modelling and I KNOW you can make model's with it. Please don't go assuming things I am bright enough to know what a Software program does when I look at it. I Don't need some thing obvious to be spelt out to me - in fact, I stated earlier if you lot want people to learn to make their own model's then you should attempt to actually teach people to do it first, before making demand's on people expectations.


But I think your point of view is sadly one dimensional - you think people don't create models because - people rather just convert. Maybe you have a point HOWEVER, you don't take into account the other aspects of this.


1) People can't create a their own models because - 'basically' they can't - they are not good at creating a model - yes its like art - you make a drawing and paint it. Not everyone is good at it.


2) Some people don't have the time to get involved with big projects - so can't offer the community a fresh model.


3) Some models are poor quality from the conversions from the Warlords Pack, HOWEVER. I put this down to a learning experience -rather than laziness. Some people may lack the skill to even convert but at least they are trying to learn some thing new. That in life is a good thing and shouldn't be ridiculed as being bad for a community that wants and needs new fresh models and coding for different projects all the time.


Your basically ridiculing people because of your belief that you think people rather just convert models rather than go and make their own - because of the work involved. If this was even the case - so what ? As I SAID people have their own lives to live. I don't spend all day and night at my computer working on XML code and I doubt some people can find the time to do that with models either. Its various reasons and it IS also an obvious fact you can't see. People have school, Work, Family things and a social life.


Modeling won't suit everyone - you have to have the passion to want to create a work of art and see it through to the end. Not everyone either has the time to do that or can do it for any of the above reasons.


Perhaps the reasons your looking for is the fact not many people have a full version of 3D Max Software and thats the reason for the lack of fresh / new models in the community ? A 30 day Trial copy barely would give enough time for some one to do that and then convert it to ALO. Taking into account they have to be a skilled artist in the first place.

Edited by jedi_consulor



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Although you have to think some people only got the trial now they could spend that 30 days learning how to model which would be fruitless because tehy would have no way to turn those models into alo format. The other solution is to rig and convert warlords models instead of endnig up with 1 model they ussualy end up with 15-30 depending on how hard they work just saying not all people bought 3ds max alot probbaly just used the trial.


Thats also a good point - I hadn't thought of - and another reason WHY people Can't make models the way has been complained about by some.


most people dont care about the mods, AGD is a perfect example, it only got all that popularity since it just had a ton of new units, thats all they want, new units, they dont care about quality or anything, as long as its new and works it, they'll take it...I actually read that once of the FileFront forums, kinda sad....


which is one of the reasons I stopped EaW Enhanced. 


Its a pity you gave up on your mod even so. AGD was a bit of a disaster as far as those points are concerned. I was aware of the amount of problems they had in their mod. But at least there are still some good mods available such as Bailkights mod's and CIS and perhaps maybe SAU 3.0  is quite good I thought.


I don't think we need a 100 mods in the community anyway - we just need a few good ones that have the quality and the clean coding that will play with out errors on anyones PC.


Anyway thats all I have for now on this. I support the Warlords conversions - if people want to do them and learn how to make the best possible conversion I don't see the harm in that. If people make bad quality ones - well it doesn't matter either - people have a right to learn from their mistakes and try again. If its on a Trial Version - then its more obvious why the model is bad quality. - Just not enough time on a trial copy to do a good conversion maybe ? - especially if your learning from scratch.



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well, im about a half way between point now...I support *some* conversions, like every so often I convert a unit or two for public use.  I dont like these massive warlords conversions.....


and if anyones realized, there is a lot of model requests, too many...

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Yes I have seen them - I have to say there are a few request's for models that are not in the Warlords packs. I wanted the AT PT - no one ever completed it. I was sad about that it was my favourite Force Commander unit in that old game. But oh well..



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Anotehr reason the community has shrunken is because people set to big of plans every one wanted to be their own IA 2 or LOW with out a team they didnt know how to model only code all the modelers had been sucked up by the community so their mods went coput and no one is willing to try again in FOC because of those massive failurs.
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and if anyones realized, there is a lot of model requests, too many...


every one wanted to be their own IA 2 or LOW


Agreed. Too many teams, too many requests.



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[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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I feel like we need more land units. There's a dearth of space units, but not much on land.


Well that would be a thing.. Don't you get sick of the amount of space units that are requested ? - I mean I ask this to everyone talking in this topic ? I'd like that AT PT unit finished off that Wildcat was working on a while ago for example. :-\



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